Introduction: In August 2021, Ali Cloud Edge Cloud CDN completed the largest version upgrade in the past three years.

In August 2021, Ali Cloud Edge Cloud CDN completed the largest version upgrade in the past three years. This upgrade according to the use of tens of thousands of corporate clients feedback and industry application characteristics, from the simple opening to personalization, from content distribution calculation complete solution to the edge, on the client side the experience of using global comb and whole link optimization, advancing edge of cloud CDN manipulation of the innovation, and gradually construct a “5 g + edge” open platform.

Through the introduction of the following 6 key contents, let’s start a new JOURNEY of CDN control together.

1. Console Overview page

① We give priority to basic data, domain name creation entry, cost query, alarm Settings and other contents in the overview page, hoping to help users quickly find and configure core functions;

② In popular services, learning path and self-service diagnostic tools are added to facilitate users’ understanding and use of edge cloud CDN, and guide customers to directly locate problems and solve operational obstacles through self-service tools.

2. Add domain names

① Basic information: Log in to the ALI Cloud CDN console, click “Domain Name Management” in the left navigation bar, and choose “Add Domain Name” to complete the basic information – domain name information. Note that the domain name to be added must belong to your own domain name. If you add this domain name for the first time, you need to verify the ownership of the domain name first. After the verification is successful, you can directly add the level 2,3 domain name under the master domain name. You can use either DNS resolution authentication or file authentication to verify the attribution of a domain name, avoiding domain name conflicts and potential security problems.

② Service information: mainly includes the service type and the acceleration region. You can select a service type based on actual service requirements. You can select only one service type at a time. The service type includes four types: small file image, large file download, VIDEO and audio on demand, and full station acceleration.

  • If you want to speed up the website and small file access efficiency, it is recommended to choose the image small file type;
  • If you want to improve the download speed of mobile applications and game packages, you are advised to choose the type of large file download;
  • If it is used to improve the playing effect of film and television video websites, short videos and other content, it is recommended that you choose voD type;
  • If both dynamic and static content and acceleration are required, you are advised to select the all-station acceleration service type, which leads you to the all-station acceleration console for configuration.

Note that the accelerated domain name must be registered if the accelerated domain name includes Mainland China. If the domain name has just been registered, configure it eight hours later to avoid a failure to add the domain name.

(3) the source station information: click on the “new source station information”, at present a total of four provenance types to choose from, the oss domain name, IP, the source station calculation domain name, domain name, the function of different types of sources can be set at the same time, support station set up multiple sources, multiple source station need to set priority, weight, port and other information, the user can stand above, according to the actual source flexible complete parameter configuration.

3. Recommended configuration

Recommended configuration function page is a new function launched in July, which includes the most commonly used functions of CDN, such as cache expiration time, filtering parameters, intelligent compression, range back source, alarm monitoring, etc., which can help users further improve the efficiency and quality of edge cloud CDN accelerated service!

  • The principle of CDN is cache acceleration. After setting the cache expiration time, terminal devices can directly hit the cache content of edge nodes when accessing CDN to improve the access speed, such as popular access videos and pictures. It is recommended to set the cache time more than one month.
  • It is recommended that you use the alarm function of cloud monitoring to monitor the traffic and access quality of CDN. When the alarm rule is triggered, the alarm information will be pushed in time by phone or SMS, so as to minimize the impact of service fluctuations on performance.
  • In addition, you can use page optimization, Range back source, intelligent compression and other configurations to improve service speed and page readability.

4. CNAME boot

After completing the recommended configuration, there is a very important step: add the CNAME resolution record for the CDN accelerated domain name.

① To open the CNAME configuration wizard, you first need to add a CNAME record in the corresponding domain name registrar. If the domain name is not registered in Ali Cloud, please go to the corresponding domain name registrar to complete DNS configuration. If the domain name registered in Ali cloud, enter the domain name console, add a CNAME resolution record.

② Complete the modified domain name resolution information, copy the domain name, record type, host record, and record value to the resolution record according to the content in the CNAME guide, and save it.

③ After the above information is complete, you can click the “Click query” button below to check whether the CNAME is effective. It usually takes effect immediately, but due to the LDNS, a small number of domain names will have a probe delay of 5-10 minutes (which actually takes effect). If the prompt is normal, it means that the CDN accelerated service is really used. If the prompt is abnormal, please make sure that the cNAME record value is correct, or wait for a few minutes to query.

After completing the above steps and taking effect, you will truly start ali Cloud CDN acceleration service.

5. Domain name management

After the accelerated domain name is added successfully, more functions of CDN can be configured through domain name management. The core optimization content includes the following four points:

① Source information is added to the domain name list. You can export the source information together with the domain name list. The function of accelerating domain name query by source will be supported soon.

② Add a CDN problem diagnosis entry to the domain name management list, which is convenient for users to quickly query, locate and solve problems.

③ Add an alarm setting entry to the domain name management list to configure alarm rules for core business domain names and keep abreast of changes in domain name status.

④ Add a reminder to the CNAME configuration status in the domain name list and domain name configuration page. Ensure that CNAME is correctly configured to enable CDN acceleration.

6. Operating statements

In order to facilitate users to query and analyze data more intuitively, the operation report function is newly added, which can collect TopURL, TopIP and other information, and supports customized operation report for regular query and analysis of data. For example, if you need TopURL data, you can customize the TopURL of the core domain name and sort the data by TopURL traffic or request number. After the report customization, you can create a daily, weekly and monthly subscription task, and the data will be automatically sent to the specified email address.

Ali Cloud CDN’s upgrade and optimization of user experience goes far beyond the above content. We will continue to collect user feedback, provide better experience and richer product capabilities, and improve CDN’s product capabilities and user satisfaction.

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