1.0 Problem Description

Implement data structure: hash table.

2.0 Problem Analysis

  1. A hash table can be thought of as a dictionary (swift) or object (JS) that we often use, and can be matched to a key&value pair one by one, which can quickly find values based on keys.
  2. The hash table is implemented internally using arrays. We need to calculate the number corresponding to one and one of the keys of any type. The number size is between 0 and array size.
  3. The process of calculating a unique number by key is called a hash function. The same key generates the same number each time using the hash function.
  4. Since different keys may produce the same number, this situation is called hash conflict. Since conflict is inevitable, we have many ways to deal with it.
  5. Methods for handling conflicts include:
  • Open addressing: If the numbers are the same, increment the numbers by 1 and see if there is a value in the array until a space is found
  • Linked list: Each position in an array has a linked list that stores conflicting values
  • Hash again: Call the hash function several times until there is no conflict
  • Public overflow area: Puts conflicting values in another array. If a conflict occurs, the new array is searched.
  1. The most widely used method is open addressing.
  2. To improve performance, we need to choose a better hash function, and we need to keep the fill factor low. The fill factor = the number of stored/the total number of current arrays. We need to do two things.
  • So there’s less conflict in the hash function
  • The fill factor is greater than 0.75, which expands the array to twice its current size

3.0 Code Implementation

3.1 Swift Implementation

/* * The protocol that the hash table Key complies with * is used to generate the hash value, that is, the hash function */
public protocol HashedKey {
    var hashValue: UInt32 { get}}/* * The inner element of the hash table represents */
fileprivate struct HashElement<Key.Value>{
    var key: Key;
    var value: Value;

/* * hash table */
public class Hash<Key.Value> where Key: HashedKey.Key: Equatable{
    /// internal array
    private var _storeArr:[HashElement<Key.Value>? ] ;/// The current number of elements
    private var _storeCount = 0;
    /// Minimum number of elements
    private let MINSIZE = 1;
    /* * constructor */
    public init() {
        _storeArr = Array<HashElement<Key.Value>? >.init(repeating: nil.count: MINSIZE);
    /** * expands the size of the internal array to 2x */
    private func _expand(a){
        let oldArr = _storeArr;
        _storeArr = Array<HashElement<Key.Value>? >.init(repeating: nil.count: _storeArr.count * 2);
        _storeCount = 0;
        for case let e? in oldArr {
            set(k: e.key, v: e.value); }}/** * Insert Value * @param {Key} -k Insert Key * @param {Value} -v insert Value */
    public func set(k: Key, v: Value){
        if let i = self._index(k: k){ _storeArr[i]? .value = v;return;
        let capacity = _storeArr.count;
        let hashValue = k.hashValue;
        var idx = Int(hashValue) % capacity;
        while_storeArr[idx] ! =nil {
            idx =  (idx + 1) % capacity;
        _storeArr[idx] = HashElement.init(key: k, value: v);
        _storeCount += 1;
        if _storeCount >= capacity * 3 / 4{ _expand(); }}@param {Key} -k pass Key * @return {Int? } - Returns array subscript, or nil */ if key does not exist
    private func _index(k: Key) -> Int? {let capacity = _storeArr.count;
        var idx = Int(k.hashValue) % capacity;
        var count = 0;
        while_storeArr[idx] ! =nil&& _storeArr[idx]! .key ! = k &&count < capacity {
            idx = (idx + 1) % capacity;
            count+ =1;
        if_storeArr[idx] ! =nil && count < capacity {
            return idx;
            return nil; }}/**
     * 获取数值
     * @param {Key} - k 想要获取数值的key
     * @return {Value?} - 返回的value
    public func get(k: Key) -> Value? {if let i = self._index(k: k){
            return_storeArr[i]? .value; }else{
            return nil; }}/** * Supports the following operations: * hash[key] = value * let v = hash[key] */
    public subscript(k: Key) - >Value? {set{
            if case let v? = newValue {
                set(k: k, v: v)
            return get(k: k); }}}Copy the code

3.2 Using JS

function Hash(hashFunction) {
    this._elements = new Array(1);
    this._elementsCount = 0;
    this._hashFunc = hashFunction;

Hash.prototype._expand = function(){
    let capacity = this._elements.length;
    let oldElements = this._elements;
    this._elements = new Array(capacity * 2);
    oldElements.forEach(element= > {
        this.set(element.key, element.value);

Hash.prototype.set = function(k, v){
    let index = this._index(k);
    if(index ! =undefined && this._elements[index] ! = v){this._elements[index] = v;
    let capacity = this._elements.length;
    let hashValue = this._hashFunc(k) % capacity;
    while (this._elements[hashValue]) {
        hashValue = (hashValue + 1) % capacity;
    this._elements[hashValue] = {key:k, value:v};

    if(this._elementsCount >= capacity * 3 / 4) {this._expand();

Hash.prototype._index = function(k){
    let capacity = this._elements.length;
    let hashValue = this._hashFunc(k) % capacity;
    let count = 0;
    while(this._elements[hashValue] && this._elements[hashValue].key ! = k && count < capacity){ hashValue = (hashValue +1) % capacity;
    if(this._elements[hashValue] && count < capacity){
        return hashValue;

Hash.prototype.get = function(k){
    let index = this._index(k);
    if(index ! =undefined) {
        return this._elements[index]; }}Copy the code

4.0 Complexity Analysis

  1. Insert value
  • We compute an array index using a hash function, just once.
  • Subscripts can conflict, and the number of conflicts is constant. We do that by having a good hash function and a low fill factor.
  • When the fill factor reaches the upper limit, you need to create a new array and copy all the values into the new array. This step takes order n time, but if we amortize this step over each of the previous sets, we’ll see that it’s the equivalent of each set times 2, which is constant.
  • To sum up, the time complexity of hash table insertion is O(1).
  1. Get the value
  • The process of obtaining the value is similar to that of inserting, but also evaluates the hash function once.
  • If there is a conflict, proceed according to the rules. From the above analysis, we know that this step is also a constant level of time complexity.
  • To sum up, the time complexity of retrieving the value of the hash table is also O(1).