Starting November 1st, all apps uploaded to the Google App Store will be required to upgrade their target API version to 30,

Here is a record of the problems I encountered while upgrading the target version to 30.

1. Internal changes of Toast API

1.1 Problem Details

Normally, such API-level changes are not recorded in official documentation, but if they are,

sToast = Toast.makeText(UtilsApp.getApp(), text, duration);
final TextView tvMessage = sToast.getView().findViewById(;
if(sMsgColor ! = COLOR_DEFAULT) { tvMessage.setTextColor(sMsgColor); }if(sMsgTextSize ! = -1) {
if(sGravity ! = -1|| sXOffset ! = -1|| sYOffset ! = -1) {
    sToast.setGravity(sGravity, sXOffset, sYOffset);
// View from getter is prior then global toastViewCallback.
if(getter ! =null) {
} else {
    View view;
    if(toastViewCallback ! =null&& (view = toastViewCallback.getView(text, style)) ! =null) {
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If you use the getView() method after toast.maketext as above to get the control corresponding to Android.r.D.message, a null pointer exception will be thrown.

According to the API comments,

Return the view.
Toasts constructed with Toast(Context) that haven't called setView(View) with a non-null view will return null here.
Starting from Android Build.VERSION_CODES.R, in apps targeting API level Build.VERSION_CODES.R or higher, toasts constructed with makeText(Context, CharSequence, int) or its variants will also return null here unless they had called setView(View) with a non-null view. If you want to be notified when the toast is shown or hidden, use addCallback(Toast.Callback).
Custom toast views are deprecated. Apps can create a standard text toast with the makeText(Context, CharSequence, int) method, or use a Snackbar when in the foreground. Starting from Android Build.VERSION_CODES.R, apps targeting API level Build.VERSION_CODES.R or higher that are in the background will not have custom toast views displayed.
See Also:
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Obviously from Target API 30 this method only returns null. However, if we call the setView method with a custom View, we can still use it. It’s just that Toast’s UI needs to be defined.

1.2 Adaptation Scheme

Method 1: If you do not need to customize the text style displayed by Toast, you can use the native writing method, namely toast.maketext (…).

Method 2: Call Toast’s setView method and pass it in with a custom View to customize the UI style.

2. The method of obtaining equipment information is changed

2.1 Problem Details

When the Target API is raised to 30, many methods of getting device information will become unavailable, including (the apis encountered so far are shown below)

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Reading this information will throw the following exception,

2021-11-04 22:54:30.340 15085-15085/me.shouheng.samples E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: me.shouheng.samples, PID: 15085
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{me.shouheng.samples/me.shouheng.samples.device.TestDeviceUtilsActivity}: java.lang.SecurityException: getImeiForSlot: The user 10165 does not meet the requirements to access device identifiers.
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
     Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: getImeiForSlot: The user 10165 does not meet the requirements to access device identifiers.
        at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
        at android.os.Parcel.createException(
        at android.os.Parcel.readException(
        at android.os.Parcel.readException(
        at android.telephony.TelephonyManager.getImei(
        at android.telephony.TelephonyManager.getImei(
        at me.shouheng.utils.device.DeviceUtils.getDeviceId(
        at me.shouheng.samples.device.TestDeviceUtilsActivity$1.onGetPermission(
        at me.shouheng.utils.permission.PermissionUtils.checkPermissions(
        at me.shouheng.utils.permission.PermissionUtils.checkPhonePermission(
        at me.shouheng.samples.device.TestDeviceUtilsActivity.onCreate(
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
        at android.os.Looper.loop( 
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 
        at the code

After the Target API is upgraded to 30, you need to add the following permissions to use the above methods:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE" />
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However, this permission can only be obtained by the system application. Our application will crash when obtaining the above information even if it registers this permission in the manifest.

2.2 Adaptation Scheme

Do not use the above information as a user id.

3. Change the storage permission

3.1 Problem Details

Questions about requestLegacyExternalStorage attributes: Although Android10 it puts forward the concept of external storage partition, but the previous version, we just for an added android: requestLegacyExternalStorage = “true” can like way before access external storage space of the mobile phone. However, when the Target API is upgraded to 30, the use of partitioned storage will be mandatory. But if covers installation, android: requestLegacyExternalStorage = “true” or to continue to take effect. However, since we want to adapt to Android11, we should uninstall and reinstall, and then refactor the logic for reading and writing external storage.

The following are some problems or phenomena related to reading files in the phone after upgrading the target version to 30.

  • Access album permission No storage permission is required: After upgrading the target version to 30, you do not need to obtain external storage permission to access albums, but the prerequisite is to access albums in the form of ContentProvider. Referring to the access mode of Zhihu’s open source photo album framework Matisse, there is no need to obtain external storage permission when reading mobile phone photo albums.

  • The rules for writing permission to the application’s exclusive external storage remain the same: The external permission for the application is under Android/data/package_name. You do not need to apply for any permission.

  • You can obtain the management permission of the external storage space by asking MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. However, this method is not recommended because too many permissions are requested.

  • Writing to external storage is more complicated, and here’s how it works.

