Brief Introduction: Ensure business stability, provide secure Internet on the cloud, help partners to achieve scale, open up multi-channel distribution.

On December 21, he Chuan, senior product expert of Elastic computing of Ali Cloud, delivered a speech entitled “Open and Compatible Cloud, Computing Nest helps Partners to Upgrade cloud” at the annual Summit of Ali Cloud. He deeply analyzed the new product of Ali Cloud and the new engine of enterprise application cloud — Computing Nest service.

Photo: He Chuan, senior product expert of Elastic computing of Ali Cloud

I. Perceiving changes in customer needs and working with partners to meet new challenges

In recent years, especially in the two years since the outbreak, capital market investment in enterprise applications and enterprise services has been very hot, which reflects the optimism of the enterprise services market. At the same time, we do see from many industry reports that the rate of cloud adoption of enterprise applications is increasing and SaaS penetration is also increasing.

Behind these phenomena, we find two definite trends.

First, the transformation of consumer Internet to industrial Internet is an irreversible trend. No matter from the overall environment, or in ali Cloud internal market research customer base changes, the dividend of the entire consumer Internet peak is a very certain fact.

Second, the transformation of traditional IDC-based IT system to cloud is also an irreversible and deterministic trend. Due to the maturity of the whole cloud platform and the characteristics and advantages of cloud resources out of the box, many IT infrastructure providers and enterprise customers began to build their OWN IT systems based on cloud.

At the same time of big changes in the whole industry, Ali Cloud is also thinking about how to better serve customers. In the era of consumer Internet, we are faced with a large number of Internet customers, whose characteristics are technology-driven. Most IT facilities adopt self-built forms and are based on the technical support provided by cloud rather than relying on more third parties to build business systems. In the era of industrial Internet, customer needs have changed a lot. Because the enterprise scene is very diverse, standard cloud products can hardly meet their needs, so Ali Cloud hopes to serve our common customers together with partners.

In some cases, Aliyun should stand behind its partners to help enterprise customers build IT facilities better and help partners serve their customers well. This is the original intention of The launch of Ali Cloud Computing Nest platform, hoping to become a new engine of cloud application for enterprises. Just like a passenger taking a plane, he pays attention to the stability of the plane, the comfort of the flight process, and whether the plane can take him to the destination quickly and conveniently.

In many business scenarios, who is that “plane”? Ali cloud Computing Nest service is the engine of this “plane”. If a plane wants to soar, and a partner’s product wants to soar, engines are essential to help it fly high and steady.

Ii. Alibaba Cloud Computing nest helps partners upgrade cloud

After 12 years of precipitation, Ali Cloud’s technical capabilities include IaaS capabilities and PaaS layer products. Ali Cloud’s PaaS products are built on the basis of IaaS layer capabilities. If Ali Cloud can open its ability to incubate PaaS products to partners, Having partners build their own offerings based on the same IaaS layer cloud platform has the potential to catalyze the SaaS market space and work with partners to better serve customers.

Ali Cloud computing nest is not a new product, it is ali cloud accumulated over the years of technology and product capabilities of packaging and integration. Ali Cloud has been committed to reducing the threshold of product use for many years, while computing nest service is to solve various problems encountered by partners in delivery deployment, operation and maintenance management, service upgrade — the whole link process of serving customers through scenario-based encapsulation.

Through the computing nest, Ali Cloud opens the underlying technical capabilities accumulated in the past twelve years, including the opening of ali Cloud service catalog, which contains ali cloud’s entire ecosystem of customers and the acquisition of passenger aircraft in this ecosystem.

Four business challenges for partners

When we first started planning the computing nest product, we received a lot of direct feedback from our partners. By abstracting and analyzing the feedback, we found that they faced four business challenges.

  • First, how to ensure the stability of products and services.
  • Second, security issues, including privacy protection and network security.
  • Third, how to achieve scale.
  • Fourth, how to carry out multi-channel expansion.

What value does compute nest provide?

How does Alibaba Cloud Computing nest help partners deal with business challenges? Let’s go point by point:

1. Ensure business stability

First, product and service stability. Ali Cloud has such a partner, initially do SaaS, and do very well. As the business grows, their head customers need to do private deployments, not only in IDC, but also in the cloud. Each user needs to construct resources in his/her own VPC. When dozens of customers are deployed, their original organizational structure cannot support services, which seriously affects the entire service planning. For such partners, computing Nest is about reducing the cost of serving so many customers.

Traditional private deployments face the problem of data silos, where each step is isolated and cannot be predicted in advance, and you only know what the problem is when users respond, and then you troubleshoot it. During troubleshooting, monitoring tools such as SOS can obtain some monitoring data from the application layer for judgment, but sometimes it is difficult to determine whether the problem is at the application layer or the infrastructure layer. If network jitter is encountered, the situation becomes more complicated.

Access after calculating the nest, its underlying unity is ali cloud platform, ali cloud can obtain user authorization, the infrastructure level data monitoring information and other business information, and synchronization for partners, partners can in advance, obtain the safeguard of stereoscopic approaches, from passive response to active prevention.

2. Secure network connections

Another problem for partners is how to understand the dozens of security products on Aliyun. They want AliYun to tell them what combination of products to use for a particular business scenario. Instead of telling them about the product portfolio, the computing nest helps them contextualize the product portfolio.

In addition, many customers connect to the cloud through the public network, which must have security, delay, traffic, and bandwidth problems. Computing Nest helps partners and customers build a secure Internet on the cloud by building a unified large Intranet.

3, help scale

In terms of scale, the problem that partners need to solve is how to quickly and standardized service coverage of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of enterprise customers. Traditional delivery methods are costly, labor-intensive, and involve a lot of basic rework in management. The computing nest enables the delivery of all standard products at a low marginal cost, especially on the user side, which can be self-service. At the same time, it can help partners achieve scale product delivery, thereby improving their service quality.

4. Multi-channel distribution

The last point is about the distribution of compute nests and how to access multiple channels. Ali Cloud has many enterprise customers, but for SaaS partners, how To reach the scene of To B, how To reach small and micro enterprises, is the problem they need To think about. In fact, through the computing nest, partners’ products can be connected to all the ecological systems of Ali Cloud, so as to reach tens of millions of enterprise customer groups.

With the new multi-channel distribution method, the original need for different deployment environments, different ways of access to different channels no longer exist, the original cost of half a week or half a month of access may become half a day to a day.

Three, how to access the computing nest product?

What products can be plugged into the computing nest today? Ali Cloud Computing Nest welcomes partners from all industries and backgrounds to join and deploy their own enterprise applications and SaaS enterprise applications on it and into the Ali Cloud ecosystem.

Of course, the cost of partners’ access to the computing nest platform is relatively low, because partners are not required to make any changes in the application architecture. We just set some standards on the service, and partners can access through the SPI defined by us. The business invasion to partners is almost zero.

After access to the computing Nest platform, computing Nest has a complete business and market cooperation plan to support partners, including the certification system and business training support provided at the time of entry; At the same time, provide a special cooperation support group, technical experts to answer questions, to complete the entire access process and support.

At present, CHANGjietong, Shuyun, Avaya, Fortinet and other ISV partners have settled in the computing nest and obtained licensing certification. In the future, Ali Cloud hopes to have more partners access to the computing nest, take computing as the nest, and jointly build a new enterprise application ecology in the era of cloud computing.

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