Advanced Swift Debugging for UIKit

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This post describes several techniques to debug closed source libraries such as UIKit.

As we’ve pushed iOS to its limits, we’ve found some inscrutable runtime bugs. In order to solve these, we’ve had to dive into the deepest internals of UIKit.

Since UIKit is closed source, we can’t place breakpoints or view the code. However, as we’ll see, nothing in Objective-C is really private.

In this post, we’ll cover:

  • Reading private variables
  • Swizzling to see property changes
  • Watching memory to observe instance variable changes

Most of these examples are based on UIKit, but the techniques apply to any private Objective-C framework.

Reading Private Variables

Look at the Runtime Headers

The UIKit source code is not public, but we can read its runtime headers (.h files) to see method and variable names. The method names hint at their implementation, and importantly allow us to call them.

A few sites index the runtime headers. For example, which can also search specific iOS versions.

If we are having trouble with a certain property or method in a class, we can search the header file for related methods.

Calling Private Methods

Once we find an interesting private method, it’s useful to print the result from the debugger. For instance UITableView has a private method: -(id)_delegateActual. We can’t run this in Swift, because Swift does not allow the calling of private methods:

(lldb) po tableView._delegateActual()Copy the code
error: <EXPR>:3:1: error: value of type 'UITableView' has no member '_delegateActual'Copy the code

However, in Objective-C, we can run arbitrary selectors on any object. We can get the pointer for the object, and then run an expression in Objective-C:

(lldb) po tableView

<UITableView: 0x7ff960053200; frame = (0 0; 375, 812); clipsToBounds = YES; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x604000249e40>; layer = <CALayer: 0x60400003f880>; contentOffset: {0, 61}; contentSize: {375, 1320}; adjustedContentInset: {88, 0, 34, 0}>Copy the code
(lldb) e -l objc -O -- [0x7ff960053200 _delegateActual]

<TableViewExperiments.ViewController: 0x7ff95ec1d7d0>Copy the code

In this example:

  • e is short for expression which runs code and prints out the result
  • -l sets the language to Objective-C
  • -O specifies that this is an object, so the command should dereference the pointer before printing it out

If you’re printing a primitive, simply omit -O.

(e -l is useful in other contexts too. e -l Swift allows you to run Swift code even when your stack frame is Objective-C.)

Reading Private Instance Variables

Let’s say we find a private instance variable that we want to read. In modern Objective-C, properties are much more common than instance variables; we can simply use the above technique to run the private getter or setter methods backing the property. However, in UIKit, instance variables without properties are common and so are much harder to debug.

Recently, we were interested in the _firstResponderIndexPath property on UITableView. This property appears to be set whenever a cell in UITableView becomes the first responder. To read this variable, we can’t use the above trick because _firstResponderIndexPath is an instance variable:

(lldb) e -l objc -O -- [0x7ff960053200 _firstResponderIndexPath]Copy the code
error: Execution was interrupted, reason: Attempted to dereference an invalid ObjC Object or send it an unrecognized selector.Copy the code
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.Copy the code

However, nothing is really private in Objective-C. We can use the runtime to access any instance variable, even if it is private. First, we need to query the class for the Ivar object. Then we can query the instance for the value of this instance variable:

(lldb) po object_getIvar(tableView, class_getInstanceVariable(UITableView.self, "_firstResponderIndexPath")!) !Copy the code
<NSIndexPath: 0xC000000000600016 > {length = 2, path = 0 -- 3}Copy the code


It is useful to call and read private methods, but it is often more useful to see when these values change. Swizzling allows us to add breakpoints, examine the stack, and get clues on how features are implemented.

We want to know when a property on an object is changing. The easiest way to do this is to swizzle the setter. Swizzling is an Objective-C runtime technique to exchange method implementations. We replace the existing method with a new method, print the new value, and then call the old method. We effectively insert some debug code between the call site and the actual implementation of the method. The confusing part is this: In order to call the old method, we must call the new method’s signature, Since we’ve managed to rattle their names. It looks like this:

extension UIScrollView {

class func swizzleZoomScale() {

let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self,

#selector(setter: minimumZoomScale))

let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self,


method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod! .


}Copy the code
    @objc dynamic func swizzle_setMinimumZoomScale(_ scale: CGFloat) {

print("new value: \(scale)")Copy the code
        // It looks like we're entering an infinite loop,

// but exchangeImplementations has switched the method’s

// names. So this method signature now maps to

// the original minimumZoomScale implementationCopy the code


}Copy the code

In this case, we wanted to know when the minimum zoom scale changed. First, we call swizzleZoomScale() exactly once (for example, from UIApplicationDelegate). Then, we put a break point in the swizzle_setMinimumZoomScale. Whenever setMinimumZoomScale is called, the breakpoint will hit. We will then have a full stack trace to examine where and why the zoom scale changed.

Swizzling Private Methods

If we are trying to swizzle a private method, the above code won’t work; It cannot find the selector we want to replace. There’s an easy fix though. We just create an Objective-C category on The object and add to the interface. We don’t need to implement it; we just need to let the compiler know it exists.

@interface UITableView (Private)Copy the code
- (void)_applePrivateMethod;Copy the code
@endCopy the code

With this, we’ll be able to swizzle _applePrivateMethod.

Watching Memory

If we want to know when a property changes, we can simply swizzle the setter. However, many UIKit variables are not backed by properties but are instead set directly. Swizzling won’t help in this case; we must watch memory directly.

We can listen to any variable with the watchpoint command in lldb:

(lldb) watchpoint set variable self.counterCopy the code

This will hit a breakpoint whenever counter changes value. However, this doesn’t work for private instance variables, since self.counter would not be accessible. To get around this, we can find the memory address of the instance variable.

Consider again the private instance variable _firstResponderIndexPath. This is set when a cell in UITableView becomes the first responder. First, we ensure the value is not nil, and then we print it out:

(lldb) po tableView

<UITableView: 0x7fefb482da00; frame = (0 0; 375, 812); clipsToBounds = YES; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x604000249e40>; layer = <CALayer: 0x60400003f880>; contentOffset: {0, 61}; contentSize: {375, 1320}; adjustedContentInset: {88, 0, 34, 0}>Copy the code
(lldb) po object_getIvar(tableView, class_getInstanceVariable(UITableView.self, "_firstResponderIndexPath")!) !Copy the code
<NSIndexPath: 0xc000000000400016> {length = 2, path = 0 - 3}Copy the code

This is useful, but it’s not the memory we want to watch. To find the correct address, we need to understand how Objective-C puts classes on the heap. When we have a pointer to an object, that memory points to the start of a blob of memory with information on that instance. The first word contains the isa pointer, and after that are the instance variables of the class (see more in Apple’s documentation). It looks like this:

At some offset from the UITableView pointer is the memory representing _firstResponderIndexPath. Its value is the pointer to the IndexPath. When _firstResponderIndexPath changes, it will look like this: