As for the Mock data, the library mock. js is used here. As for the usage, the official website also explains in detail, so I will briefly introduce it here.

The list of data

Our first project in SRC/components/HelloWorld vue deleted, the SRC/router/index js to make the following changes:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Index from '@/views/vacation/'


export default new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      name: 'Index',
      component: Index
})Copy the code

Then, create index.vue in SRC /views/vacation/ :

  <div>list view</div>
</template>Copy the code

According to the effect

In mobile mode, the display is as follows:

Simulated data

From the project root, use the command line NPM I -d mockjs;

New SRC/mock/list. Js:

import { mock, Random } from "mockjs";

export default mock({
  'list|0-50': [
      'approveId': '@id',
      'applier': {
        'userId': '@guid',
        'userName': '@cname',
        'sectionId': '@id',
        'sectionName': '@ctitle',
})Copy the code
  • Here,'@id'(called “placeholders”) form of “;
  • Here,'@id'(called “placeholders”) must be enclosed in quotation marks;
  • Here,'@id' + 111Will be will be'@id'As a string (returns'@id111'), does not + 111;

New SRC/mock/index. Js:

Mock. Js intercepts the request address:

import { mock, Random } from "mockjs";
import List from "./list";

mock('\/','get',()=> List);Copy the code
  • In this case, useMock.mock( rurl? , rtype? , function( options ) )Intercepting a routing request/Path, return simulatedListList.
  • Rurl: Intercepts the path rule, which can be a string ‘/’ or a regular expression /\//.

    • If the request/? id="1".mockThe intercept path of can be written asMock.mock(/\/? id=\"\d\"/,'get',()=>List);
    • If different request parameters are required, return the corresponding parametersidYou need to intercept your own dataurlString to judge;
  • rtypeInterception request type,getorpost;
  • Function (options) : callback function, intercepting successful processing logic;

    • optioins = {url, type, body};
    • urlIs the request address;
    • typeIs the request type;
    • bodyFor the data passed in at request time (only atpostUseful when requested);

State management

Here, we use vuex for state management, and AXIos requests data: NPM i-s vuex axios;

New SRC/store/index. Js:

import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import axios from 'axios'; Vue.use(Vuex); const $setApplications = 'SETAPPLICATIONS'; export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { applications: null, }, mutations: { [$setApplications]: (state, list) => state.applications = list, }, actions: { requestApplications({ commit, state }) { axios.get('/') .then(({data:{list}}) => { commit($setApplications, list); }) .catch(() => { console.log(arguments); }}}})Copy the code
  • Here,stateSave the public state of the entire project,mutationsFor synchronous data processing,actionsHandle asynchronous requests.
  • mutationsIs the only modificationstateThe entrance,actionsIf you want to modifystateIt needs to be called internallymutations;
  • In the project application, use this. (‘SETAPPLICATIONS’,null) to change the value of state.

    • To pass multiple values, the second argument is an object (no more than one argument is accepted, at most two arguments are accepted).
  • In the project, an asynchronous request is invoked via this.$store.dispatch(‘requestApplications’).

    • If you need to pass a parameter, pass a second parameter (no more than one parameter is accepted, at most two parameters are accepted);

The request data

So far, through the above steps, we have built simulated data and state management independently, but have not yet combined them.

SRC /main.js add import ‘./mock’, import store from ‘./store’ and modify:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: { App },
  template: '<App/>'
})Copy the code


Not yet, we need to get the data: in the SRC/views/vacation/index. The vue add:

export default {
</script>Copy the code

Trigger the request.

Request the results

The Mock. Js usage

If you want to see how mock. js is used, it is recommended to see the “Documentation” page of the official website rather than the “examples” page.

Mock. Js returns all data in object format, if you want to fetch other formats (such as arrays…) I need to find my own way.

The rules


Mock. Mock ({// initialize the object, which is also the output object; })Copy the code

Syntax specification:

Each attribute in the data template consists of three parts: attribute name, generation rule, and attribute value:

/ / the name attribute name/value rule / / / generate rules attribute value ‘name |’ rule: the value

Attribute names and generate rules with vertical lines between | separated (don’t take space around, otherwise, your property name may contain Spaces).

The generation rule is optional.

There are seven formats for generating rules:

‘name|min-max’: value

‘name|count’: value

‘name|min-max.dmin-dmax’: value

‘name|min-max.dcount’: value

‘name|count.dmin-dmax’: value

‘name|count.dcount’: value

‘name|+step’: value

The meaning of the generation rule depends on the type of the attribute value.

Attribute values can contain @ placeholders.

The property value also specifies the initial value and type of the final value.


If you want to verify that your written simulation data is correct, you can open the console on the “Examples” page and run it directly.

})Copy the code

The test results


The installation address

Use to remind

  • $vm0Points to a component instance that must have the console’sVueTab page, click on a component to obtain, otherwise, report$vm0 undefined.
  • Click on which component,$vm0Which component to point to to get a property on that component.

Chapter reviews

  • Know how to simulate the data, next I will secretly simulate the list of data, you do not forget.
  • How to useMock.jsHow about intercepting the request, how do you get the data at the time of the request?
  • How to useaxiosWhat about request data? It’s the same asmutationsWhat’s the difference?


  • Lazy goods a, select a third party list library, how inVueWhat about in the project?

Relevant official documents

MockJS uses documents

MockJS Sample (console test available)

Vuex website

One day

Vue usage – the router