0. Guide language

Currently I am writing the basic AI series, which has been released: \

AI Basics: An easy introduction to math

AI Basics: Python development environment setup and tips

AI Basics: Easy to get started with Python

AI Basics: Numpy easy to get started

AI Foundation: Pandas

AI Basics: Scipy(Scientific Computing Library) easy introduction

AI Basics: An easy introduction to Data Visualization (Matplotlib and Seaborn)

AI Fundamentals: Use of machine learning library SciKit-learn

AI Basics: An easy introduction to machine learning

**AI: **Loss functions for machine learning

**AI: **Machine learning and deep learning practice data

AI Fundamentals: Feature Engineering – Category Features

AI Fundamentals: Feature Engineering – Digital feature processing

AI fundamentals: Feature Engineering – Text feature processing

AI basics: Word embedding basics and Word2Vec

AI basics: Illustrated Transformer

AI basics: Understand BERT

AI: Introduction to artificial intelligence must see the paper

AI Fundamentals: Into deep learning

AI fundamentals: Optimization algorithms

AI Fundamentals: Convolutional neural networks

AI Fundamentals: Classical convolutional Neural Networks

AI Fundamentals: Deep Learning

AI Fundamentals: An overview of data enhancement methods

AI Basics: Essay writing tools

Follow-up updates

How to learn?

In fact, there is no fixed order, in a word:

** where do not know where to fill…… * * * * * *

If it is zero, then look at the order of the articles I wrote in the chapter above.

In addition, I have provided github code sharing for most of the articles (the article will provide specific github file address). It is recommended to download the code and run it, usually you will only be impressed if you try.

My Github is now about 37000star: \


Baidu Cloud Download

I made the published articles into PDF files and put them on Baidu Cloud to download. Baidu Cloud address:

Link: pan.baidu.com/s/1awP1-YLm…

Extraction code: AZv0

If the link is cancelled for some reason, please reply “191220” to get the address.


This is only the first and second part of AI foundation, which will be updated in the future. Learners can also read online in the AI Cheat sheet -AI Foundation on the menu of the official account. The deep learning part will be updated in the near future, please pay attention to the update of the official account. (Huang Haiguang)

Note: the menu of the official account includes an AI cheat sheet, which is very suitable for learning on the commute.

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