
Today to share with you ali 24 years old P7 big ox organized Linux115 interview questions, learned to directly hit the interviewer, I hope you can like!!

As you all know, Linux is a unix-like operating system that is free to use and freely distributed. Most WEB projects are deployed on Linux.

Linux is a multi-user, multi-task, multi-threaded and multi-CPU operating system based on POSIX and Unix. It can run major Unix tools, applications, and network protocols. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit hardware. Linux inherits the design idea of Unix taking network as the core, and is a stable multi-user network operating system.

So Linux is particularly suited to software development deployments and is the operating system of choice for developers.


So what questions does Linux need to ask the interviewer? So, this set of 115 Linux interview questions will come in handy, I hope it can help you, and I hope you enjoy it!!

Second edition: Linux 70 lines

Linux overview.

What is a Linux –

The difference between Windows and Linux –

What’s the difference between Unix and Linux?

What is the Linux kernel?

1. Manage system memory

2. Application management.

3. Manage hardware devices

4. File system management –

What are the basic components of Linux? .

Linux architecture

What are the basic differences between BASH and DOS?

Linux Boot process?

What is the default running level for Linux?

Interprocess communication used by Linux?

What system log files does Linux have?

Is it helpful to install multiple desktop environments for Linux?

What is interchange space?

What is the root account?

What is the LILO?

What is a BASH?

What is the CL?

What is a GUI?

What are the advantages of open source?

What is the importance of the GNU project?

Disk, directory, file

Simple Linux file system?

What is the directory structure of Linux?

What is an inode?

What are hard links and soft links?

1. Do not create links between files in different file systems.

2. Only super users can create hard links for directories.

What is RAID? –


What security work does a Linux system need to do after initialization?

What is CC attack? What is a DDOS attack?

What is Web database injection?

What is a Shell script?

In actual combat

How do I select a Linux OPERATING system version? .

How to plan – a Linux host, what are the steps?

How do you deal with users’ feedback of slow website access?

What are the methods for Tuning Linux performance?

Basic commands.

CD (change directory) To change a directory

PWD (print working directory: print absolute directory)

S (ls: list, view list) View all folders in the current directory (Is only lists file names or directory names).

I (short for I: list, view list details) View all details and folders in the current directory (II result is detailed, available, readable, etc.)

Touch Creates a file

Mkdir (mkdir: create directory) Creates a directory

Cat (concatenate: to display or concatenate multiple text files) view file command (to quickly view the contents of the current file) (cannot quickly navigate to the last page)


Paging through files command (can’t quickly navigate to the last page)

B: Go back to the previous layer or Ctrl+B.

Less (lese: less) paging through files command (to quickly navigate to the last page)

View file commands (see how many lines are left)

Cp (abbreviation of copy, copy function)

Mv (abbreviation of move word, move function, the file name function)

M: Remove the file. Or folder

Find Finds the specified file or directory

Vi (VIsual: VIsual) Text editor Similar to Win notepad (operation similar to underground vim command

See the vim operation below.)

Vim (MI IMproved: IMproved visual) IMproved text editor (both file viewing and file viewing)

Edit by pressing Shift+ up or down to move up and down to view perspective)

X: Forward delete is equivalent to the delete key in WindowNS

X is removed backwards and in the opposite direction of capital X

| piping used multiple commands (combined)


(grep: regular expression) A regular expression used to search for strings (fuzzy query). If you don’t understand, you can pass one first

Yum install -y Irzsz yum install -y Irzsz

Tar (decompression compression command)

Ps (Process Status) : indicates the process status. Windows-like task Manager)

Clear The screen clearing command. (for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder)

The ifconfig command

Ping (used to check connectivity to the destination) syntax: ping IP address:

1. In the Windows operating system, run 0cmd0ipconfig. Check the local IP address.

2. In LInux, run ping IP address.

Free command (display system memory)

The top command

The netstat command

File (view file type)

Restart Linux:

Shutdown Linux –

Time synchronization command

Change to Beijing time command

View time command


Second edition: Linux 45 tracks

1. What is the symbol for an absolute path? What are the current and upper directories represented by? What is the home directory? What command is used to switch directories?

2. How do I view the current process? How do I exit? How do I view the current path?

3. How do I clear the screen? How do I exit the current command? How to perform sleep? How do I view the current user ID? What command is used to view specified help?

4. What function does the Ls command perform? What parameters can be managed and what are the differences?

5. Create soft links (shortcuts). And hard link commands.

What command is used to create a directory? What command is used to create a file? What command is used to copy files?

7. What commands can be used to view the file content?

8. Write files at will? How to print a string with a space to the screen, like “Hello world”

9. Which file is in which folder is the terminal? Which command in which folder is the black hole file?

Which command is used to move files? Which command should I use for the name change?

11. Which command is used to copy files? What if you need folder-block replication? What if you need a hint function? .

12. Which command is used to delete files? What if you need to connect directories and files under directories – block deletion? What command is used to delete an empty folder?

13. What kinds of wildcards can be used in Linux commands? What do they mean

What command is used to make statistics on the contents of a file? (Line number, word number, byte number)

15. What is the use of Grep command? How do I ignore case? How do I find a row that does not contain this string?

What are the states of processes in Linux? What symbols are used to represent the information displayed in PS?

17. How to make a command run in the background? –

18. How to display all processes in PHOTOSHOP? How to use PS to view information about a given process?

19. Which command is specifically used to look at background tasks? –

20. What command is used to move background tasks to the foreground? What command is used to execute a stopped background task in the background? –

21. What command is used to terminate the process? What parameters does it take? –

22. How to view all signals supported by the system?

What command is used to search for files? What’s the format?

What command is used to check who is currently using this host? What command is used to find information about the terminal where you reside?

What command is used to view the used command line

26. What command is used to check the disk space? What about free space?

27. What command is used to check whether the network is normal

28. What command is used to view the IP address and interface information?

What command is used to view various environment variables? .

30. What command is used to specify the command prompt? –

31. Where do I find executable files for lookup commands? How to set and add it? –

32. What command is used to find the execution command

33. How do I alias a command?

34, What are the differences between du and DF?

Awk details.

36. When you need to bind a macro or key to a command. How do you do that?

37. If a Linux newbie wants to know a list of all the commands currently supported by the system. What does he need to do?

38, If your assistant wanted to print out the current directory stack, what would you advise him to do?

39. There are many running tasks on your system. Is there any way to remove all running processes without restarting the machine?

What does the hash command in bash shell do?

41. Which of the bash built-in commands can perform mathematical operations

How to view the contents of a large file page by page?

43. Which user does the data dictionary belong to?

44, How to view a Linux command summary and usage? Suppose you come across a command you’ve never seen before in the /bin directory. How do you know what it does and how to use it?

45. Which command can I use to view the disk space quota of my file system?


Finally, I present the 115 Linux interview topics to you personally, hope you can like it!!


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