I’ve been hiring front end engineers for my company, sifting through hundreds of resumes and interviewing dozens of people, and some strange things have happened. Gradually understand, why big factory recruitment will set a threshold on academic qualifications.

In this article, we will talk about some strange and interesting stories from the screening of resumes to the final interview. Most of the things involved in the article are related to the rapid development of training institutions and resume packaging.

Some ideas about training institutions

Before we begin, let’s state our opinion about training institutions. Training institutions can help students just out of school quickly learn the basic skills they should have to enter the workplace. In this respect, its role is undeniable. Most of them are also from training institutions.

But on the other hand, training institutions in order to employment rate and vicious competition, let students choose false resume, and greatly increased the cost of recruitment screening enterprises.

As the employer of the enterprise, has been adhering to two ideas: first, everyone is for life, it is not easy, sometimes will turn a blind eye; Second, to recruit the most suitable talents for the enterprise at the lowest cost is also the quality of employees.

For the first one, if the people are good, the price is not expensive, they can be recruited to cultivate, and the risk is controllable, sometimes they will turn a blind eye. But take the current recruitment front, for example, need to take charge, and no one to lead, that must have real work experience and ability to go.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the things that have happened during the hiring process.

Preliminary screening of resumes

HR will give hundreds of resumes every day, and as a small company, the requirements for education are not so rigid. So how do you quickly check if your resume is packaged? Actual combat summarizes the following experience.

Incomplete resume information

At first I wondered, are resumes so unprofessional now? Either lack of age or birth date, or lack of school, or lack of graduation date.

This is the most basic piece of information in a resume. Why not? About a few incomplete information, later found that all missing information, are hiding what. Therefore, when screening resumes, the lack of information becomes the first condition to pass. You got a friendly fire

Young age, long work experience, rich technology stack

Young age, long work experience, rich technology stack. Many resumes will feature people as young as 24 with more than three years of experience and an extremely rich technology stack.

Of course, do not exclude some of the more excellent people, early school, strong learning ability. But most people can’t. Such resumes are generally viewed with skepticism and will pass if they have other characteristics.

Project experience convergence

Look at the resume, you will find that people who have worked for three years are basically CRM system, mall, XX management system and so on. Are internal management systems so popular?

This item cannot be used as the core judgment basis and will not give extra points. It is temporarily considered that it has been done, but if other characteristics appear, it will be passed.

Rich working experience, but low-level work

As a person who has worked for about three years, the responsibilities of work and projects are still authority management, user management and other functions. It’s either a lack of competence, a lack of company, or a genuine resume problem.

It’s a shame to have so many rich technology stacks for permission management and login.

Interprovincial work experience

One feature of many packaged, problematic resumes is interprovincial work experience.

The average person who works for three years will have two companies in front of them, and these two companies tend to cross provinces. The reason is simple. It’s hard to check across provinces.

A few days ago, one of the interviewees, HR about the interview was still in Jiangsu, on-the-job. While the interview said, has left in Beijing. There was only one day, and the information was wildly inconsistent.

Of course, there are a few other features in screening resumes that I won’t go into. Let’s talk about how HR communicates for further screening.

HR screening

After preliminary screening of the above resume, I found that there were still many questions in the interview, so I communicated with HR and verified some information when I called for an interview.

Two age

One thing that’s common on packaged resumes is that they have two ages. One is the age on the resume, one is the age on the ID card.

They screened out 24-year-olds with three years of experience, but some had 25 or 26 years of experience. This one is hard to sift through just from the resume.

So HR asked for the age on the ID when she called. All packaging resume, basically the age of the id card and resume are not consistent with the age. For all kinds of strange reasons, it seems that the post-1995 family planning is still very strict.

Other information

For example, some resumes lack graduation time, lack of resignation status, etc., HR will also ask for follow-up evidence.

Interview Anecdotes

After the first two rounds of screening, it’s finally time for the interview. After the epidemic, most interviews are now remote interview, and then about a second interview. This is direct communication with the candidate, and a lot of interesting things can happen here.

A lump in the interviewee’s throat

In an interview, you are usually asked to introduce yourself first. Start with a recent project and ask them to tell you about the project and what the functional modules are. Finally, focus on one module and ask for implementation details.

There was a girl who had worked for “three years” the other day. When I asked these two questions, she couldn’t explain clearly. When I asked again, I found the other party’s voice was a little choked up, and I probably understood what was going on.

So she quickly asked a simple technical point, and when she answered, she quickly ended the interview.

In fact, it’s also the fastest way to screen those with real work experience from those without.

Without working experience, it is almost difficult to make clear what kind of business scenarios and functional modules are included in the projects they do. If it is permission management, login and other functions, then ha ha.

Company size and team

For people without work experience, it is not clear how many front ends and back ends a project should be equipped with, how people collaborate and how the project is delivered.

I’ve had interviewees tell me that they manage back-end projects with 4 people at the front end and 1 person at the back end.

But someone has done a good job of preparing and will usually give a two-person answer. Why not one or three? If three people are too many, they are too few. If there are two people, they can’t answer the question and it can be said that another person did it. They are not responsible for this part.

Technical details interview

Finally, is the technical details of the interview, of course, the interview of everyone knows that the Internet interview questions are basically to brush, do some preparation. So, just asking these questions, it’s hard to tell. But if you ask a series of in-depth questions, the other person may reveal the problem.

Baidu side of the side interview

The above resume packaging is tolerable, but many candidates are going overboard while they are interviewing. I met three of them and basically stopped interviewing after they found out.

Why is that? Lack of trust. Besides, I don’t even prepare for the interview questions.

It’s a phone interview, but it’s easy to tell. When asking a question, act contemplative, pausing with “um, ah,” or procrastinating by saying something to think about it. Then you hear the sound of a keyboard, and then you hear the sound of a script.

If feel the other party may be in Baidu, but do not confirm, want to distinguish very simple. Ask an open field technical question, such as what function you were asked to design, how you would design, which technical items are included. These are problems that Baidu does not have…

Video interviewer

When the general interview is basically just voice, rarely open video. The other day one of the interviewees turned on the camera of her own volition. She was a beautiful girl. Maybe they are more confident about their looks and want to increase their chances of success by opening the video.

But video interviews are more likely to reveal signs of lying. After basically confirming that the resume is packaged, ask for the expected salary. She probably thought she had answered well, and then the lion spoke up… A lot of times, it’s just to take care of the mood of the new graduate candidate.


There’s nothing wrong with packaging your resume properly for an interview, but there’s a balance to be struck. For this kind of unlimited exaggeration of work experience, even if the interview passed, entering the company will be quickly identified. And the reason why big factory card degree, in essence is to improve the efficiency of looking for talent. Other items can be packaged, 985 or 211 degree is difficult to package.

Finally, I wish all the interviewees can find suitable jobs and the employers can recruit suitable talents for the company.