
Vue.js provides efficient data binding and flexible component systems through a simple API (application programming interface).


1. Lightweight framework 2. Bidirectional data binding 3. Instructions 4Copy the code


1. Simplicity: Official documentation is clear and easier to learn than Angular. 2. Fast: DOM updates in asynchronous batch mode. 3. Compose: Compose your application with decoupled, reusable components. 4. Compact: ~18kb min+gzip, and no dependency. 5. Powerful: Expressions & derivable properties (computed Properties) without declaring dependencies. Module-friendly: You can install via NPM, Bower, or Duo. You don't have to force all your code to conform to Angular rules.Copy the code


1. Vue has no shortage of introductory tutorials, but no shortage of advanced tutorials and documentation. The same goes for books. VUE does not support IE8 3. The ecosystem is worse than Angular and React 4. Read the source code if you have questions. Functionality is limited to the View layer, and Ajax and other functions require additional libraries. High requirements for developers.Copy the code



1. Good application structure 2. Two-way data binding 3. Instructions 4. It can be embedded, injected, and testedCopy the code


1. Templates are powerful and rich, with extremely rich Angular directives. 2. It is a relatively complete front-end framework, including services, templates, two-way data binding, modularization, routing, filters, dependency injection and other functions; 3. Custom instructions, which can be used repeatedly in the project. 4. Ng modularity introduces something bold in Java (dependency injection), which makes it easy to write reusable code, which is very helpful for agile development teams. 5. Angularjs was developed by Internet giant Google, which means it has a solid foundation and community to support it.Copy the code


Angular is easy to get started, but difficult to understand when learning. There are very few examples in the documentation. The official documentation is basically just API, and there are no examples. Most of the time, you have to come to Google or ask Misko,angular's author, for details. Ie6/7 compatibility is not particularly good, but you can use jQuery handwritten code to solve some. There are few best practices for using directives. Angular is very flexible, and it's easy to write code that doesn't look like jQuery if you don't follow the author's guidelines, such as javascript with a lot of DOM manipulation.Copy the code



1. Declarative design: React uses the declarative paradigm to easily describe applications. React minimizes interaction with the DOM by emulating the DOM. 3. Flexibility: React works well with known libraries or frameworks.Copy the code


1. Fast speed: During THE UI rendering process, React implements partial updates to the actual DOM through micro-operations in the virtual DOM. 2. Cross-browser compatibility: The virtual DOM helped us solve the cross-browser problem by giving us a standardized API that worked even in IE8. 3. Modularity: Write separate modular UI components for your application so that when one or more components break down, you can easily isolate them. 4. One-way Data Flow: Flux is an architecture for creating a one-way data layer in JavaScript applications, which was conceptualized by Facebook with the development of the React View library. 5. Homogeneous, pure javascript: Because search engine crawlers rely on server-side responses rather than javascript execution, pre-rendering your application helps with search engine optimization. 6. Compatibility: Use RequireJS for loading and packaging, for example, while Browserify and Webpack are good for building large applications. They make difficult tasks less daunting.Copy the code


1. React itself is only a V, not a complete framework, so if a large project wants a complete framework, it basically needs to add ReactRouter and Flux to write large applications.Copy the code