Friends of Time

Hello, it’s early morning on the first day of 2021.

After listening to Luo Pang’s New Year’s Eve speech, I prefer to regard this evolution as a performance art with a strong commercial atmosphere, rather than to learn some big truth or golden sentences, but purely as a New Year’s Eve ceremony.

2020 is a magical year for all of us.

For our country, the magic began with a happy ending.

This year, the BDS global network was completed. This year, the U.S. stock market circuit breaker three times; This year, we stopped the spread of COVID-19 in the shortest time possible with a nationwide shutdown. During the year, we completed the RECP, the China-Eu Trade Agreement……

This year, the world is quietly changing.

We have every reason to believe that the Chinese nation is facing profound changes unseen in a century.

Of course, it doesn’t seem to have much to do with us little people.

So I’m going to talk about my life, my year as a social nobody.

In hindsight

Half a year after graduation, I realized that my college life had been shortened by half a year because of the epidemic.

2020 is also divided into two parts by the epidemic: staying at home during the epidemic period and working and studying in the post-epidemic era.

In fact, I don’t know how to write this summary, I don’t want to write too formal and chicken soup, just want to be casual, as a memoir rather than a summary.

So I open the album and slide from the first day of last year to the last, and the most important moments of the year for me are in these photos.


It’s money! It’s great!

Yet… This is the first picture of 2020 in my album. I can’t remember what I was looking at at 3am on the first day of the New Year. Why did I save this picture?

Still, this chart kind of hits my heart for 2020.

The money.

Grow up only to find that making money is the biggest adult decent, poetry and distance, need feelings need more entanglements.

Salted fish life during the epidemic

Since wuhan began to shut down the city, all over the country are gradually closed shopping malls, residential closed management.

Unfortunately, THE day before New Year’s Eve, I was still in the hospital with my grandmother transfusion, stayed in the hospital for most of the day:

After the winter vacation, I went back to my hometown and basically stayed in the countryside most of the time, so the control measures in the town and in the city actually affected our life not very much, or it was not very convenient to buy things.

At home, the daily routine is playing with the phone, doing homework, occasionally writing code to earn some extra money, walking the dog on the street, as exercise.

Looking at these uninhabited buildings scattered in the countryside, I can’t help but sigh that China’s economy has really taken off in the past 30 years, having gone through the road of western countries for hundreds of years.

It’s like a firework. It’s like a new world in the blink of an eye.

While the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider, the average living standard of everyone is also getting higher and higher.

At least, I feel that my life has changed dramatically, from a small southwestern town to a big city by studying, and to a company I had never dreamed of before.

Life is getting better, isn’t it?

The Chinese New Year

Time soon came to New Year’s Eve, REMEMBER when I was a child, New Year’s Eve fireworks night is the most looking forward to a link.

But there were no fireworks this year because of the pandemic.

But fortunately, our family has bought some fireworks in advance, listening to the sound of crackling fireworks outside, it is like completing a holiday task.

The Spring Festival also ends quickly with steaming dumplings made of tangyuan.

Time is too fast, we grow up too fast, since last year began to earn money, work (internship), I feel that the New Year is no longer the previous New Year, less fun, maybe this is adult bar.

Oneself also change from receive red envelope to send the role of red envelope.

Back to school

In the grade group received batch return to school notice, I was almost the first click to fill in the information, just want to catch up with the first batch of return to school, after all, at home such a decadent day, do not want to spend another day.

Therefore, ON May 12th, I finally set foot on the train back to Chengdu, just like three years ago when I was a freshman, I was full of longing for the last month of college life.

Give yourself a lot of study assignments to familiarize yourself with some of the technology stacks you’ll be using at work before you start.

But later, it turns out that decadence is regardless of place, in school is the same to play games, brush zhihu, watch B station, the difference lies in, you are a person in decadence, or with a group of people decadent ha ha.

After all, decadent together, maybe somehow a little psychological comfort, ha ha ha ~

In the last month of my college life, I fell in love with night running and went there almost every day, probably because I wanted to have a look around the school and enjoy the quiet campus in the last period of my college life.

Saying is to say so, actually, THE purpose that I know night runs is to reduce weight, during epidemic situation in the home fat nearly 20 jins…..

