
Babel is one of the most popular JavaScript compilers. It uses a JavaScript parser called Babel-Parser, originally fork from the Acorn project. Acorn was fast, easy to use, and designed a plug-in based architecture for non-standard features (and those that will be standard features in the future). This article mainly introduces the abstract syntax tree nodes generated by esprima parsing. Esprima implementation is also based on Acorn.

The original address

The Parser Parser

JavaScript Parser is a Parser that converts JS source code into abstract syntax trees (AST). This step is divided into two stages: Lexical Analysis and Syntactic Analysis.

Common JavaScript Parser:

  • esprima

  • uglifyJS2

  • traceur

  • acorn

  • espree

  • @babel/parser

Lexical analysis

The lexical analysis phase transforms the string code into a stream of tokens. You can think of a token as a flat array of syntax fragments.

n * n;
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For example, the lexical analysis of n*n is as follows:

[{type: {... },value: "n".start: 0.end: 1.loc: {... }}, {type: {... },value: "*".start: 2.end: 3.loc: {... }}, {type: {... },value: "n".start: 4.end: 5.loc: {... }},]Copy the code

Each type has a set of attributes that describe the token:

  type: {
    label: 'name',
    keyword: undefined,
    beforeExpr: false,
    startsExpr: true,
    rightAssociative: false,
    isLoop: false,
    isAssign: false,
    prefix: false,
    postfix: false,
    binop: null,
    updateContext: null},... }Copy the code

Like AST nodes, they have start, end, and LOC attributes.

Syntax analysis

Parsing is transforming tokens into AST based on the results of lexical analysis.

function square(n) {
  return n * n;
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As in the code above, the generated AST structure looks like this:

  type: "FunctionDeclaration".id: {
    type: "Identifier".name: "square"
  params: [{
    type: "Identifier".name: "n"}].body: {
    type: "BlockStatement".body: [{
      type: "ReturnStatement".argument: {
        type: "BinaryExpression".operator: "*".left: {
          type: "Identifier".name: "n"
        right: {
          type: "Identifier".name: "n"}}}]}}Copy the code

The following sections explain the different types of AST nodes. More AST generated with the following entry:

  • eslint

  • AST Explorer

  • esprima

With visual tools, for example

The following code:

var a = 42;
var b = 5;
function addA(d) {
    return a + d;
var c = addA(2) + b;
Copy the code

After the first step of lexical analysis, it will grow as shown in the figure below:

Syntax analysis, production of abstract syntax tree, generated abstract syntax tree as shown in the figure below



All node types implement the following interfaces:

interface Node {
  type: string; range? : [number.number]; loc? : SourceLocation; }Copy the code

The Type field is a string representing the AST variant type. This LOC field represents the source location information of the node. This field is null if the parser does not generate information about the node’s source location; Otherwise it is an object with a start position (the position of the first character of the source region being parsed) and an end position.

interfaceSourceLocation { start: Position; end: Position; source? :string | null;
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Each Position object consists of a line number (index 1) and a column number (index 0) :

interface Position {
    line: uint32 >= 1;
    column: uint32 >= 0;
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interface Program <: Node {
    type: "Program";
    sourceType: 'script' | 'module';
    body: StatementListItem[] | ModuleItem[];
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Represents a complete source code tree.

Scripts and Modules

Source code number includes two sources, one is script script, the other is modules

When script, the body is StatementListItem. When modules, body is ModuleItem.

The types StatementListItem and ModuleItem are as follows.

type StatementListItem = Declaration | Statement;
type ModuleItem = ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration | StatementListItem;
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Import syntax, import modules

type ImportDeclaration {
    type: 'ImportDeclaration';
    specifiers: ImportSpecifier[];
    source: Literal;
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ImportSpecifier has the following types:

interface ImportSpecifier {
    type: 'ImportSpecifier' | 'ImportDefaultSpecifier' | 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier'; local: Identifier; imported? : Identifier; }Copy the code

ImportSpecifier syntax is as follows:

import { foo } from './foo';
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The syntax for ImportDefaultSpecifier is as follows:

import foo from './foo';
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The syntax of ImportNamespaceSpecifier is as follows

import * as foo from './foo';
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Export type is as follows

type ExportDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration;
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ExportAllDeclaration Exports from the specified module

interface ExportAllDeclaration {
    type: 'ExportAllDeclaration';
    source: Literal;
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The syntax is as follows:

export * from './foo';
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ExportDefaultDeclaration Exports the default module

interface ExportDefaultDeclaration {
    type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration';
    declaration: Identifier | BindingPattern | ClassDeclaration | Expression | FunctionDeclaration;
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The syntax is as follows:

export default 'foo';
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ExportNamedDeclaration Exports some modules

interface ExportNamedDeclaration {
    type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration';
    declaration: ClassDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration;
    specifiers: ExportSpecifier[];
    source: Literal;
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The syntax is as follows:

export const foo = 'foo';
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Declarations and Statements

