About programmers, in addition to doing projects to improve their skills, there is a way to improve their professional skills is: more! Look! Book!
Ma has compiled a core knowledge of the path to Java advanced Architect, which is also a must-ask knowledge during the interview. The chapter also includes many knowledge points. These include the basics, Java collections, JVMS, multi-threaded concurrency, Spring Principles, microservices, Netty and RPC, Kafka, diaries, design patterns, Java algorithms, databases, Zookeeper, distributed caching, data structures, and more!
Due to the details in the PDF document is too much so only edited part of the knowledge points of the chapter rough introduction, each chapter of the small nodes there are more detailed content! The following is part of the chapter table of contents. Due to the space limit of the headlines, the detailed explanation in the table of contents cannot be listed one by one. At the end of this article, all the detailed knowledge in the following chapters can be obtained.
- thread
- JVM memory region
- JVM runtime memory
- Garbage collection and algorithms
- JAVA 4 reference types
- GC generation collection algorithm VS partition collection algorithm
- GC garbage collector
- JVM class loading mechanism
Due to the space limit, the details are too much, so only part of the knowledge point screenshots out of the rough introduction, each small node inside have more detailed content! Partners in need can click on [here】 get
JAVA collection
- Interface inheritance and implementation
- List
- ArrayList
- Vector (Array implementation, thread synchronization)
- LinkList
- Set
- HashSet
- TreeSet
JAVA multithreaded concurrency
- JAVA Concurrent Knowledge base
- JAVA thread implementation/creation
- Four thread pools
- Thread life cycle (state)
- There are four ways to terminate a thread
- To sleep is different from to wait
- Start is different from run
- JAVA background thread
- JAVA lock
- Thread Basics 4.1.11. Thread context switching
- Synchronous locks and deadlocks
- Thread Pool Principle
- JAVA blocking queue principle
- CyclicBarrier, CountDownLatch, Semaphore
- The role of the volatile keyword (variable visibility, disallow reordering)
- How do I share data between two threads
JAVA based
- JAVA exception classification and processing
- JAVA reflection
- JAVA annotations
- JAVA inner class
- JAVA generics
- JAVA serialization (creating reusable JAVA objects)
- JAVA copy
Principle of the Spring
- Spring characteristics
- Spring Core Components
- Spring Common Modules
- Spring is mainly package
- Spring Spring
- Spring third-party integration
- Principle of the Spring IOC
- Spring APO principle
- Spring MVC principles
- Spring Boot principle
- JPA principle
- Mybatis cache
- Tomcat architecture
Due to the limited length of the small series, the details are too much, so only part of the knowledge point screenshots out of the rough introduction, each small node there are more detailed content!
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Micro service
- Service Registration Discovery
- API gateway
- Configuration center
- Event scheduling (Kafka)
- Service Tracking (starter-sleUTH)
- Service fuse (Hystrix)
- Hystrix circuit breaker mechanism
- API management
Netty and RPC
- Netty principle
- Netty high-performance
- Netty RPC implementation
- The key technology
- The core processes
- Message codec
- The communication process
- RMI implementation
Distributed cache
- Cache avalanche
- The cache to penetrate
- Cache warming
- The cache update
- Cache the drop
- Network layer 7 architecture
- Principle of TCP/IP
- TCP three handshakes/four waves
- Principle of HTTP
- Principle of CDN
- Distribution service system
- Load balancing system
- Management system
The log
- Slf4j
- Log4j
- LogBack
- Advantages of Logback
- Zookeeper concepts
- Zookeeper role
- How Zookeeper works (Atomic Broadcast)
- Znode has four types of directory nodes
- Kafka concept
- Kafka data storage design
- Partition data file (offset, MessageSize, data)
- Data file segment (sequential read and write, segment command, binary search)
- Data file index (segmented index, sparse storage)
- Producer design
- Load balancing (partitions are evenly distributed among different brokers)
- Batch send
- Compression (GZIP or Snappy)
- Consumer design
- The RabbitMQ concept
- The RabbitMQ architecture
- Exchange type
- Hbase concept
- The column type storage
- Hbase Core Concepts
- Hbase Core Architecture
- Hbase write logic
- HBase vs Cassandra
