
As we all know, a few years ago in the TextView text to add a custom tag text or tag picture is relatively popular, especially some e-commerce projects. In recent years, UI design has rarely seen this kind of design, but there are still times when you will encounter the need to put tags before text. If you use the drawableLeft property that comes with TextView, you can meet some general requirements, but the customization is too low, and the image and text are separated when the text is newline, which doesn’t give you the desired effect. Of course, I am only providing one method, there are thousands of ways to achieve a requirement!


Without further ado, here’s the usual wave:

Some of you will say it’s easy. Yes, it is. In fact, I just put some commonly used methods to write together, for you to call, and do not change the original code can set the label, of course, there are some other methods (such as: underline, delete line, format text color, hyperlink, etc.), just need to call the corresponding method can be, save big wave time.

How to use

Step 1 add Repositories for Build. Gradle (Project:XXX)

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }
Copy the code

Step 2. Add dependencies to build.gradle(Module:XXX)

Dependencies {implementation 'com. Making. ChinaLike: TagTextView: 0.0.8'}Copy the code

Step 3. Reference in XML (one of the methods is an example) :

<com.view.text.TagTextView android:id="@+id/tagTextView8" android:layout_width="wrap_content" Android :layout_height="wrap_content" Android :layout_marginVertical="10dp" Android :text=" 下 载 V40 下 载 "Android :textColor="#666666" app:tvt_tag_background_color="#FF6464" App :tvt_tag_bottom_padding="1dp" app:tvt_tag_left_padding="20dp" app:tvt_tag_right_padding="20dp" app: tVT_tag_bottom_padding =" new" app:tvt_tag_space="10dp" app:tvt_tag_top_padding="1dp" app:tvt_text_space="5dp" />Copy the code

The API is introduced

TagTextView function

XML attributes

API type The default value describe Release notes instructions
tvt_left_top_radius dimension Label top left rounded corner
tvt_left_bottom_radius dimension Bottom left corner of label
tvt_right_top_radius dimension Label upper right rounded corner
tvt_right_bottom_radius dimension Bottom right corner of label
tvt_radius dimension 9999dp Label the rounded If label fillet is set separately, this method will be invalid for the corresponding azimuth fillet
tvt_tag_left_padding dimension 10dp Left inside margin of label
tvt_tag_top_padding dimension Inside margin at the top of the label
tvt_tag_right_padding dimension 10dp Right inside margin of label
tvt_tag_bottom_padding dimension Bottom margin of label
tvt_tag_padding dimension 0 Label margin This method is invalid when the label inner margin is set separately
tvt_tag_background_color color Color.GRAY Label Background Color
tvt_tag_space dimension 0 Label spacing
tvt_text_space dimension 0 The spacing between the label and the text
tvt_tag_location enum start The position of the label Start indicates the start position, end indicates the end position
tvt_tag_start_background_color color Gradient background start color
tvt_tag_end_background_color color Gradient background end color
tvt_tag_text_size dimension 14sp Label Text size
tvt_tag_text_color color Color.WHITE Label Text Color
tvt_first_tag_left_space dimension 0 The first label is the distance to the left
tvt_tag_text string Label content iftvt_tag_texttvt_tag_imageIf you set all of them, onlytvt_tag_imageTo take effect
tvt_tag_image reference Image label iftvt_tag_texttvt_tag_imageIf you set all of them, onlytvt_tag_imageTo take effect
tvt_tag_width dimension The custom width of the label
tvt_tag_height dimension The custom height of the tag


API type The default value describe Release notes instructions
leftTopRadius Float Label top left rounded corner
leftBottomRadius Float Bottom left corner of label
rightTopRadius Float Label upper right rounded corner
rightBottomRadius Float Bottom right corner of label
radius Float 9999F Label the rounded If label fillet is set separately, this method will be invalid for the corresponding azimuth fillet
tagLeftPadding Int 10dp Left inside margin of label
tagTopPadding Int Inside margin at the top of the label
tagRightPadding Int 10dp Right inside margin of label
tagBottomPadding Int Bottom margin of label
tagPadding Int 0 Label margin This method is invalid when the label inner margin is set separately
tagBackgroundColor Int Color.GRAY Label Background Color
tagSpace Int 0 Label spacing
textSpace Int 0 The spacing between the label and the text
tagLocation Int TagLocation.START The position of the label TagLocation.STARTThe starting position,TagLocation.ENDEnd position
tagStartBackgroundColor Int Gradient background start color
tagEndBackgroundColor Int Gradient background end color
tagTextSize Float 14sp Label Text size
tagTextColor Int Color.WHITE Label Text Color
firstTagLeftSpace Int 0 The first label is the distance to the left
tagText String Label content iftagTexttagImageIf you set all of them, onlytagImageTo take effect
tagImage Drawable Image label iftagTexttagImageIf you set all of them, onlytagImageTo take effect
tagWidth Int The custom width of the label
tagHeight Int The custom height of the tag


