Image package download

The previous mouse click special effects – rich and powerful, democracy, civilization, harmony…..

The last post added 5 mouse movement effects

The effect


<! DOCTYPEhtml>

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Resume of Zhi Yu</title>

<link href="logo.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />
<script src=""></script> <! -- Used to achieve mouse click effects -->

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    .bg {
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        background: url(image/phone.png) no-repeat;

    .adress {
        background: url(image/address.png) no-repeat;

    .mail {
        background: url(image/mail.png) no-repeat;

    .wechat {
        background: url(image/wechat.png) no-repeat;

    .profession {
        background: url(image/profesion.png) no-repeat;

    .university {
        background: url(image/university.png) no-repeat;

    .qiuzhi {
        background: url(image/qiuzhi.png) no-repeat;

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    <div class='bg'>
        <div style="height: 70px;">
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                        <p class='tophead peplo bgimage'>Name: XXX</p>
                        <p class='tophead phone bgimage'>Telephone: XXXX</p>
                    <td rowspan="4" class="liming">
                        <img src="image/limin.png" alt="" class="liming">

                        <p class='tophead bgimage university'>Graduated from: Central South University</p>
                        <p class='tophead bgimage mail'>Email address:<a href=""></a></p>


                        <p class='tophead bgimage profession'>Education/Major: Master/Control Science and Engineering</p>
                        <p class='tophead bgimage wechat'>WeChat: XXXXX</p>


                        <p class='tophead qiuzhi bgimage'>Job Objective: Software development engineer</p>
                        <p class='tophead bgimage adress'>Penetration through: XXXXXX</p>

        <div style="height: 380px;">
            <p> </p>
        <div class="w_foot">
            <div class="w_foot_copyright">
                Copyright &copy;2021-2023, To Yu, All Rights Reserved.</div>

        /* Mouse click text effects */
        var font = new Array("Rich"."Democracy"."Civilization"."Harmony"."Freedom"."Equality"."Justice"."The rule of law"."Patriotic"."Professional"."Good faith"."Friendly");
        var color = new Array('#ff0000'.'#eb4310'.'#f6941d'.'#fbb417'.'#ffff00'.'#cdd541'.'#99cc33'.'#3f9337'.'# 219167'.'# 239676'.'#24998d'.'#1f9baa'.'#0080ff'.'#3366cc'.'# 333399'.'# 003366'.'# 800080'.'#a1488e'.'#c71585'.'#bd2158'.'#eec142'.'#FEEE6D');
        var f_idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % font.length;
        var f_idx1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % font.length;
        var c_idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) % font.length;
        jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {$("body").click(function (e) {

                var $i = $("<span />").text(font[f_idx] + ' ' + font[f_idx1]);
                f_idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % font.length;
                f_idx1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % font.length;
                c_idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) % color.length;
                var x = e.pageX,
                    y = e.pageY;
                    "z-index": 9999999999999999999999999."top": y - 20."left": x,
                    "position": "absolute"."font-weight": "bold"."color": color[c_idx]
                    "top": y - 180."opacity": 0
                    1500.function () {

    // Implement mouse movement effects
    ! function () {
			// Encapsulate method to reduce file size after compression
			function get_attribute(node, attr, default_value) {
				return node.getAttribute(attr) || default_value;
			// Encapsulate method to reduce file size after compression
			function get_by_tagname(name) {
				return document.getElementsByTagName(name);
			// Get configuration parameters
			function get_config_option() {
				var scripts = get_by_tagname("script"),
					script_len = scripts.length,
					script = scripts[script_len - 1]; // The currently loaded script
				return {
					l: script_len, // The length used to generate the ID
					z: get_attribute(script, "zIndex".2), //z-index
					o: get_attribute(script, "opacity".0.5), //opacity
					c: get_attribute(script, "color"."0 0,"), //color
					n: get_attribute(script, "count".99) //count
			// Set the canvas height and width
			function set_canvas_size() {
				canvas_width = the_canvas.width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth,
					canvas_height = the_canvas.height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
			// The drawing process
			function draw_canvas() {
				context.clearRect(0.0, canvas_width, canvas_height);
				// random line and current position associative array
				var e, i, d, x_dist, y_dist, dist; // Temporary node
				// Iterate over each point
				random_lines.forEach(function (r, idx) {
					r.x += r.xa,
						r.y += r.ya, / / move
						r.xa *= r.x > canvas_width || r.x < 0 ? -1 : 1,
						r.ya *= r.y > canvas_height || r.y < 0 ? -1 : 1.// Hit the boundary and bounce back
						context.fillRect(r.x - 0.5, r.y -; // Draw a point with width and height 1
					// Start at the next point
					for (i = idx + 1; i < all_array.length; i++) {
						e = all_array[i];
						// Not the current point
						if (null! == e.x &&null! == e.y) { x_dist = r.x - e.x,// the x wheelbase is away from l
								y_dist = r.y - e.y, // the y base is off n
								dist = x_dist * x_dist + y_dist * y_dist; // Total distance, m
							dist < e.max && (e === current_point && dist >= e.max / 2 && (r.x -= 0.03 * x_dist, r.y -= 0.03 * y_dist), // Accelerate as you approach
								d = (e.max - dist) / e.max,
								context.lineWidth = d / 2,
								context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + config.c + "," + (d + 0.2) + ")",
								context.moveTo(r.x, r.y),
								context.lineTo(e.x, e.y),
				}), frame_func(draw_canvas);
			// Create the canvas and add it to the body
			var the_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), / / the canvas
				config = get_config_option(), / / configuration
				canvas_id = "c_n" + config.l, //canvas id
				context = the_canvas.getContext("2d"),
				canvas_width, canvas_height,
				frame_func = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (func) {
					window.setTimeout(func, 1000 / 45);
				random = Math.random,
				current_point = {
					x: null.// Current mouse x
					y: null.// Current mouse y
					max: 20000
				all_array; = canvas_id; = "position:fixed; top:0; left:0; z-index:" + config.z + "; opacity:" + config.o;
			get_by_tagname("body") [0].appendChild(the_canvas);
			// Initialize the canvas size
			set_canvas_size(), window.onresize = set_canvas_size;
			// When the mouse position is stored, release the current position information when leaving
			window.onmousemove = function (e) {
				e = e || window.event, current_point.x = e.clientX, current_point.y = e.clientY;
			}, window.onmouseout = function () {
				current_point.x = null, current_point.y = null;
			// Randomly generate config.n line position information
			for (var random_lines = [], i = 0; config.n > i; i++) {
				var x = random() * canvas_width, // Random position
					y = random() * canvas_height,
					xa = 2 * random() - 1.// Random direction of motion
					ya = 2 * random() - 1;
					x: x,
					y: y,
					xa: xa,
					ya: ya,
					max: 6000 // Attach distance
			all_array = random_lines.concat([current_point]);
			// Draw after 0.1 seconds
			setTimeout(function () {
			}, 100); } ();// Implement mouse movement effects
Copy the code
  • Copy the code and place it in a new.html file
  • Download the image package and unzip it to the.html file (just unzip it without changing the name).
> image
Copy the code
  • Run the.html file in your browser and click to see the effect