
First introduce, undergraduate course is not a computer professional, now is to learn communication, and then do image processing, can see I am not a trained interviewer didn’t ask too much computer related issues, because for the first time to look for a job, bytes of special games, beginning with the earliest delivery, delivery is game testing development duty, byte is the first company of his own shots, It was also the first company to offer written interviews.

Generally referred to the interview, would surely want to ask the interview results, I would probably say about the interview result, ha ha, actually don’t want to say, because is very bad, not like a lot of bosses “has take byte ali tencent offers various companies”, but after all is your own experience, whatever the outcome is to accept, before didn’t study hard, learning is more after that. Words do not say, gold nine silver ten, or the first simple to share their interview experience, I hope everyone smoothly

Byte side

1. Introduce yourself

2. Questions about previous internships

3. What projects and responsibilities did you have during your internship

4. Process threads

Java garbage collection

6. Simple SQL statements of the database

7. Transaction isolation

8. Test wechat likes

9. Knowledge of testing

10. Programming: Quicksort

11. Ask

To be honest, it’s still a relief to hang up the video call, not particularly successful and not a failure. I feel like I can keep up with the big guy. It’s all about the second side.

Byte 2 face

Script/Java basic syntax

2. How does Fiddler mock data? How do I modify the return from the server

3, how to simulate 404/ down, power can simulate the situation of not finding the web page

The difference between a GET request and a POST request/why body is more secure/summary is that the parameters are not placed in the same position /get length is browser dependent.

5, adb command used which/list all application package name /am

HTTP: / / HTTP: / / HTTP: / / HTTP: / / HTTP: / / HTTP: / / HTTP: / / HTTP: / /

7, the use of Emmagee will have what premise standard/will consider the power, brightness, do these performance indicators will consider what situation/the operation of the state will always brush/smoke test method of use

8. “Is there any other way to test some metrics without Emmagee tool/Tiktok click to start, turn it off from the background to start

Selenium’s method of locating elements/CSS and xpath

10. “Here’s a Tik Tok interface/how to test the main flow/what elements to test/how to stress test/what to stress test specific page elements with

Follow-up: In addition to normal function, what are the abnormal conditions/how to do abnormal simulation?

11, How to conduct the interface test/how to design the interface test use case

How to test wechat red envelope

Write a shell script: Count the number of repeated lines in a file and the number of times they are repeated

The interview summary

In the interview

1. Introduce yourself

Simply describe your company’s experience and projects. Highlight technical points used in the project, your responsibilities, and your achievements. Direct the interviewer to ask about your skills.

Don’t dig a hole for yourself

Don’t bring up new skills that you’re not familiar with in the interview because the interviewer will follow you around.

3. Reduce awkward silences

Once you know the question, think of it quickly. If you can’t think of anything else, change your answer or answer a similar skill point. Otherwise have not thought to come out all the time, silent along while, can not only cause atmosphere embarrassment, still can increase your tension, behind the brain is not good to make.

Analyze what the interviewer is trying to say

Often, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” — Identification security

Short silences and no evaluation of your answers. – in the

After the interview

1, take notes of the interview questions and write the exam

The questions encountered in the interview, are recorded, review and summarize the technical points of each question, these questions will be encountered in the follow-up interview, moreover, the questions asked in the interview are often encountered, if you do not answer well, he may think you have not encountered or lack of experience, this is a big pit.

2. Summarize your performance and find space for improvement

Put yourself in the other’s shoes. If you are the interviewer, evaluate your answers, language, and logic.

3. Follow up the interview progress

In this piece I did not do, whether it’s his favorite or don’t like it didn’t take the initiative to get to know any progress, have a plenty of recruitment, they will follow up your interview schedule, after the interview can tell them your pass and as a result, they can immediately get the interviewer’s feedback and follow up the follow-up process.

🎁 back from the byte interview, in order to let you have a better interview materials, the blogger spent more than a month, the market software test interview questions, do a summary, sorted out 308 pages. PDF, enough for you to brush questions for a long time! Unless the interview question is really tough, it’s not going to bother you. Need friends to leave a message in the comment area [soft test interview] can

Test skills interview questions

MySQL database interview

Interface test interview related questions

Interview questions related to Python programming

APPUI tests interview questions

Practice interview questions

1. In practice, what dimensions do you design test cases from?

2. A program with N variables can produce several test cases by using boundary value analysis

3. How can you measure, write at least 20 test cases, given a cup

4. There is now a login page with an account and a password entry box and a submit button. How to design test cases for login function?

5. Wechat red envelope

6, how to test taobao search box

7. Design test cases for CP command in Linux

8, For a large number of concurrent access to the system, how will you do the test, any suggestions?

9. How to design and test the swipe function of Douyin

Career Development

1. Why did you choose testing?

2. What do you think is the proportion of testing in the industry? What is the development trend in the future?

3. What are your testing career goals?

4. What interests you most about testing? Why is that?

Why choose us?

The last

For some of their favorite big factory must understand the situation, because their progress will be relatively slow. Maybe you have already joined other companies, and I will inform you after the process is completed. It will be very troublesome at this time.