- MongoDB
- Directing a concept
- Mongo characteristics
- Cassandra concept
- The data model
- Cassandra is consistent with Hash and virtual nodes
- Gossip protocols
- Data replication
- Data write requests and coordinators
- Data read request and background repair
- Data stores (CommitLog, MemTable, and SSTable)
- Secondary index (Generate RowKey for the value summary to be indexed)
- Read and write data
Design patterns
- Design principles
- Factory method pattern
- Abstract Factory pattern
- The singleton pattern
- Builder model
- The prototype pattern
- Adapter mode
- Decorator mode
- The proxy pattern
- The appearance model
- The bridge model
- Portfolio model
- The flyweight pattern
- The strategy pattern
- Template method pattern
- Observer model
- Iterative subpattern
- Chain of Responsibility model
- Command mode
- Memo mode
Load balancing
- Layer 4 load balancing vs Layer 7 load balancing
- Load balancing algorithm/policy
- Keepalive
- Nginx reverse proxy load balancer
- HAProxy
The database
- The storage engine
- The index
- Database three paradigm
- Databases are transactions
- Stored procedures (a set of SQL statements for a specific function)
- Trigger (a piece of program that can execute automatically)
- Database concurrency Strategy
- The database lock
- Redis based distributed lock
- The partition table
- Two-phase commit protocol
- Three-phase commit protocol
- Flexible transaction
Consistency algorithm
- Paxos
- Zab
- Raft
- Gossip
- Consistency of the Hash
- Consistent Hash feature
- Consistent Hash principle
JAVA algorithm
- Binary search
- Bubble sort algorithm
- Insertion sort algorithm
- Quicksort algorithm
- Hill sorting algorithm
- Merge sort algorithm
- Bucket sorting algorithm
- Radix sort algorithm
- Pruning algorithm
- Backtracking algorithm
- Shortest path algorithm
- Maximum subarray algorithm
- Longest common suborder algorithm
- Minimum spanning tree algorithm
The data structure
- The stack (stack)
- Queue
- Linked list
- Hash Table
- Sort binary trees
- Red and black tree
- The bitmap
The encryption algorithm
- MD5
- Hadoop concept
- Client
- NameNode
- Secondary NameNode
- DataNode
- MapReduce
- JobTracker
- TaskTracker
- Task
- Reduce Task execution process
- Life cycle of Hadoop MapReduce jobs
- Job submission and initialization
- Task scheduling and monitoring.
- Prepare the task running environment
- Task execution
- Job completion
- The Spark concept
- Core architecture
- Core components
- SPARK programming model
- SPARK computing model
- SPARK Running Process
- The SPARK RDD process
- Storm concept
- Cluster architecture
- Nimbus (Master – Code distributed to Supervisor)
- Supervisor (slave- Manages the startup and termination of Worker processes)
- Worker (process that deals specifically with component logic)
- Task
- ZooKeeper
- Programming model (spout->tuple-> Bolt)
- Opology run
- Storm Streaming Grouping
- ResourceManager
- NodeManager
- ApplicationMaster
- YARN Operation process
Cloud computing
- SaaS
- PaaS
- IaaS
- Docker
- Openstack
- Namespaces
- Processes (process isolation for CLONE_NEWPID implementation)
- Libnetwork is isolated from the network
- Resource isolation and CGroups
- Mirror with UnionFS
- Storage drive
Due to the space limitation, the detailed information of the PDF document is too comprehensive, and the details are too much, so I only give a rough introduction to some knowledge points by taking screenshots, and each small node has more detailed content!
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How to obtain free architecture learning Materials?
Information acquisition method:
Java interview
Content includes Java basics, collection classes, Hashmap, locking, volatile, synchronized Lock ReentrantLock AQS CAS, Java multithreading, Java advanced SSH \ SSM framework, Java memory model and garbage collection, JUC packages, design patterns, algorithms, massive data, data structures in algorithms, databases, networks, Linux commands, and so on
Jaav basis
Volatile and synchronized
The lock
Java multi-thread
Java advanced SSH \ SSM framework
Java memory model and garbage collection
Design patterns
Massive database
Data structures and algorithms
Due to the space limitation, the detailed information of these two PDF documents is too comprehensive and the details are too much, so I only give a rough introduction to some knowledge points by taking screenshots, and there are more detailed contents in each small node!
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