Abstract:Traditional AI application development and deployment means high cost and high threshold, with HiLens Studio,AI application development and deployment requires only three steps.

Once upon a time,

When we are young,

When we see a technical article about AI,

I always want to try it out in a suitable environment, so I search and find that I need to install a programming tool (such as an IDE). Well, let’s install one first. Oh? Also specify the operating system? This one is a little tricky :D, go download one; I’m sorry, but a whole XX framework? This this this… ; Oh my God, there has to be a development board /GPU? X thousand yuan for this development board /GPU? Fxxk, you really don’t want me to use it, ok, you got it, I don’t want to play it (even if you are determined to put together these tools, there will be a lot of version, compatibility, configuration and other annoying issues when you actually install the configuration)!

So maybe we’re missing out on the opportunity to be great at something? Although we did not go further on that road due to the limitations of objective conditions, I felt a little guilty in my heart. Did I give up too easily? I should not be like this, and I should try my best to save money to realize my dream…

It shouldn’t be that serious, there are other better ways to learn, there is, there will be, I believe that, as if some great man said, where there is demand there is supply.

“No installation environment, open and use; HiLens Kit simulator, no need to purchase development board /GPU; Integration with HiLens Framework; Own AI template…” Wait, this is what my dream development environment looks like! I told you, as long as there’s demand there’s supply! (Did the great man say it or did I?)

Okay, seriously, HiLens Studio is a development platform that looks like your dream AI development platform.

Six advantages of HiLens Studio

So, what is HiLens Studio’s advantage?

1, open and use, no need to build a local development environment without any manual configuration. Integrating DevOps, the technical barrier is low! Small white also can easily start (note, I say not you, I know you are a master, just don’t want to spend time in these tedious things above it, I how to know you so, because… Great minds think alike. .

2, built-in performance lossless simulator, no need to buy development board /GPU, the cost threshold is very low! Low income people also have no barriers to entry (note, I’m not talking about you, I know you have a lot of money and don’t mind paying the right price, just want to know before you invest).

3. Unified development framework of end cloud. Skills developed in HiLens Studio can run in both an end-to-end and cloud environment.

4, seamless connection to cloud services, convenient call. Connect to huawei cloud ModelArts, OCR, NLP, OBS and other cloud services, facilitating the development of AI applications with end-cloud collaboration.

5, provide common skills template, quickly start. We pre-set Python and C++ complete skill templates, including models, logic code, test data, etc., in a few minutes to develop your first skill.

6, save hardware development cost, convenient mobile office. For the multi-person development team, most of the time through simulator debugging, debugging on the hardware in specific scenarios, can reduce the number of purchased hardware, reduce costs (yes, is specifically for your company to reduce costs).

The following three parts are introduced from project management, coding and debugging, and integration with Huawei Cloud.

The project management

After entering Studio (currently open beta), you will see the following screen. Unlike most ides, This Studio provides project management functions for developers. In addition to viewing the list of existing projects, you can also create projects (based on templates), modify project attributes, publish skills (to skill market), install skills (to HiLens Kit), back up projects (to object storage Service OBS), and delete projects, which are not described here.

Project Management Interface


Of course, you can also open the project for coding and debugging, the following is the interface after opening the project, let me give a brief introduction. Studio’s editing interface is a VS Code-inspired interface with the usual features of a mature IDE, This includes project file management, real-time syntax highlighting, real-time warnings/error alerts, auto-completion, code folding (block/function, etc.), version control, error alert location (click on the item in Problems to locate the problem), one-click compilation (C++ projects), and more. The picture below gives an idea:

Coding interface

In addition, the editor also has some advanced programming features, such as jump to definition, formatting code, etc., most of which support the direct use of shortcut keys, such as MY favorite Alt+Shift+F is to format the current file, please refer to the following figure for details.

Advanced coding AIDS


When need to debug – this is a must – exciting moment is coming, for ordinary computer application development, single step debugging is such a common means of right, but for embedded terminal or a PC, the industry, of course, also have corresponding debugging tools, but may be the reason for the cost problem or ease of use, these tools doesn’t appear to be common, So it’s very common in the industry to use the primitive debugging method, which is to print logs and analyze logs to locate problems. If you use this debugging mode from the beginning, you may not feel the pain, but for those who have moved from PC application development to embedded/non-PC terminal development, the pain of this debugging mode is definitely more painful!

For me, the curve looks like this:

Note :1) Sample size :1 person; Research methods: By feeling.

2)0 indicates no feeling, negative number indicates pain level, and positive number indicates happiness level.

As the saying goes, you can’t know the pain of not losing until you’ve lost it. Thanks to the built-in lossless simulator and support for skill video output, HiLens Studio supports real-time low-latency HDMI video output in addition to single-step debugging (which is supposed to drive your mood to a positive number, such as 2). Use it for a happiness score of 6(or more)!

After setting the breakpoint (click the red dot in the figure below to set the breakpoint), the developer can enter the Debugging mode by using the shortcut key F5 or “Debug->Start Debugging”.

Debug mode interface

On the left is the debug panel, below is the real-time log output, and on the right is the HDMI video output window of the skill, that is, the output of the skill to the HDMI display in the HiLens Kit, which will be output in this window when we debug. The video window can be full screen or suspended. This feature is built into HiLens Studio, eliminating the need to buy hardware and install and configure it, making it much easier for HiLens developers.

Integration with Huawei cloud

As you can see, HiLens Studio as an open development environment, from the end-to-end AI skills development process, for each key has a corresponding arrangement, from the source of the template in new projects, to the model of the import/upload, to debug the code, a backup to the installation of skills/release and project download all has the corresponding exports.

We hope that HiLens Studio can provide a smooth development experience for developers, and we appreciate your valuable suggestions for improvement to the HiLens Studio team. Thank you for your support!

Related links:

[HiLens Studio]

[HiLens home page]

HiLens Studio Experience tour

Disclaimer: this article is narrated in a light-hearted and humorous way, some of the content of the article is pure nonsense, please carefully identify and skip.

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