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An article to understand the principle of red black tree and achieve a detailed analysis of red black tree, see the good red black tree delete operation code diagram and red black tree red black tree from beginning to end insert and delete nodes of the whole demo diagram
Read the premise
In the study of the Set class source code, found that Map, Set used a lot of red black tree, in order to be able to learn the source more smoothly. I decided to brush up on my red-black tree knowledge. For those of you who don’t know the definition of a tree, a binary tree, a balanced binary tree, take a look at these prerequisites. Due to limited ability time, I will not retell the learning materials written by the great god of the content. For some of the basics and some of the concepts I’d like you to read the passage in your study materials. The rest of my explanation will be based on these three chapters and will be more detailed. I will try to use words or legends to make it easier for me to understand some points that are difficult to understand in the learning process.
I strongly recommend that you read in the following order: read the red-black tree first and analyze it in detail. This article is quite comprehensive, but the deleted part is a little difficult for me to understand. Then read the red-black tree deletion operation. This article explains deletion in detail. Finally, read the full demonstration diagram or code diagram of red-black tree insertion and deletion from beginning to end. The former format is not good, the latter missed a step, can be mainly the latter. Two articles are designed to put this into practice, to illustrate all the insertions and deletions in this red-black tree. But the disadvantage is that there is no explanation, so it is suitable to test the learning and understanding of the first two chapters. It is suggested that you can reason one step by yourself first, and then see whether the result graph is consistent with the next step in the article.
(2020.06 update) Finally, we must clearly understand the evolution of red black tree — the meaning of red black, one article to understand the principle of red black tree and the realization of these two, these two are about the evolution of red black tree, meaning. Like why red and black, why two parents can’t be red at the same time.
OK, so let’s just assume that you’ve read the above steps. If you have any questions or questions, please read on, or ask me in the comments, and I’ll do my best to answer them. Because I just feel difficult to delete the red black tree part, so the following is mainly about the red black tree delete part.
Red black tree deleted
The premise of knowledge
1. The definition of red-black tree
- Any node is either red or black;
- The roots of the tree are black;
- Leaf nodes are black (note: all leaf nodes in red-black trees refer to Nil nodes);
- No two parent nodes can be red at the same time;
- Any node has the same number of black nodes on a simple path to all of its branching leaves;
2. Node naming convention
D indicates the node to be deleted. That is, take the first letter of Delete. P represents the parent node. That is, take the first letter of Parent; S indicates the sibling node. Take the initial letter of Sibling; U indicates the uncle node. Take the first letter of Uncle; G represents the grandfather node. Namely, the initials of Grandfather; L is the left tree. That is, take the first letter of Left; R stands for right tree. That is, take the first letter of “Right”; Nil represents a leaf node. The so-called empty node; Note: Leaf nodes in red-black trees are not the same concept as leaf nodes described in other trees. And leaf nodes (Nil nodes) in red-black trees are always defined as black.
The following node naming representations will use these naming conventions or a combination of them. So keep these naming conventions in mind. For example, DR is the right subtree of the node to be deleted, that is, the right child node. SL represents the left subtree of the sibling node, that is, the left child node;
3. Macro analysis of delete operations
In a red-black tree, there are only four large cases of deleting a node. Case 1: The left and right subtrees of the deleted node are not empty. Case 2: The left subtree of the deleted node is empty and the right subtree is non-empty. Case 3: The right subtree of the deleted node is empty and the left subtree is non-empty. Case 4: The left and right subtrees of the deleted node are empty trees.
The first case can be processed in the same way as the other binary search tree deletion, and finally can be converted to the latter three cases. Specifically, find the immediate successor of (Old)D node (let’s call it X node), then transfer the value of X to D node, and finally take X node as the node to be deleted (i.e., (Real)D node). This ensures that the tree is still a binary search tree. But due to the definition of red-black trees (i.e., properties of red-black trees) convention. Such deletion of (Real)D nodes may break the properties of red-black trees. So you need to do some extra tweaking, which is what we’ll discuss in detail below. Note: all references to D below will refer to (Real)D unless otherwise specified.
Classification of deletion
After reading the detailed analysis of red-black tree and the two articles on red-black tree deletion operation, it can be found that although the statements are different, most of the situations are the same. I sorted them out as the following table:
legend | Red Black Tree Delete Operation | Detailed Analysis of Red-black Trees | note |
D is red when deleted | Simply delete the D node and set DR as the left child node of P. | |
D is black, DR is not Nil, DR must be red | Since the red-black tree defines 5, (p-d-nil) and (p-d-dr-nil) have the same number of black points, so DR must be red | |
D black, DR Nil, S red | Case 2 | It still needs to be balanced |
D black, S black, SL red | Case 5 (Followed by case 6) | There are some differences between the two articles, which are dealt with separately in Operation Delete and balanced with Case 6 in Detailed Analysis, but the results are the same. The individual likes to use circumstance 5 and 6 collocation rise use way |
D black, S black, SR red | Case 6 | |
D black, S black, P red, SL black, SR black | Is four | |
D black, S black, P black, SL black, SR black | Is three | It may still have to be balanced, and the path that goes through P will have one fewer black nodes than the path that doesn’t. Therefore, we take P as the node to be balanced (i.e., at this point P is equivalent to the role of DR) and continue up until P is the root node. |
D Black, DR Nil, S red
D black, DR Nil, S red is a little bit too convoluted in my opinion. The pictures are confusing. Let me redraw it so you can see it. In fact, the author omitted the leaf nodes of SL and SR, and the accurate red-black tree should be as follows:
D black, S black, P red, SL black, SR black
Red black tree delete node demo diagram part of the detailed explanation
Here we explain the steps in detail according to the deletion diagram of the red-black tree from beginning to end.
Delete node 12
First find the successor node 13 of node 12, then copy the value of 13 to node 12 and delete node 13. At this time, it can find the matching situation of D black, S black and SR red (SR red is not SL red because of the reason of mirroring), rotate and change color according to the matching result, and finally get the resulting red-black tree:
Delete node 13
So the red-black tree is, we’re going to delete node 13
D black, S black, P black, SL black, SR black
D black, S black, P black, SL black, SR black
The last
Finally, if you are also learning about red black trees, I hope this article will help you. In addition, due to the red and black tree itself is relatively complex, coupled with my limited level, it is inevitable to make some mistakes. If there are mistakes or questions, we hope you pointed out, we discuss together.