So he went back to school and insisted on eating less and running 5 kilometers every day. His weight dropped visibly every day.

Probably more than 20 a day to lose 10 pounds or so, it is not in vain.

You reply

On May 20th, I successfully completed the thesis defense, the last thing before graduation.

Because my graduation design is really too water, I will not elaborate here.

I can only say that I can pass without the efforts of the judges! Gratitude!

Graduate and leave school

“You always say graduation is never gonna happen, and then you go your separate ways.”

Hurriedly took the graduation photo, the university four years of books sold, attend the graduation ceremony, do good leave the school procedures……

Four years of college came to a hasty end.

In the waiting room of the East station, I opened the grade book I had just received, and memories flooded my mind.

The dribs and drabs of college life flashed through my mind.

Think of a big online CS, copy each other’s work, skip class, king off points team, just hot pot, sing K, final review each other do not know from which to get the “top secret information”, stay up late to catch the project……

The laughter in the dormitory night talk is the best memory.

I am glad to have spent the most important four years of my life in Chengdu and Sichuan University.

Also very lucky to meet my roommate classmates, “dull” lovely Jun son, noisy handsome Xiang son, super invincible love to play games, as well as handsome lovely Wei Wei, very sincere jie elder brother……

This year, we go our separate ways, study, life, work, pressure, burden, money followed……

May we all bloom in our own lives. Bless you and me

What will it be like to meet again after so many years?

Shenzhen | orientation

The weather in Shenzhen is so beautiful.

This is a phrase I repeat every time I come to Shenzhen.

Every time we get off the plane, we can see the blue sky and white clouds here. Compared with Chengdu, we milk the ram and love the weather here too much.

I had a summer internship here last year, so I felt less anxious and expectant, and more like I had a long vacation.

This vacation will end eventually, AND I will become a glorious migrant worker in Shenzhen from a student.

On the day of entry, I get my completion card, say hello to my colleagues, put my computer in jail, install the necessary office software, and develop the environment.

My desk is by the window and I like it very much. When I look up, I can see the blue sky and white clouds of Shenzhen. Not far away is the Shenzhen University campus, which is very green and looks like an oasis in the steel forest.

The rhythm of work here is also very satisfactory, there is no clock, no 996, colleagues are also very good, just like friends.

Before I started my job, I always said that as long as I had enough money, I didn’t care about weeks. Later, I found that I was still too young.

You have to be a social worker to know what a two-day vacation means.

Letter from

Enter a week more, go to attend goose factory fresh year essential project: graduate feng pei.

Fortunately, I live in shenzhen Dameisha construction site seaview room, next to which there are many construction sites still under construction. What wakes you up at six o ‘clock every day is no longer your dream, but the mechanical sound of the construction site.

Feng Pei 8 days, on a series of goose factory political thought lessons, workplace skills, fun games, cattle share.

If you ask me at the end of 8 days, what do I remember most?

It must be “science and technology to the good” and I joined the Yangko brigade.

“Science and technology for goodness” has been repeatedly mentioned in many classes, which is also the new vision and mission of Tencent. As a small employee, I quite agree with this vision.

The power of science and technology is great, and it is very easy to increase the profits of enterprises by means of science and technology, such as big data.

This is probably the brainwashing of corporate culture

By the way, I’m good at yangko, ha ha ha.


Three months after I joined the company, I made some modest demands. Finally, THREE months after I joined the company, I passed the formal appointment and received the email:

Programming refers to the north

Since September 5th, I have used the ID of “Programming North” to publish articles on major blog websites and also started answering questions on Zhihu.

Up to now, nearly four months, Zhihu and the public account are not bad, harvest a lot of readers, some friends say that I am the technology circle number of the main dark horse.

We may only see the rapid growth of my fans, behind this is that I began to do before the public account spent nearly a week, read tens of thousands of words other people’s experience summary, tools, methods.

Standing on the shoulders of “giants”, I have consulted many of the leaders who have walked in front of me, such as Shuaidi and Xiaolin, for their selfless sharing.

So later, some readers asked me about my experience of doing public accounts, and I did not reserve my ideas to share with them. In a sense, this is also a kind of inheritance.

