Keyword search

After the program on-line, can cover ten promotion keywords, convenient for users to search, users can accurately search small programs.

Is according to the content you need to find, with the most accurate, the most concise expression of a number of words, as long as you are in the search engine input field, input your keywords, the search engine will list the content and documents you need.


Map location

Positioning store address, Tencent map interface, positioning merchant location, so as to recommend the surrounding businesses, for example, I believe that we have used wechat to send positioning, also used Baidu navigation or Gaode map navigation, directly tell you the specific location, how many kilometers, is not very convenient. In this way, customers will know the location of your shop more clearly and can get to your shop faster and faster, thus saving you and customers time.


Exclusive space

Picture text control, storage space in the server, used for businesses to store pictures, goods information, convenient call in the future.

List the instructions, like our cell phone memory, if your cell phone
We can download whatever we want. We can download useful things that we can use later.


Custom labels


Interface interaction, customers can develop rich interface interaction effects. Unique style attracts customers.

User-centered design process, pay attention to the user’s use of fluency and convenience, in line with the user’s habits of the solution. Interaction does not necessarily require a gorgeous interface, but the use process must be very humane, reducing the number of times the user thinks back.


The website system

The official website is the image display, enterprise introduction with the official website, easy to promote the enterprise.

Corporate image refers to the overall impression on the enterprise established by people through various signs of the enterprise (such as product characteristics, marketing strategy, personnel style, etc.), which is the core of the construction of corporate culture.


Mall system

The mobile retail module realizes the mobile terminal


Mobile mall mode (English:
Online to Offline
), also known as offline business mode, refers to the online marketing of mobile mall, online purchase or booking (reservation) to drive offline business and offline consumption.
By offering discounts, providing information, service reservation and other ways, the offline store news is pushed to Internet users, so as to convert them into their own offline customers, which is particularly suitable for the goods and services that must be spent in the store, such as catering, fitness, watching movies and performances, beauty salon, etc.


The membership card voucher

Membership coupon, when members buy products, they can offset the buckle.


And increase the purchase desire of customers
Turnover is rising gradually.


, play a very beneficial publicity role, in the hearts of customers to deepen the impression.


Discounts may not be very profitable, but the cheap factor will increase the number of purchases. More will naturally lead to higher sales



Store system

Store business automation, merchants can real-time monitor the sales of their stores through our small program.

Since the
Dynamic business processes can be collaboratively managed to improve the overall workflow of an organization for greater efficiency, to change business needs, to reduce human error, and to clarify work roles and responsibilities.


Consultation system

Article information channel, can be put into the latest company information, as well as industry news, for users to understand more detailed.

Through the Internet, the establishment of customer information system, strengthen customer management, not only can fully understand the characteristics of customer needs, but also can formulate more effective, more targeted promotion plans, improve customer service level.


The payment system

Bind wechat Pay, the way users pay when buying products.

We can easily understand this comparison. We have used many payment methods when purchasing products, such as wechat Pay, Alipay, bank card payment and cash payment.


Rights management

Administrator roles are grouped into different groups. Different levels are assigned different management permissions.

Permission management means that users can access only authorized resources based on security rules or policies set by the system. Permission management appears in almost any system, as long as there is a user and password system.


Channel management

User source analysis, analyze how users come (drainage channels)

Source: generally have the identification of two-dimensional code, website, news, advertising,


Information management

Participate in setting and product attribute functions for information statistics and management

To put it simply, information management is the management of information resources and information activities. Information management refers to the information collected, processed, input and output in the whole process of management. The process of information management includes information collection, information transmission, information processing and information storage.


The user group

User classification analysis, user classification, and user classification data analysis for better business management.

For example, wechat management:


Do wechat business


, do direct sales




Do finance

Are classified in the wechat address book, convenient and find chat communication.


Data cube

Business data statistics
Carry out order sales
Merchandise sales and other statistics.


Marketing services

Make promotional materials, event pictures and marketing plans


Promotion service

Promotion service

Wechat traffic promotion, whole network marketing, bring you more traffic.


Multiple ports

Management accounts, multiple accounts switch, convenient business management of different information.


Get mobile Phone Contacts

Automatically obtain mobile phone contacts, users can obtain mobile phone contact information after authorization, convenient and easy to promote users.


Multiple public accounts can be associated

Associate three public numbers, one public number, can be associated
A small program, a small program, can be associated with three public number.


Audio and video display

Audio and video display

You can share friends and not only show products or companies in pictures, but also promote them via voice and video.

Wechat support for small programs unprecedented, with
100 million users of wechat determined to do the probability of success is too high, we are already on the road, so what about you?

I think a lot of people see this will think small program is quite good, in fact, it is really quite good. Now small program development is more and more simple, do not have to write code.

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Fast automatic generation of small program front end layout and code

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