  • setTextTag(params)

    Set up the label

    Params: Tag content in the following formats

    BaseTagAdapter<*>: A custom adapter that implements its own label display style, Only the tVT_tag_space, tVT_text_space, tVT_tag_location, tVT_first_tag_left_space fields are valid in the custom MutableList<T>: multiple tags, Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String: Drawable String If you pass a Bitmap Int with one DrawableRes, you pass multiple drawables. If you pass a Bitmap Int with one DrawableRes, you pass multiple drawables. If you pass a Bitmap Int with one Drawable, you pass multiple drawablesCopy the code

Extended functionality (XML configuration style not supported)

  • setTextTag(config:TagConfig,params:Any)

    Set up the label

    Config: optional tag style. See TagConfig

    Params: Tag content. The following formats are supported:

    MutableList<T>: multiple tags. T supports String, DrawableRes, Bitmap, Drawable String: String tags. Int: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes: DrawableRes Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: Drawable: DrawableCopy the code
  • setUnderline(underline: String)

    Underline text

    Underline: Underline the text that needs to be underlined. If more than one text is the same, underline only the first one

  • setUnderline(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int)

    Underline text

    StartIndex: indicates the startIndex

    EndIndex: indicates the endIndex

  • setUnderline(vararg indexRang: IntArray)

    Underline text

    IndexRang: an integer array of size 2. Multiple groups can be passed

  • setUnderline()

    Underline text

    Underline all text

  • setDeleteLine(underline: String)

    Set the text strikeout line

    Underline: Underline the text that needs to be deleted. If more than one text is the same, only the first text needs to be deleted

  • setDeleteLine(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int)

    Set the text strikeout line

    StartIndex: indicates the startIndex

    EndIndex: indicates the endIndex

  • setDeleteLine(vararg indexRang: IntArray)

    Set the text strikeout line

    IndexRang: an integer array of size 2. Multiple groups can be passed

  • setDeleteLine()

    Set the text strikeout line

    Delete lines are set for all text

  • SetSpecificTextColor (@ ColorInt color: Int, specificText: String, isUnderlineText: Boolean = false, onTagClickListener: OnTagClickListener? = null)

    Sets the specified text color

    Color: Specify the text color

    SpecificText: Specifies the text

    IsUnderlineText: Whether to display underscores. Optional. Default is false

    OnTagClickListener: Click event response, optional, -1 text is clicked, others the corresponding subscript is clicked

  • SetSpecificTextColor (@specificTextColor: Int,startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int,isUnderlineText: Boolean = false,onTagClickListener: OnTagClickListener? = null)

    Sets the specified text color

    Color: Specify the text color

    StartIndex: indicates the startIndex

    EndIndex: indicates the endIndex

    IsUnderlineText: Whether to display underscores. Optional. Default is false

    OnTagClickListener: Click event response, optional, -1 text is clicked, others the corresponding subscript is clicked

  • setSpecificTextColor(data: MutableList,onTagClickListener: OnTagClickListener? = null)

    Sets the specified text color

    Data: Customizes multiple colors for the specified text

    OnTagClickListener: Click event response, optional, -1 text is clicked, others the corresponding subscript is clicked

  • setURLSpan(startIndex: Int,endIndex: Int,type: SpanType,linkText: String,@ColorInt color: Int? = null,isUnderlineText: Boolean = false)

    Set the hyperlinked

    StartIndex: indicates the startIndex

    EndIndex: indicates the endIndex

    Type: indicates the type of the hyperlink. For details, see SpanType

    LinkText: linkText, such as to jump a phone, just by passing in the phone number

    Color: The color of the hyperlinked text

    IsUnderlineText: Whether to display underscores. Optional. Default is false

  • setURLSpan(data: MutableList?)