The type of declaration is as follows:

type Declaration = VariableDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration;
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Statements are of the following types:

type Statement = BlockStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement |
    DebuggerStatement | DoWhileStatement | EmptyStatement |
    ExpressionStatement | ForStatement | ForInStatement |
    ForOfStatement | FunctionDeclaration | IfStatement |
    LabeledStatement | ReturnStatement | SwitchStatement |
    ThrowStatement | TryStatement | VariableDeclaration |
    WhileStatement | WithStatement;
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Variable declarations. The kind attribute indicates what type of declaration it is, since ES6 introduced const/let.

interface VariableDeclaration <: Declaration {
    type: "VariableDeclaration";
    declarations: [ VariableDeclarator ];
    kind: "var" | "let" | "const";
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Function declarations (non-function expressions)

interface FunctionDeclaration {
    type: 'FunctionDeclaration';
    id: Identifier | null;
    params: FunctionParameter[];
    body: BlockStatement;
    generator: boolean;
    async: boolean;
    expression: false;
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Such as:

function foo() {}

function *bar() { yield "44"; }

async function noop() { await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve('55'); })}Copy the code


Class declaration (non-class expression)

interface ClassDeclaration {
    type: 'ClassDeclaration';
    id: Identifier | null;
    superClass: Identifier | null;
    body: ClassBody;
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The ClassBody declaration reads as follows:

interface ClassBody {
    type: 'ClassBody';
    body: MethodDefinition[];
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MethodDefinition represents a method declaration;

interface MethodDefinition {
    type: 'MethodDefinition';
    key: Expression | null;
    computed: boolean;
    value: FunctionExpression | null;
    kind: 'method' | 'constructor';
    static: boolean;
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class foo {
    constructor() {}
    method() {}
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The continue statement

interface ContinueStatement {
    type: 'ContinueStatement';
    label: Identifier | null;
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Such as:

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    if (i === 0) {
        continue; }}Copy the code


The debugger statement

interface DebuggerStatement {
    type: 'DebuggerStatement';
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For example,

while(true) {
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Do – while statement

interface DoWhileStatement {
    type: 'DoWhileStatement';
    body: Statement;
    test: Expression;
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Test denotes the while condition

Such as:

var i = 0;
do {
} while(i = 2)
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An empty statement

interface EmptyStatement {
    type: 'EmptyStatement';
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Such as:


var a = [];
for(i = 0; i < a.length; a[i++] = 0);
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Expression statements, that is, statements that consist of a single expression.

interface ExpressionStatement {
    type: 'ExpressionStatement'; expression: Expression; directive? :string;
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When an expression statement represents a directive (for example, “Use strict”), the directive property contains the directive string.

Such as:

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For statement

interface ForStatement {
    type: 'ForStatement';
    init: Expression | VariableDeclaration | null;
    test: Expression | null;
    update: Expression | null;
    body: Statement;
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for… In statement

interface ForInStatement {
    type: 'ForInStatement';
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
    body: Statement;
    each: false;
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for… Of the statement

interface ForOfStatement {
    type: 'ForOfStatement';
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
    body: Statement;
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If statement

interface IfStatement {
    type: 'IfStatement'; test: Expression; consequent: Statement; alternate? : Statement; }Copy the code

Possession means if hit, alternate means else or else if.


The label statement is used to precisely use the continue and break statements in nested loops.

interface LabeledStatement {
    type: 'LabeledStatement';
    label: Identifier;
    body: Statement;
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Such as:

var num = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){
        for (var j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j++){
            if( i == 5 && j == 5) {breakoutPoint; } num++; }}Copy the code


Return statement

interface ReturnStatement {
    type: 'ReturnStatement';
    argument: Expression | null;
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A Switch statement

interface SwitchStatement {
    type: 'SwitchStatement';
    discriminant: Expression;
    cases: SwitchCase[];
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Discriminant indicates the variable of the switch.

The SwitchCase type is as follows

interface SwitchCase {
    type: 'SwitchCase';
    test: Expression | null;
    consequent: Statement[];
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Throw statement

interface ThrowStatement {
    type: 'ThrowStatement';
    argument: Expression;
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try… Catch statement

interface TryStatement {
    type: 'TryStatement';
    block: BlockStatement;
    handler: CatchClause | null;
    finalizer: BlockStatement | null;
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Handler Processes the declaration content for a catch. Finalizer is finally content.

