Although the phenomenon of rolling in dachang is rampant now, the tradition of 996 is still rampant. But no programmer can resist the lure of a high-paying job at an Internet giant. In particular, I have an old cousin who has been working in Ali for more than 7 years. He keeps describing the beautiful scenery of Dachang in my mind, which also makes me dream of entering Dachang gold Plating.

Therefore, in order to complete the dream of entering a big factory, some time ago, I specially asked my old brother to burst into liver for a week, and just sorted out this 10W word “Java senior Programmer interview essence”, which also helped me catch up with the last bus of job-hopping season in the last time of Golden three silver four, and successfully entered the job byte!

Although the golden three silver four gold job-hopping period although has passed, if you still want to job-hopping into the factory, behind the golden nine silver ten is also a good opportunity. Use these 4-5 months to build up your technical skills and brush up on interview questions. Also make all preparations for job-hopping.

Now I share this document to everyone who sees the predestined relationship, for everyone to save a bit of time to find information, literature, brush questions.

Download and pick up address click: graphite document

Home directory display:

Commonly used mainstream framework

Covers Srping, MyBatis, and Netty

Micro service article

Spring Boot, Dubbo, Spring Cloud and Spring Cloud related components are covered

Concurrent programming

An interview that covers all technical aspects of concurrent programming

Distributed middleware collection

Includes RPC framework, Zookeeper, Redis, Nginx, RabbitMQ, Kafka, MongDB, and Memcached.

Performance tuning collection

Covers JVM, MySql, and Tomcat

Posted 3 minutes ago