    Set the hyperlinked

    Data: customize the hyperlink. See URLSpanConfig

The sample is introduced

Common label

  • XML implementation
                android:text="Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
                android:textColor="# 666666"
                app:tvt_tag_text="New" />
Copy the code
  • Java code implementation
        TagTextView tagTextView = new TagTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setTagLeftPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,15F));
        tagTextView.setTagRightPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,15F));
        tagTextView.setTagTopPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,1F));
        tagTextView.setTagBottomPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,1F));
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
Copy the code
  • Kotlin code implementation
    TagTextView(this).apply {
            tagLeftPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 15f).toInt()
            tagRightPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 15f).toInt()
            tagTopPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 1f).toInt()
            tagBottomPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 1f).toInt()
            tagBackgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#FF0040")
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
            setTextTag("New")}Copy the code

Multiple tags

  • XML implementation
  1. The first step
        android:text="Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        android:textColor="# 666666"
        app:tvt_text_space="5dp" />
Copy the code
  1. Step 2 (Java implementation)
        TagTextView tagTextView = findViewById(;
        tagTextView.setTextTag("New"."Gold"."Heart yue");
Copy the code

Or (Kotlin implementation)

        tagTextView.setTextTag("New"."Gold"."Heart yue")
Copy the code
  • Java code implementation
        TagTextView tagTextView = new TagTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setTagLeftPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,20F));
        tagTextView.setTagRightPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,20F));
        tagTextView.setTagTopPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,1F));
        tagTextView.setTagBottomPadding((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,1F));
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        tagTextView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"));
        tagTextView.setTagSpace((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,10F));
        tagTextView.setTextSpace((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,5F));
        tagTextView.setTextTag("New"."Gold"."Heart yue");
Copy the code
  • Kotlin code implementation
        val tagTextView = TagTextView(this).apply {
            tagLeftPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 20f).toInt()
            tagRightPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 20f).toInt()
            tagTopPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 1f).toInt()
            tagBottomPadding = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 1f).toInt()
            tagBackgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#FF6464")
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
            setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"))
            tagSpace = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 10f).toInt()
            textSpace = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 5f).toInt()
            setTextTag("New"."Gold"."Heart yue")}Copy the code

The gradient background

  • XML implementation
  1. The first step
        android:text="Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        android:textColor="# 666666"
Copy the code
  1. Part 2 (Java Implementation)
        TagTextView tagTextView = findViewById(;
        tagTextView.setTextTag("Select"."New to the market"."Recommended");
Copy the code

Or (Kotlin implementation)

        tagTextView.setTextTag("Select"."New to the market"."Recommended")
Copy the code
  • Java code implementation
        TagTextView tagTextView = new TagTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        tagTextView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"));
        tagTextView.setTextTag("Select"."New to the market"."Recommended");
Copy the code
  • Kotlin code implementation
        val tagTextView = TagTextView(this).apply {
            tagStartBackgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this@MainActivity3, R.color.tagStartBackgroundColor)
            tagEndBackgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this@MainActivity3, R.color.tagEndBackgroundColor)
            setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone")
            setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"))
            setTextTag("Select"."New to the market"."Recommended")}Copy the code

General picture label

  • XML implementation
        android:text="Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        android:textColor="# 666666"
Copy the code
  • Java code implementation
        TagTextView tagTextView = new TagTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        tagTextView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"));
        tagTextView.setTagSpace((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,10F));
        tagTextView.setTextSpace((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,5F));
Copy the code
  • Kotlin code implementation
        val tagTextView = TagTextView(this).apply {
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
            setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"))
            tagSpace = dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 10f).toInt()
            textSpace = dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 5f).toInt()
Copy the code

Multiple picture labels

  • XML implementation
  1. The first step
        android:text="Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        android:textColor="# 666666"
Copy the code
  1. Step 2 (Java implementation)
        TagTextView tagTextView = findViewById(;
        tagTextView.setTextTag(R.mipmap.icon_hot, R.mipmap.icon_new2, R.mipmap.icon_new3);
Copy the code