The types of CatchClaus are as follows

interface CatchClause {
    type: 'CatchClause';
    param: Identifier | BindingPattern;
    body: BlockStatement;
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Such as:

try {
} catch (e) {
} finally {
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While statement

interface WhileStatement {
    type: 'WhileStatement';
    test: Expression;
    body: Statement;
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Test is a decision expression


With statement (scope that specifies the scope of the block statement)

interface WithStatement {
    type: 'WithStatement';
    object: Expression;
    body: Statement;
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Such as:

var a = {};

with(a) {
    name = 'xiao.ming';

console.log(a); // {name: 'xiao.ming'}
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Expressions and Patterns

Expressions can be of the following types:

type Expression = ThisExpression | Identifier | Literal |
    ArrayExpression | ObjectExpression | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassExpression |
    TaggedTemplateExpression | MemberExpression | Super | MetaProperty |
    NewExpression | CallExpression | UpdateExpression | AwaitExpression | UnaryExpression |
    BinaryExpression | LogicalExpression | ConditionalExpression |
    YieldExpression | AssignmentExpression | SequenceExpression;
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There are two types of Patterns available, function and object Patterns:

type BindingPattern = ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern;
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This expression

interface ThisExpression {
    type: 'ThisExpression';
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Identifiers are the names we define when we write JS, such as variable names, function names, and attribute names, all belong to identifiers. The corresponding interface looks like this:

interface Identifier {
    type: 'Identifier';
    name: string;
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Literals, not [] or {}, but literals that semantically represent a value, such as 1, “hello”, true, and regular expressions (with an extended Node to represent regular expressions) such as /\d? /.

interface Literal {
    type: 'Literal';
    value: boolean | number | string | RegExp | null;
    raw: string; regex? : { pattern:string, flags: string };
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Such as:

var a = 1;
var b = 'b';
var c = false;
var d = /\d/;
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Array expression

interface ArrayExpression {
    type: 'ArrayExpression';
    elements: ArrayExpressionElement[];
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Ex. :

Copy the code


The node of an array expression has the following type

type ArrayExpressionElement = Expression | SpreadElement;
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Expression contains all expressions, and SpreadElement is the extended operator syntax.


Extended operator

interface SpreadElement {
    type: 'SpreadElement';
    argument: Expression;
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Such as:

var a = [3.4];
var b = [1.2. a];var c = {foo: 1};
var b = {bar: 2. c};Copy the code


Object expression

interface ObjectExpression {
    type: 'ObjectExpression';
    properties: Property[];
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Property represents the attribute description of the object

Type the following

interface Property {
    type: 'Property';
    key: Expression;
    computed: boolean;
    value: Expression | null;
    kind: 'get' | 'set' | 'init';
    method: false;
    shorthand: boolean;
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Kind means normal initialization, or get/set.

Such as:

var obj = {
    foo: 'foo'.bar: function() {},
    noop() {}, / / method to true
    ['computed'] :'computed'  / / computed to true
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Functional expression

interface FunctionExpression {
    type: 'FunctionExpression';
    id: Identifier | null;
    params: FunctionParameter[];
    body: BlockStatement;
    generator: boolean;
    async: boolean;
    expression: boolean;
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Such as:

var foo = function () {}
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Arrow function expression

interface ArrowFunctionExpression {
    type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression';
    id: Identifier | null;
    params: FunctionParameter[];
    body: BlockStatement | Expression;
    generator: boolean;
    async: boolean;
    expression: false;
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Generator indicates whether it is a generator function, async indicates whether it is an async/await function, and params is a parameter definition.

The FunctionParameter types are as follows

type FunctionParameter = AssignmentPattern | Identifier | BindingPattern;
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Ex. :

var foo = (a)= > {};
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Such expressions

interface ClassExpression {
    type: 'ClassExpression';
    id: Identifier | null;
    superClass: Identifier | null;
    body: ClassBody;
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Such as:

var foo = class {
    constructor() {}
    method() {}
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Tag template text function

interface TaggedTemplateExpression {
    type: 'TaggedTemplateExpression';
    readonly tag: Expression;
    readonly quasi: TemplateLiteral;
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The TemplateLiteral types are as follows

interface TemplateLiteral {
    type: 'TemplateLiteral';
    quasis: TemplateElement[];
    expressions: Expression[];
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The TemplateElement type is as follows

interface TemplateElement {
    type: 'TemplateElement';
    value: { cooked: string; raw: string };
    tail: boolean;
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For example,

var foo = function(a){ console.log(a); }
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Attribute member expression

interface MemberExpression {
    type: 'MemberExpression';
    computed: boolean;
    object: Expression;
    property: Expression;
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Such as:

const foo = {bar: 'bar'};;
foo['bar']; / / computed to true
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Superclass keyword

interface Super {
    type: 'Super';
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Such as:

class foo {};
class bar extends foo {
    constructor() {
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(I don’t know what this is for.)

