Tencent launched the small program, mainly to solve the problem of difficulty in obtaining customers, high cost of obtaining customers, single promotion channels and so on. In addition, we also hope that small programs can save businesses communication costs and time costs to achieve efficient operation.

Small programs are not only suitable for large brand companies, but also for small and medium-sized enterprises. Commercial operation and promotion of small programs can effectively reduce the steps and processes in the operation process of enterprises.

How to get new customer resources through small programs, so that more wechat ecological user groups into their own customers?

How to promote their own small program?

I believe many business owners would like to know the answer to this question.

Today summed up several effective promotion ways for friends to refer to:

1. Five-kilometer display near the small program

Nearby mini program is based on the location of the store, can be displayed to customers within a radius of five kilometers.

When we open wechat – small program, “nearby small program” will be automatically displayed to users five kilometers around. Users can directly purchase orders by entering the mini program, or they can go to the store to purchase directly by knowing the specific location of the store through the mini program. Wechat comes with free traffic, will let the surrounding passenger flow to find you, so that your enterprise information more exposure.

2. Take advantage of applets names and choose a good name

Small program name is unique, that is to say, good name you have, others can not get, so good name is scarce, the easier to be found, and in line with the user’s search habits of the name, the higher the exposure rate of the store. It’s impossible to predict the amount of customer traffic a good name can bring.

3. Optimize search keywords in applets

Small program search has two ways, one is accurate search, the other is fuzzy search. Wechat supports fuzzy matching of small program search keywords, so setting the right keywords will affect the rank and probability of small program search.

Operators can click “promotion” and then choose “Add Keywords” in the background of wechat mini program for setting. At present, a maximum of 10 search keywords can be entered.

For how to choose the right keywords, we can learn from Baidu’s delivery skills, while combining the specific use of wechat to set up. If we really do not know which keywords to set, we can continue to optimize, according to the background data, optimize 1-2 times a week, and then check which keywords are searched more by users.

4. Offline store promotion

Offline code scanning promotion is very common at present. When you are shopping in Wanda, you will see the code scanning advertisement of Wanda accidentally. After scanning, you can know the current activity notice of Wanda shopping mall, which is very direct and convenient. Many businesses are trying to promote small programs in offline stores, to promote the way of easy to pull bao or scan code with discounts, to attract customers to scan code to place orders actively, and form a consumption habit. The combination of offline store promotion and online can more effectively reduce operating costs and labor costs. Just a simple operation, wechat – scan to complete.

5. Jump to the mini program page through the official account

Wechat public account penetration rate is very high, many businesses are operating their own public account. Wechat opens up the functions of the public account and mini program. The mini program card can be inserted into the public account. When users read the article, they can click the mini program to enter the page of the mini program. In this way, users can be guided to click on the mini program through high-quality content in line with brand tonality, forming a shopping scene of “buying while watching” and realizing the transformation from content to purchase.

6. Insert the mini program menu into the bottom bar of the public account

The bottom bar of the public number can also be inserted into the small program, to achieve a seamless link, direct contact with the user. The menu bar at the bottom of the wechat official account is one of the main entrances to the mini program. After the completion of business Settings, users and fans can be guided to jump from the public account to the small program, so as to divert to the small program, and then purchase services through the small program. This method is most suitable for content e-commerce enterprises, because good content presentation is easier to attract users to buy.

7. Bind the Profile page of wechat public account with relevant small programs

The merchant will associate the public account with the small program, and the small program will be displayed in the Profile page of the public account. When users pay attention to the public number, they can see the “relevant small program” in a prominent position, click can directly jump to the small program.

8. Wechat pay after or service through the entrance

After users use wechat Pay to pay or receive coupons, they can see the entrance of mini program in “wechat Pay” or “service notice”. Users can click to jump into the mini program of the merchant, forming a second touch.

9. Generate mini program cards and forward them to moments

Design the small program code into a beautiful card form, and then show the recent business preferential activities to the card, forward to the circle of friends, to replace the previous publicity map, attract users to scan the code into the small program to browse the store, is an effective way to get new customers.

The above are several common promotion methods at present, and the subsequent promotion methods of small programs need to be excavated. Enterprises should try to use the advantages of small programs to spread influence and obtain new customers according to the actual business scenario of the company. Promotion methods are in the continuous exploration and try, just know which way is more effective, more suitable for their own. Might as well try some promotion methods, more understanding of the advantages of small procedures to make a decision to promote.