I wrote three of my first articles before I decided to send this one. (This title is too much, now, too immature)

In fact, I always make full preparation before doing anything, and strive to do the best in my ability circle.

From the college entrance examination, looking for a job has been like this.

Since the media | to stay up late

Of course, behind this is also a lot of late nights and weekends, since the beginning of the article, basically no time for their own.

In the evening, I would write some materials after work, or answer questions in Zhihu, and then I would gather the accumulated materials into articles on weekends.

My update frequency is not high. At the beginning, each article is more than 5,000 words, and I can only keep one article in a week.

As you can see, I gradually got down to about 2,000 to 3,000 words.

It’s going to look a lot easier, you’re not going to get tired, and then two or more a week, which is basically my limit.

Of course, if it is spare time to do the public number, the basic are this state.

Since you have chosen this path, you must accept the good and bad it brings.

More important is to get a lot of shuai true biography, this B is not the kui is public number sermon division, party A killer, because all in Shenzhen, and in a company.

So often weekend about to come out just rice, masturbation string.

Can only say that the near handsome handsome hahaha.


The life of most programmers is very boring, and I am the same. When I first came here, I would consider climbing mountains and doing outdoor sports on weekends.

However, since I started to write the official account, the weekend time is the most precious, almost all the parties, feeling that I am not enough 24 hours a day.

On the one hand to learn the work of business, technical knowledge, in addition to reading, writing articles, operating the public number.

In this way, I have almost no rest for several months, and I feel physically very tired. Therefore, I decided to go out to relax this New Year’s Day, so that I can better deal with work and writing when I come back.


In addition to my own life, there is also my family, I am most worried about my grandmother, she alone in the rural hometown.

Although there is no need to do any farm work, but a person living, will always feel lonely.

Now, there is no better way. The older generation has lived in the countryside for decades, surrounded by familiar people, and is reluctant to leave even after repeated persuasion.

Now, every night when I get home from work, I call my grandmother on the phone, just to ask her what the weather is like, whether it’s cold, where I played and what I ate.

Since I live alone, my daily phone call can at least alleviate some of the loneliness of old people who live alone.

This is a topic that I used to think was a waste of time.

But NOW I understand that it represents care. Wasting time on my family and the core people in my life is worth it. When I think about it later, I won’t regret it.

And she will also say every time let me go out must wear a mask, in the news to see shenzhen where also detected a new coronavirus……

Your family cares more about your health and happiness than about making money.

On the first day of the New Year, you also remember to call your parents and talk to them.


Because of the epidemic this year, I had planned to take grandma out for a trip before graduation. After all, I have been in a small town for decades, as far as Chengdu and Panzhihua, but I have not been out of the province or taken an airplane.

Try to take grandma out to see the bigger world, on planes, on high-speed trains.

I’ll leave that to 2021, and if the pandemic allows, I’ll do it.

However, by the opportunity of group construction, I did go out for a tour, but it is very depressed, round and round, I returned to Sichuan…

Then, I gave up going out to play on National Day and chose to go back to my hometown. I thought that there would be less and less opportunities to accompany my family after work, and I would have plenty of time to go out to play in the future (maybe).

So my chart for the year looks like this, two points and one line:

Next year I hope to draw this as a circle centered on Shenzhen.


Because it is a programmer, so the salary is not low, but every month to remove the rent living expenses and other necessary expenses or can not save too much money, every month will also play a sum of money to grandma as her living expenses, usually will give mom red envelopes, home to buy things.

So, I spend more than 20% of my monthly expenses on my family:

Spending money on family members is the most fulfilling time, at least I finally grow up, and can provide shelter for them.

Now I also get food through the official account. Yes, it is this month that you will occasionally see the promotion of various courses I post on the official account.

However, because it is still a small size, this part of the money is not very much, but it can always offset the part of the expenditure for grandma and mom, which is the most happy.

But very ambitious ah, I will think next year can also become 10 W+ attention of the large, also can exactly on three or four thousand meals.

It was the first time I made money from writing, and while it was small, it was more valuable than the $10 + I had made from outsourcing.

That you may say, small north ah, good utility, write public number to make money namely.