interface MetaProperty {
    type: 'MetaProperty';
    meta: Identifier;
    property: Identifier;
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Such as:  // Object declared by new, will exist

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Function execution expression

interface CallExpression {
    type: 'CallExpression';
    callee: Expression | Import;
    arguments: ArgumentListElement[];
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Import type.

interface Import {
    type: 'Import'
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ArgumentListElement type

type ArgumentListElement = Expression | SpreadElement;
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Such as:

var foo = function (){};
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New expressions

interface NewExpression {
    type: 'NewExpression';
    callee: Expression;
    arguments: ArgumentListElement[];
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Update operator expressions such as ++, –;

interface UpdateExpression {
  type: "UpdateExpression";
  operator: '+ +' | The '-';
  argument: Expression;
  prefix: boolean;
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Such as:

var i = 0;
++i; / / the prefix to true
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Await expressions are used with async.

interface AwaitExpression {
    type: 'AwaitExpression';
    argument: Expression;
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Such as

async function foo() {
    var bar = function() {
        new Primise(function(resolve, reject) {
            setTimeout(function() {
    return await bar();

foo() // foo
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Unary operator expressions

interface UnaryExpression {
  type: "UnaryExpression";
  operator: UnaryOperator;
  prefix: boolean;
  argument: Expression;
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Enumeration UnaryOperator

enum UnaryOperator {
  "-" | "+" | "!" | "~" | "typeof" | "void" | "delete" | "throw"
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Binary operator expressions

interface BinaryExpression {
    type: 'BinaryExpression';
    operator: BinaryOperator;
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
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Enumeration BinaryOperator

enum BinaryOperator {
  "= =" | ! "" =" | "= = =" | ! "" = ="
     | "<" | "< =" | ">" | "> ="
     | "< <" | "> >" | "> > >"
     | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%"
     | "* *" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in"
     | "instanceof"
     | "| >"
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Logical operator expressions

interface LogicalExpression {
    type: 'LogicalExpression';
    operator: '| |' | '&';
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
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Such as:

var a = The '-';
var b = a || The '-';

if (a && b) {}
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Conditional operator

interface ConditionalExpression {
    type: 'ConditionalExpression';
    test: Expression;
    consequent: Expression;
    alternate: Expression;
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Such as:

var a = true;
var b = a ? 'consequent' : 'alternate';
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Yield expression

interface YieldExpression {
    type: 'YieldExpression';
    argument: Expression | null;
    delegate: boolean;
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Such as:

function* gen(x) {
  var y = yield x + 2;
  return y;
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Assignment expression.

interface AssignmentExpression {
    type: 'AssignmentExpression';
    operator: '=' | '* =' | * * = ' ' | '/ =' | '% =' | '+ =' | '- =' |
        '< < =' | '> > =' | '> > > =' | '& =' | '^ =' | '| =';
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
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The operator property represents an assignment operator, and left and right are expressions around the assignment operator.


Sequence expressions (using commas).

interface SequenceExpression {
    type: 'SequenceExpression';
    expressions: Expression[];
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var a, b;
a = 1, b = 2
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Array parsing mode

interface ArrayPattern {
    type: 'ArrayPattern';
    elements: ArrayPatternElement[];
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Ex. :

const [a, b] = [1.3];
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Elements represents the array node

ArrayPatternElement as follows

type ArrayPatternElement = AssignmentPattern | Identifier | BindingPattern | RestElement | null;
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Default assignment mode, array resolution, object resolution, function parameter default values used.

interface AssignmentPattern {
    type: 'AssignmentPattern';
    left: Identifier | BindingPattern;
    right: Expression;
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Ex. :

const [a, b = 4] = [1.3];
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Residual parameter pattern, syntax similar to extended operator.

interface RestElement {
    type: 'RestElement';
    argument: Identifier | BindingPattern;
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Ex. :

const [a, b, ...c] = [];
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Object resolution pattern

interface ObjectPattern {
    type: 'ObjectPattern';
    properties: Property[];
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Ex. :

const object = {a: 1.b: 2};
const { a, b } = object;
Copy the code

The end of the

The effects of AST can be broadly divided into several categories

  1. IDE uses such as code style detection (ESLint, etc.), code formatting, code highlighting, code errors, etc

  2. Obfuscated compression of code

  3. Tools to transform code. Such as Webpack, rollup, conversion between various code specifications, TS, JSX etc to native JS

Learning about the AST, ultimately, gives us an idea of the tools we use, and of course allows us to understand JavaScript and get closer to JavaScript.


  • Front-end advanced Javascript abstract syntax tree

  • Abstract Syntax Tree