Dawn, which means “Dawn, Dawn”, was originally a front-end construction and engineering tool within “Ali Cloud · Business Operation team”, and is now fully open source. It abstracts the development process into relatively fixed phases and limited operations through Pipeline and Middleware, simplifying and unifying the daily build and development-related tasks of developers.

Git Repo: github.com/alibaba/daw… (Welcome Star)

The characteristics of

Using middleware technology, encapsulating common functions, easy to expand, convenient to reuse support pipeline enables multiple tasks to cooperate to complete the construction task simple, consistent command line interface, easy for developers to use support based on “central service” management between components and project templates to build private central services, and unified delivery of construction rules. Easy unified management of the team

The installation

$ npm install dawn -g


# 1. Create & initialize
$ dn init -t front

# 2. Development & Real-time compilation
$ dn dev

# 3. Grammar checking & testing
$ dn test

# 4. Build & package
$ dn buildCopy the code

The sample

# Start the development service
  - name: webpack
    entry: ./src/*.js
    template: ./assets/*.html
    watch: true
  - name: server
    port: 8001

# Direct build
  - name: webpack
    entry: ./src/*.js
    template: ./assets/*.htmlCopy the code

The document

Use primer: getting started – md configuration Pipeline. Pipeline. The md in between: middleware. The md more documentation: alibaba. Making. IO/dawn/docs /


Contribute update log to MIT Protocol

Ps: As always, send a plaster, if there is interested in the front end of Ali Cloud, contact me (city). [email protected]