Tags: [Hexo,LeanCloud,Artitalk, Talk]Copy the code

1. Set the leanCloud

1. Log in to LeanCLoud International (register without an account)

2. After registration, bind LeanCloud mobile phone number and email address

3. Create an application

Once the binding is complete, click Create application, name it whatever you want, and create a class in the structured data called Shuoshuo.

Click on the leanCloud Console home page to go to Settings

Create a class named shuoshuo

Create it for the moment

5. Create a user

Find users under structured data in your new application. Click Add User and enter the user name and password you want to use.

Enter a user name and password

⚠️ note that this account and password need to be kept in mind, which will be used when logging in Artitalk later, and the password of this leanCloud user is not easy to change

6. Modify permissions

Back in structured data, click Shuoshuo under Class. In Class access, set add_fields and create to the specified user. Enter the user name you just entered and it will automatically match. To be safe, set delete and UPDATE to the same permissions as them.

After modification, see figure

7. Create atCommens class with default permissions

8. Click _User under class to add a column named img. The default value is the url of the post avatar that you want to use for this account.

The next step

In the menu bar, go to Settings -> Apply Keys and write down the appID and appKey.

10. Set all the _User permissions under “structured data” to the specified user. Finally, set all the permissions in _User to the specified user, or the data creator, in order to ensure that the user data will not be tampered with.

2. Configure Hexo Butterfly

❗ about setting the permissions of these steps this steps must be set up, can ensure that not be “casual” crack release about verification from Artitalk

1. Go to hexo’s theme Butterfly configuration file configuration and enter the previous appID and appKey

2. Create a navigation menu on the home page

A new page

#formatHexo New Page Folder name#The instance
hexo new page shuoshuo
Copy the code

The folder name here is the effect of the file system on the web page as a directory

Butterfly theme configuration add shuoshuo navigation

4. Restart Hexo locally

hexo clean && hexo generate && hexo server
Copy the code

⚠️ If the configuration is successful, there is a default message

5, New say click on the lower right corner

The user name and password in ⚠️ are those set by leanCloud App > user

6. Release preview

Reference 3.

Relevant reference

  • github-butterfly-plugins
  • Artitalk-leancloud configuration
  • Artitalk- Frequently asked Questions
  • Hexo (Butterfly) Add talk page (Artitalk available online)