Or (Kotlin implementation)

        tagTextView.setTextTag(R.mipmap.icon_hot, R.mipmap.icon_new2, R.mipmap.icon_new3);
Copy the code
  • Java code implementation
        TagTextView tagTextView = new TagTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        tagTextView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"));
        tagTextView.setTagSpace((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,10F));
        tagTextView.setTextTag(R.mipmap.icon_hot, R.mipmap.icon_new2, R.mipmap.icon_new3);
Copy the code
  • Kotlin code implementation
        val tagTextView = TagTextView(this).apply {
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
            setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"))
            tagSpace = dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 10f).toInt()
            setTextTag(R.mipmap.icon_hot, R.mipmap.icon_new2, R.mipmap.icon_new3);
Copy the code

Custom tags

  • XML implementation
  1. The first step
        android:text="Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        android:textColor="# 666666"
Copy the code
  1. Step 2 (Java implementation)
        List<String> data = new ArrayList();
        data.add("Fillet Label");
        data.add("Label with border");
        data.add("Gradient Label");
        data.add("Custom rounded corners");

        TagTextView tagTextView = findViewById(;
        tagTextView.setTextTag(new BaseTagAdapter<String> (this,data) {
            public View convert(int i) {
                View view = new View(MainActivity.this);
                if (i == 0){
                    view = new AppCompatImageView(MainActivity.this);
                    ((AppCompatImageView) view).setImageResource(R.mipmap.notice);
                }else if (i == 1){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                }else if (i == 2){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                }else if (i == 3){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                }else if (i == 4){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                returnview; }});Copy the code

Or (Kotlin implementation)

        val data: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(""."Fillet Label"."Label with border"."Gradient Label"."Custom rounded corners")
                object : BaseTagAdapter<String> (this@MainActivity3, data) {
                    override fun convert(position: Int): View {
                        var view: View = View(context)
                        when (position) {
                            0 -> {
                                view = AppCompatImageView(context).apply {
                            1 -> {
                                view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate( R.layout.adapter_custom_tag, null )
                                view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( {
                                    text = "${data[position]}"
                                    setTextSize( TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, DensityUtil.sp2px(this@MainActivity3, 10F))
                            2 -> {
                                view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate( R.layout.adapter_custom_tag, null)
                                view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( = "${data[position]}"
                            3 -> {
                                view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null)
                                view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( = "${data[position]}"
                            4 -> {
                                view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null)
                                view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( = "${data[position]}"}}return view

Copy the code
  • Java code implementation
        List<String> data = new ArrayList();
        data.add("Fillet Label");
        data.add("Label with border");
        data.add("Gradient Label");
        data.add("Custom rounded corners");

        TagTextView tagTextView = new TagTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setTagSpace((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,5F));
        tagTextView.setTextSpace((int) DensityUtil.INSTANCE.dp2px(this,10F));
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        tagTextView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"));
        tagTextView.setTextTag(new BaseTagAdapter<String> (this,data) {
            public View convert(int i) {
                View view = new View(MainActivity.this);
                if (i == 0){
                    view = new AppCompatImageView(MainActivity.this);
                    ((AppCompatImageView) view).setImageResource(R.mipmap.notice);
                }else if (i == 1){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                }else if (i == 2){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                }else if (i == 3){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                }else if (i == 4){
                    view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag,null);
                    AppCompatTextView textView = view.findViewById(;
                returnview; }});Copy the code
  • Kotlin code implementation
        val data: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(""."Fillet Label"."Label with border"."Gradient Label"."Custom rounded corners")
        val tagTextView = TagTextView(this).apply {
            tagSpace = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 5F).toInt()
            textSpace = DensityUtil.dp2px(this@MainActivity3, 10F).toInt()
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
            setTextColor(Color.parseColor("# 666666"))
                    object : BaseTagAdapter<String> (this@MainActivity3, data) {
                        override fun convert(position: Int): View {
                            var view: View = View(context)
                            when (position) {
                                0 -> {
                                    view = AppCompatImageView(context).apply {
                                1 -> {
                                    view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag, null)
                                    view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( {
                                        text = "${data[position]}"
                                        setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, DensityUtil.sp2px(this@MainActivity3, 10F))
                                2 -> {
                                    view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag, null)
                                    view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( = "${data[position]}"
                                3 -> {
                                    view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag, null)
                                    view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( = "${data[position]}"
                                4 -> {
                                    view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.adapter_custom_tag, null)
                                    view.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( = "${data[position]}"}}return view

