
The story goes back to September. Affected by the epidemic in Southeast Asia, the business group I worked in was reduced and I was optimized. The number of front-end staff in the group was also reduced from 8 to 2 last year.

Three of them left on their own initiative (two went to Bytedance, one went to Freely), three were optimized (one passed Tencent/Bytedance/Xiapi/Webank, which was to be decided, and one also got the offer of 20K +), and I also settled down and went to Lexin Group (Instile).

The biggest feeling is that education is really important, a deep bleached two small development, bytedance/shrimp/Webank, etc., not even the opportunity to interview (direct feedback “college” at the end of the undergraduate did not give the opportunity to interview). So far, pay tribute to all the previous 22 years Loser, after graduation and his race.

The interview situation

Tencent (hang)/super big factory

  • Virtual list optimization

  • Webpack performance optimization

  • Which loader to use for SVG
    • svg-inline-loader
  • What is the display attribute value of the CSS
    • none/block/inline/inline-block
  • What else is adaptive besides Table and Flex
    • Gird
    • The percentage
  • algorithm

Please refer to leetcodede’s question 415, I did not write it out, and the interviewer did not give the optimal answer, because it is a little low to cycle more than 10,000 times.

Why write this failure of the interview, because I really want to make fun of their very food, and their commodity center colleagues went to Tencent (one front-end, two back-end), and finally met the interviewer is my back-end former colleagues colleagues, the world is so coincidence!

Offer/renovation industry unicorn

  • If two keys of list Li are the same, will generate one watcher or two watcher?
  • How does the micro front end work?
    • Out of the box
    • And then talk about the problem and the principle of the solution

  • How does the Skeleton Screen work?

  • What would you do with the surveillance system?

  • How does your company bury it?

  • Implement a bidirectional binding

Lexin Group (Offer)/The 56th of the top 100 Internet enterprises in 2020

  • Let vs. const

  • What is your understanding of functional programming?

  • The front security

  • How to bubble first and then capture?
  • What about cross-domains?
  • What is inheritance? Hand write extends Inheritance?
    • Prototype chain inheritance
    • Borrow constructor inheritance
    • Combination of inheritance
    • Primary inheritance
    • Parasitic inheritance
    • Parasitic combinatorial inheritance
    • Mixin inherits multiple objects
    • The ES6 class extends extends

  • How do you optimize performance?

  • Tell me about your understanding of the prototype chain. What is the output?

  • Highlights and difficulties of the project?

    • SKU
    • Skeleton screen
    • Long list optimization
    • Vue large file upload and resumable breakpoint
    • Front-end monitoring system
  • An intelligence test, see if you can find the answer round, worried that you don’t understand the product requirements.

Start with the MacBook Pro

With this MacBook Pro and his race small two deep drift.

MacBook Pro uses apple’s own M1 chip. Programmers are worried about the impact on development, so I personally tested some of the necessary applications for front-end development!

  • Google Chrome works

  • The node is normal

  • Vscode normal

  • Project operation is normal

MacBook Pro smells good! I will not talk about martial virtue!

If you have more want to consult, can pay attention to the public number – programmer black uncle