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Project introduction

Agricultural greenhouses

System specifications

Soon graduated, it is time to prepare the graduation design, here recorded all the content of our graduation design and source code

The specific function is through STM32 and sensor and controller linkage, control, and data transfer to the raspberry PI data inventory, and external to provide a WEB server and API, you can control access and linkage through the browser and client

Current Progress Background server/database URL direction The database is designed for APP login authentication. It is used for Web login authentication. It is used for reading and writing configuration files and saving historical records Configure and control Periodic user management alarm notification Embedded STM32 sensor information Read the peripheral control of the STM32 Raspberry PI interaction with the STM32 Domain name Intranet penetration remote monitoring control greenhouse abnormal alarm and abnormal threshold adjustment Periodic task history alarm alert Multi-user management

Applicable scenarios:

Graduation thesis, course design, company project reference

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