On December 17, at the 2020 GDCC global distributed cloud conference, ali cloud container service was selected as the “TOP3 cloud native leadership enterprises” in the field of edge computing by asia-pacific CDN industry alliance with its leading advantages in the field of edge cloud native infrastructure, landing ability and commercial innovation.

Today, cloud native, as a collection of modern software engineering tools, architectures and methodologies, has been widely used by enterprises. In the future, cloud native will continue to grow rapidly and be applied to “new application loads”, “new forms of computing” and “new physical boundaries”.

In particular, driven by the rapid development of 5G, IOT, audio and video, live broadcasting, CDN and other industries and services, more and more computing power and services begin to sink closer to data sources and end users, in order to obtain a good response time and cost. This is clearly different from the traditional central computing model.

As the layered architecture of “cloud, edge and end” forms consensus and moves to the ground, the scale and complexity of edge computing are increasing day by day, and the operation and maintenance coordination mode of “cloud side and end integrated” is becoming mainstream.

In order to help enterprises improve the innovation efficiency of edge computing business through cloud native method and promote the industry to speed up the process of cloud side integration, Ali Cloud container service team abstracted the cloud native architecture of cloud side collaboration and enabled more customers on cloud through edge container service ACK@Edge. ACK@Edge focuses on the service concept of “cloud standard management and control, moderate autonomy at the edge”. The three-layer structure of “cloud side and end” is clearly layered and has synergistic capabilities:

  • The first layer is the cloud native management and control capability of the center, providing standard cloud native northbound interface for upper-layer business integration, such as city brain, industrial brain, CDN PaaS, IoT PaaS, etc.
  • The second layer is the cloud side operation and maintenance management and control channel, with multi-specifications and multi-link schemes to carry the cloud side subsidence control and business traffic.
  • The third layer is further down the key edge side, through the original Kubernetes ability on the basis of superimposed similar edge autonomy, unifies management, flow topology, edge computing power state fine detection and other capabilities; Cloud side coordination, thus forming a complete cloud side control closed-loop.

At present, this architecture has been widely used in CDN, IoT and other fields. On May 29, 2020, Ali Cloud officially opened source the core framework OpenYurt of ACK@Edge, and donated this complete edge computing cloud native project to CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation).

  • OpenYurt 官网 : OpenYurt. IO
  • Project address: link.zhihu.com/?target=htt…

Openyurt is a typical “center-edge” compact architecture. Based on Kubernetes powerful plug-in ability and Operator ability to expand, adhere to the non-invasive implementation, committed to become “an extension of native Kubernetes to edge computing intelligent open platform”, and more enterprises, developers together to create edge computing ecology.

Three versions of OpenYurt have been released, providing core capabilities such as edge unification, edge autonomy, cloud-side collaboration, seamless conversion, support for heterogeneous resources, and on-cloud and off-cloud service flexibility and interworking.

“As a platform-level project, Openyurt needs more support and contributions. We hope that together with more developers, we can make a big step forward in the ecological construction and popularization of cloud native technology in the field of edge computing, and also contribute to the global developers to expand the boundary of cloud native, “said Huang Yuqi, project leader of OpenYurt, at the 2020 GDCC Global Distributed Cloud Conference.