Of course, I won’t deny it, but since I wrote my official account, hundreds of readers have thanked me backstage or added me to wechat

Some say that I have pointed out a direction and a goal for the university, some say that I have inspired him, and some even say that I am his love beans… I’m flattered.

Through the official account, I got to know many excellent readers and account owners, connected to a larger network, and added some uncertainty to my boring life as a coder.

The bottom line is that you can feel that your sharing has actually helped some people, and that part of the achievement may outweigh the money.

Of course, without the inspiration of Chafan, I would have been a little bit Buddha, the frequency of updates would have been a little bit lower hahaha.

From then on, EVERY month I will take out part of my income to send red envelopes or books to everyone to express my apology for disturbing everyone.

Of course, we rest assured that I will not go to just those black five types of food, or the bottom line, are generally programming classes, columns, some really good, such as yesterday mouse uncle that column, I really recommend.

For the need of the students can look, do not need to ignore it, there is no need to leave a message to scold me a few words 😭

It’s a waste of your time. It’s neither good for you nor bad for him.


I still keep the habit of reading books. When I went to school, I read more technical books. After graduation, I began to read books on finance and humanities.

Sold a lot of books upon graduation:

However, after I came to Shenzhen, two or three months later, MY books piled up again. Some of them were brought over from graduation, some were bought by myself, and some were sent by publishers.

Technical books I still like to see the physical, can be convenient to quickly read back and forth, non-technical books is to read on wechat or directly look for PDF.

DDIA (Data Intensive Application System Design) is a book I have been reading recently. It is highly recommended for all of you to take a look at the back end, because the back end is essentially doing all kinds of operations on data.

It is the basic operation of background development to be familiar with various data models and data processing methods in distributed scenarios.


Say to be ashamed, although I have been trading stocks to buy funds for nearly a year, but there is still no very systematic to complement the financial, company financial statements these related knowledge.

Basically, the level stays on the level of knowing hu brush dozens of answers, pay attention to some financial big V, finished looking at the dog money, poor dad rich dad.

Yields are also off, at around 25%, which is a shame in a market where everyone is earning 50%+ this year.

Or because I bought the fund itself is a broad base index type, few heavy warehouse science and technology, liquor, new energy industry funds, so led to not catch up with these waves of rise.

However, I am quite satisfied with it. The income of financial management is more than 40,000 yuan, which is far beyond my expectation. After all, my purpose is to beat inflation, and the annual rate of 8% is enough.

At the present stage, my focus is to accumulate the principal first, so that I can increase my own value. It is enough to beat inflation in financial management. Later, I will systematically study the knowledge related to corporate financial statements and the stock market.

Commend book

In 2021, if I had to recommend any books I’d read, it would be these three:

  • “DDIA”

    The reason as above

  • The Ordinary World

    I am not a person who likes to read novels, often read a chapter can not go down, but this book, but particularly attracted me, let me read in a few days on volume one, volume two, volume three. I admire Lu Yao very much for his writing style, which is not beautiful. With his sincere and simple words, he touches the soul. Most of the plots in the book have been forgotten, but his upward vigor has left a deep imprint on my life when I just turned 22.

  • Poor Dad Rich Dad

    This is a primer on how to develop your financial skills. Be sure to read it.

New Year’s FLag

Haven’t decided yet, dare not casually set up ha ha ha, first set a public account 10 W+ focus on the target ha ha ha.

2020 in one sentence

In 2020, I successfully graduated from the university after four years of study, flew 9,966 kilometers, made over 300 phone calls to my grandmother, and earned over $20 million in total income. I added over 3,000 friends on wechat and had over 27,000 readers on my official account.

New Year wishes

If you want to make a wish, be a greedy, lustful Philistine.

Make more money in 2021! Then it would be nice to get a girlfriend hahaha.


Today, the first day of 2021, shenzhen is still blue sky and white clouds outside my window.

I want to say to you, happy New Year ~

Thanks for your attention, support and trust in the past few months!

May we all greet 2021 with a more enthusiastic and fearless attitude

Row over version, this is the public number “programming refers to the north” this year’s article.

Close the computer, let the wind and rain of 2021 come more violent!

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…