I successfully got the Offer of Tencent Java Engineer in spring recruitment this year! After I got the Offer, I was wondering if IT would be possible to collect and sort out the interviews frequently asked by me and several buddies during the interview process in the past two months, which could help everyone to be more comfortable in the interview and avoid some detours.

I hope everyone can find their favorite job in jinjiu Yin10 or next year’s Jinsan Yin4 high school.

After several days of collecting and sorting, we finally completed the 97-page 32,000 words “2021 Spring recruitment common interview real questions summary” this study notes! Click this portal to collect interview notes

Take a look with me below!

This document covers a wide range of areas, including 14 technology stacks:

  • Based on article
  • The JVM article
  • Multithreading & Concurrency
  • The Spring piece
  • MyBatis article
  • SpringBoot article
  • MySQL article
  • Redis article
  • SpringCloud article
  • Nginx article
  • MQ article
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Linux article
  • Resume article

PS: Due to the limited space of this article, I can not share all of them here, but only show some screenshots of notes. At the end of this article, there is a free way to get this information organized by xiaobian. If you need it, you can go to get it directly.

Chapter ONE: The Basics

The second article: JVM

Chapter three: Multithreading & Concurrency

Chapter four: Spring

Chapter five: MyBatis

Chapter six: SpringBoot

7. MySQL


Chapter 9: SpringCloud


Article 11: MQ

Data Structures and Algorithms

Chapter 13: Linux

My resume is very important

The last

The last is the way to get interview questions and answers, I summed up for the interview questions out of the Internet company’s Java programmer interview involves most of the interview questions and answers into a document to share to you for free, hope I can help you and find a good job of before the interview, also save everyone on the Internet search information of time to learn!

Please click this portal to collect the notes of “2021 Spring Recruitment Common interviews” mentioned in the article