Article/flight feathers

It is said that at Ali, programmers will be “phased out” after the age of 35 if they do not make a transition.

And I ~ 35 years old as a first-line programmer in Ali looking for a new continent. XD

I am writing this article to share two things:

  • Some status quo of Ali front end
  • After 35 years old, some of the experience and experience of working here.

Since I returned to the Tmall team in 2019 last year, I have witnessed a series of front-end organizational structure adjustment of Tao department in a year, and the change is still very big in the beginning of 2020. I will briefly describe the front end of the tao system that I observed.

Ali front end environment

To describe the current situation in one sentence is: a set of complete, highly specialized front-end collaborative work system. From a simple page research and development to release acceptance, each link has a good solution.

Front end development link closed loop:

  • Modular development (breaking down a page into several modules for distributed development).
  • Unified development language Rax (React-like Framework);
  • One – click release and grayscale capability.
  • Real-time online monitoring and burial capability.
  • Online Web IDE platform (in theory you can use the iPad to write front-end code :P)

Almost all front end “wheels” in the tao system have a shaped platform or tool bearing. PS: By “wheels” I mean all the “front wheels” you can think of —- serious face

My daily business:

  • 5 ~ 6 times a year to promote business support (including 618, Double 11, etc.)
  • Daily maintenance of juhuasuan, card voucher package, coupons and other basic business.

How to support the business

To tell you the truth, the new contact business pressure is still quite big. The “building system” of tao System requires more than coding ability, and needs to solve many complex cooperative relationships. It took time to understand these collaborations.

What are the collaborative relationships:

  • Coupling relationship between module and building system
  • Bridge relationship between the front-end page and the App container
  • Mapping between modules and gateway interfaces
  • The relationship between page and monitoring risk control

In addition to complex collaboration relationships, there is the need to understand the nature of the business, understand the business goals behind each page and module, and enable r&d to empower the business.


The only advantage is “older age.” >///<

Nothing to complain about, huh.

Although you have a long working experience, the technology stack on the front end iterates every year, requiring you to adapt quickly.

  • Need to know what you have? What is missing?
  • What do you need to know about your team? What is the goal?
  • Take advantage of the resources around you that can help you do your job.
  • Structured business system to help solve pain points.

Change of thinking mode

Do in the front end of Ali “must not” go it alone. The strength of the team can make you ten or even a hundred times more effective.

Now that most of the infrastructure is ready for production, front-end jobs are doing more to dig deep at technological boundaries and boost productivity.

Each team has its own main focus, such as: building, interaction, performance, algorithms, accessibility, etc.

My team focuses on “front-end intelligence”. It aims to use machine learning to create “maximum productivity” to address “ever-changing business needs.”

As an older programmer, I was a little confused about the concept of “extreme productivity” at first. At one time, I felt a sense of despair that I could not do it.

After continuous communication and focus between teams, we began to have clear goals and research and development direction.

Ace as a cloud

The team really can be described as “a cloud of experts”, you can not imagine a front-end team with B up master, NLP expert, TensorFlow expert, even the band guitarist. Everyone dug deep in their own fields and worked closely together.

It’s a great feeling to work for a team like this, even though I know I might be dragging my feet. I hope my boss doesn’t hate me.

Future-oriented Programming

There has always been a kind of illusion, according to the current direction of front-end intelligence evolution, front-end this post will have a big baptism in the next few years, my work in the first 10 years will be unlimited mechanization, automation, intelligence.

Maybe the front end of the future will be a different kind of experience.

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Stay foolish Stay Hungry Stay Foolish