The original article was published on My blog on November 06, 2018.

Before you know it, AlgoCasts have been online for a month. This month has done a lot of things, harvest is full.

AlgoCasts went live on The afternoon of September 25, after a quiet period of writing code and recording the first videos. The day after launch, users started paying, which surprised me a lot. Now I still remember the excitement when receiving the first payment:) and what’s interesting is that the first before paying customers is my blog subscribers, that is to say, he is more (sorry) after two years in my blog is broken suddenly received a puzzling article update, and then ran to pay support, anyway, thank you to give him a big.

In the following days, there were users coming to AlgoCasts website from different places every day. There were 1 ~ 4 paying users every day, and almost all of them bought Plan 100 (Plan 40 will be removed later). I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again.

Over the past month, I have been making and updating videos every day, Posting updates on Weibo, Twitter and wechat (Hawstein-Studio). So far, there are 80 videos.

Plan 100 is about to be recorded, and while it’s still early bird price, shouldn’t you get it, kid?

Right now, the most important thing for me is to make more and better videos, and videos are time-consuming and energy consuming, so I don’t spend much time adding features to the website. In the past month, in addition to making videos, I mainly did some minor work as follows.

  • Video tagging learning feature (thanks to member @T for suggestions)
  • CDN on static resources (jsdeliVR is used because the website is not recorded)
  • VPS from Tokyo to Hong Kong, CN2 line, to ensure the speed of mainland access
  • Complete the o&M automation project using Ansible
  • Periodic Database Backup
  • Launch a Slack bot to facilitate website management

One of the things that took a lot of time was to start doing some o&M automation with Ansible. I have experienced several server migrations, both in my own project and in some projects with other partners. Server migration, the base environment/safety/monitor/database and so on a series of things are some tedious/time-consuming/repetitive work, after manual rolled several times, really don’t want to back again to do rework, so the resisted the login server the idea of a shuttle, a little write preliminary operations automation project. In the future, I will gradually contribute to this project when providing operation and maintenance services.

Once the Ansible project is written, service migration is So easy. The following is a comparison of Ping values before and after migration. I wonder if you have experienced any change in speed when you visit the website recently.

Comparison of Ping values before and after migration:


I also received some praise and recognition during this period, thank you all. I will keep on coming 🙂

In November, continue to make good videos and find time to put some of your best suggestions into practice.

If you have any questions, or just want to talk with me, you can scan the code and add wechat.