Autumn recruit basic end, summary record my heart course!

Basic information: **985, bachelor degree in software engineering, guaranteed the security of the university’s network space (but it is still in the computer field), scored above average and had class work experience.

Late last year when thinking of voting algorithm is developed for a long time, also sent a post online consulting, then chose the development, and the determination to be a road to the end (the proposal chosen don’t change easily, have a classmate in the early autumn recruit tried security duty, development work, the client, the algorithm, the results missed the best recruitment timing)

In march and April, the friends in the group has already started to prepare for, and urged me to prepare as early as possible (in this thanks to my friends), because the lab is not to practice, so think of headphones first, dare not deliver big company afraid too dishes into the blacklist, threw several second-line factory * *, ctrip netease * * of what, do the written test, only netease to the interview, Unexpectedly, later because of the epidemic does not start school, I was bold to secretly prepare to practice. So he practiced for more than two months without telling the teacher.

June to August: I read books for about a month as an intern, mainly to get familiar with knowledge, but I played games in the evening, which was a waste of time. In June, I just went to practice. I practiced during the day and played games at night. I had a very happy time until I failed to answer the basic knowledge in several interviews in advance. Later, I rushed to submit bytes before the deadline. I thought I would not pass, but I just wanted to feel the destruction of the big factory. However, to my surprise, I also passed.

Experience sharing:

Netease’s four Sides:

50 minutes on each side

Project related

Android AIDL

Four major components

Activity Four startup modes

Fragment life cycle

Methods of communication between activities

SSL/TLS, and at which layer

GET is different from POST

Algorithm: sequence input binary tree, calculate depth

Two interviews for 25 minutes

Project related

One hour on three sides

Project related and expansion

Scene realization combined with Android feature analysis

Algorithm: 4 array questions and its deformation questions, mainly test logic

HR side

Standard questions

The projects are two Local/Offline Android apps. In general, the projects cover a lot of topics, including underlying principles, development requirements, implementation methods, optimization and expansion, etc

Four sides of a byte:

Byte side:

1. Introduce yourself

3. Activity Lifecycle 4. RecyclerView 5. ListView 6. 9. What framework is used for network requests 10. Have you heard about OkHttp 11. How do I make a GET request using OkHttp

Strong references, Weak references, soft References

Operating systems 14. Threads and processes

15. Given an array of random numbers, find the maximum difference between two adjacent numbers after sorting. The time complexity is O(n) and the space complexity is O(n) 16. Binary tree mirroring 17. In groups of K, reverse the list

The second interview notice was received at 17:45

Byte two sides:

Time: 13:00-13:46, 46min 1

Android 2. Introduction of the project 3. In the development process of Android, what is the difference between tablet and phone 4. 5. What blogs do you read? 6. What Android books do you read

7. Check whether a binary tree is a complete binary tree

Algorithm 8. Know what sort algorithm 9. Talk about merge sort principle

Computer network 10. TCP and UDP 11. Why UDP real time is better 12

Rhetorical + small talk (omitted)

16:45 Received three notifications

Three sides of byte:

1. Introduce yourself

Android 2. What operating system is android operating system based on 4. The difference between Linux and Unix 5

Algorithm 8. Sorting algorithm

Computer network 9. Enter the url enter, to display the whole process of the page 10. DNS resolution process 11

Java 14. Strong references, Weak references, soft references

Hand-torn code 15. Lazy singleton pattern 16. Producer-consumer model

The next day I got a call from HR saying I needed another interview.

Four bytes:

Time: 15:00-15:24, 24min

1. Introduce yourself 2

Hand code

3. Next larger element (Likou 503) 4. Interval merge

Small talk (omitted)

We received the notice from HR on August 3rd


Time: 19:30-20:00, 30min

Introduce yourself whether one’s deceased father grind will have internship students which department project background project division project leader or not Programs written in any programming language of choice of programming language or a teacher to choose team division of labor is you arrange or their claim of divergence within the team In the process of project to do what is the biggest challenge for you What made you most accomplished in college? Did you publish a paper

What is your expected salary? What is your industry preference? How do you view the intensity of work in the Internet industry

The above is the interview sharing that I can remember at present. I have received the offer of the bytedance development post. Due to the length, in order not to affect the reading, the interview questions and answers have been sorted into a complete PDF document.

If you need it, you can click on GitHub to get it.

In addition to the above by sharing, xiaobian also collected and sorted out some 2020 first-line factory interview questions collection, is also free to share with you, have been packed inGitHub.If you need it, you can click here to get it.