Druid of the pit

When a query database Clob is converted to an Oracle Clob type.

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.ClobProxyImpl cannot be cast to oracle.sql.CLOB
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Question why

ClobProxyImpl cannot be converted to Oracle Clob fields, which is also drunk.

Because the Druid as Clob fields increases the proxy class: com. Alibaba. Druid. Proxy. JDBC. ClobProxyImpl, then code and forced into Oracle Clob appear the problem.

The solution

The solution is to convert the ClobProxy object to Druid’s proxy class and then retrieve the native Oracle Clob field contents.

public class ClobUtil { public static CLOB parseOracleClob(Clob clob) { SerializableClob sclob = (SerializableClob) clob; Clob wrappedClob = sclob.getWrappedClob(); If (wrappedClob instanceof ClobProxy) {ClobProxy = (ClobProxy) wrappedClob; wrappedClob = clobProxy.getRawClob(); } return (CLOB) wrappedClob; }}Copy the code

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