Copy the code

If the sample files involved are not available, you can slide to the bottom to see the source code, which is available in Demo

The underline

  • Java implementation
        AppCompatTextView tagTextView = new AppCompatTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        // Set according to the subscript
        // Set according to the specified string
        // Supports multiple Settings
        int[] params = new int[2];
        params[0] = 0;
        params[1] = 10;
        // Set all

Copy the code
  • Kotlin implementation
        val tagTextView = AppCompatTextView(this).apply {
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        // Set according to the subscript
        // Set according to the specified string
        // Supports multiple Settings
        // Set all
Copy the code

Delete the line

  • Java implementation
        AppCompatTextView tagTextView = new AppCompatTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        // Set according to the subscript
        // Set according to the specified string
        // Supports multiple Settings
        int[] params = new int[2];
        params[0] = 0;
        params[1] = 10;
        // Set all
Copy the code
  • Kotlin implementation
        val tagTextView = AppCompatTextView(this).apply {
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        // Set according to the subscript
        // Set according to the specified string
        // Supports multiple Settings
        // Set all
Copy the code

Format string

  • Java implementation
        AppCompatTextView tagTextView = new AppCompatTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        // Specify a single string
        TextViewExKt.setSpecificTextColor(tagTextView, Color.GREEN, "Glory V40 Light Luxury edition".true, index -> {
            if (index == -1){
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Text is clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            }else {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "The first"+index+"Being clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }});// Specify a single index
        TextViewExKt.setSpecificTextColor(tagTextView, Color.GREEN, 0.10.true, index -> {
            if (index == -1){
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Text is clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            }else {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "The first"+index+"Being clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }});/ / multiple
        List<SpanConfig> params = new ArrayList<>();
        SpanConfig spanConfig1 = new SpanConfig(0.2);
        SpanConfig spanConfig2 = new SpanConfig(17.26, Color.GREEN, true);
        TextViewExKt.setSpecificTextColor(tagTextView, params, index -> {
            if (index == -1){
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Text is clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            }else {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "The first"+index+"Being clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }});Copy the code
  • Kotlin implementation
        val tagTextView = AppCompatTextView(this).apply {
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        // Specify a single string
        tagTextView.setSpecificTextColor(Color.GREEN, "Glory V40 Light Luxury edition".true.object : OnTagClickListener {
            override fun onTagClick(tagIndex: Int) {
                if (tagIndex == -1) {
                    Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity3, "Text is clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
                } else {
                    Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity3, "${tagIndex} was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

        // Specify a single index
        tagTextView.setSpecificTextColor(Color.GREEN, 0.10.true.object : OnTagClickListener {
            override fun onTagClick(tagIndex: Int) {
                if (tagIndex == -1) {
                    Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity3, "Text is clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
                } else {
                    Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity3, "${tagIndex} was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
        / / multiple
        tagTextView.setSpecificTextColor(mutableListOf(SpanConfig(0.2), SpanConfig(17.26, Color.GREEN, true)), object : OnTagClickListener {
            override fun onTagClick(tagIndex: Int) {
                if (tagIndex == -1) {
                    Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity3, "Text is clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
                } else {
                    Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity3, "${tagIndex} was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

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  • Java implementation
        AppCompatTextView tagTextView = new AppCompatTextView(this);
        tagTextView.setText("Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone");
        // Single hyperlink implementation
        TextViewExKt.setURLSpan(tagTextView, 0.10, TEL.INSTANCE, "1234", Color.RED, true);
        // Multiple hyperlink implementations
        List<URLSpanConfig> params = new ArrayList<>();
        URLSpanConfig config1 = new URLSpanConfig(0.11,TEL.INSTANCE,"12345",Color.RED,false);
        URLSpanConfig config2 = new URLSpanConfig(12.15,HTTP.INSTANCE,"",Color.GREEN,true);
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  • Kotlin implementation
        val tagTextView = AppCompatTextView(this).apply {
            text = "Glory V40 light luxury 5G super fast charge 64 million ultra clear four photo 8GB+128GB titanium Sky Silver Mobile Unicom Telecom 5G dual card dual waiting mobile phone"
        // Single hyperlink implementation
        tagTextView.setURLSpan(0.10, SpanType.TEL, "1234", Color.RED, true)
        // Multiple hyperlink implementations

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