3.2 Adaptation Scheme

Here, I use the documentfile provided by Androidx for adaptation, and the general logic is:

  1. Request the user to obtain the exclusive storage path before writing to the external storage.
  2. After the value is obtained, it is saved to the SharedPreference (SP), and read from SP when it is used next time. The SP determines whether the external storage space needs to be obtained again based on whether the value exists.
  3. Verify read/write permissions and read/write files using DocumentFile or File. The steps are as follows,

First, add dependencies to your application,

implementation 'androidx. Documentfile: documentfile: 1.0.1'
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1. Request permission External storage permission

For Android 11 or later, use an Intent+startActivityForResult to open the app and select an external storage directory. For versions below Android11, follow the logic of requesting external storage permission,

override fun <T> checkExternalPermission(
    activity: T,
    onGetPermission: () -> Unit
) where T : PermissionResultResolver, T : AppCompatActivity {
    if (AppManager.isAboveAndroidR()) {
        // 适用于 Android11
        val uriString = SPUtils.get().getString("__external_storage_path")
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uriString)) {
        val uri = Uri.parse(uriString)
        val file = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(UtilsApp.getApp(), uri)
        if (file == null| |! file.canWrite() || ! file.canRead()) { requestExternalPermission(activity) }else {
            root = file
    } else {
        // for Android11 or below, use the previous method to get read and write permissions
        PermissionUtils.checkStoragePermission(activity) {

private fun requestExternalPermission(activity: AppCompatActivity) {
    var uri = Uri.parse("content://")
    uri = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(activity, uri)?.uri
    val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE)
    intent.flags = (Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
    intent.putExtra(DocumentsContract.EXTRA_INITIAL_URI, uri)
    activity.startActivityForResult(intent, 0x01111111)}Copy the code

I’ve encapsulated the logic for requesting external storage permissions, but consider encapsulating it, hiding the implementation details internally, and then unifying the logic for processing requests and requests to results, depending on the API version.

2. Save the logic of the requested external storage path

Here for the user’s choice of external storage paths after use SharedPreferences saved, and call the ContentResolver takePersistableUriPermission method storage request results.

override fun savePermissionState(
    activity: AppCompatActivity,
    requestCode: Int,
    resultCode: Intent?). {
    if(resultCode ! = Activity.RESULT_OK || requestCode ! =0x01111111) return
    try {
        val uri: Uri = data? .data? :return
        SPUtils.get().put("__external_storage_path", uri.toString())
        root = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(UtilsApp.getApp(), uri)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
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So, next time we can use the __external_storage_path information in SharedPreferences to determine whether the current application has selected the external storage directory and whether we need to request it again.

3. Write files to the external storage space

Writing files is used only as an example. First, let’s open our imagination and try to access disk files the same way we did with File.

Here is an example of how to read and write files the old way after using the storage partition.

val uriString = SPUtils.get().getString("__external_storage_path")
val left = uriString.removePrefix("content://")
val path = EncodeUtils.urlDecode(left)
val root = PathUtils.getExternalStoragePath()
val file = File("$root${File.separator}$path"."write_old.text")
IOUtils.writeFileFromString(file, "test test")
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That is, since we saved the directory of external storage when the permission was requested above, we can remove the prefix according to the saved URI and obtain the relative directory selected by the user, and then use the relative path to read and write in the same way as before. Since the URI is encoded, the decoding is required first.

So here’s a way I wrote it, and it works when I write it. When we call file.listFiles (), we only return directories and files written in this way, but not files written to Documentfile. Therefore, this method is not feasible.

If a Documentfile is used for reading and writing, the logic is as follows:

val uriString = SPUtils.get().getString("__external_storage_path")
try {
    val uri = Uri.parse(uriString)
    val root = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(this, uri)
    var doc = createOrExistsFile(root, "test_a"."application/txt"."${System.currentTimeMillis()}.txt")
    var ous = this.contentResolver.openOutputStream(doc!! .uri)var ret = writeToOutputStream(ous, "sample a")}catch (e: Exception) {
    toast("failed!")}private fun createOrExistsFile(
    root: DocumentFile? , directoryPath:String,
    mimeType: String,
    fileName: String
): DocumentFile? {
    if (root == null) return null
    val dir = createOrExistsDirectory(root, directoryPath)
    valfile = dir? .findFile(fileName)return if(file ! =null && file.isFile) file elsedir? .createFile(mimeType, fileName) }private fun createOrExistsDirectory(root: DocumentFile? , directoryPath:String): DocumentFile? {
    if (root == null) return null
    val parts = directoryPath.split(File.separator).toTypedArray()
    vardir = root parts.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.forEach { part -> dir = dir? .listFiles()? .find { part == && it.isDirectory } ?: dir?.createDirectory(part) }return dir

private fun writeToOutputStream(ous: OutputStream? , text:String): Boolean {
    return try{ ous? .write(text.toByteArray())true
    } catch (e: IOException) {
    } finally {
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The logic here is a little more complicated, mainly dealing with the possibility of writing to a subdirectory. As can be seen from the above code, this method of reading and writing requires the listFiles() to get all files and traverse, by matching the file name to determine whether the specified file exists. Writing is done by opening OutputStream and then writing to the stream using OutputStream.

Comprehensive comparison: It is obvious that the reading and writing logic of documentfile is more complicated, and it may require the existence of both File and documentfile logic in the code. However, if we use the old way to read and write, we can reuse the previous reading and writing logic. However, it remains to be seen how the method of obtaining relative paths for string processing above will actually perform in production.

Summary: normally, when we in the development and application in external storage space to create an exclusive directory and read and write, but before the way of external storage management is too broad, especially photo albums and external storage, lead to external storage users had given the permission, and it is likely to expose the user to the risk. Under the new partitioning specification, we can still request a dedicated folder for reading and writing, but users have more autonomy to specify which directories we use. This is certainly a good thing for Android security and growth, but it’s a bit of a headache for development.


Here are some of the problems with upgrading the target version to 30 and the actual solutions, of course there are more changes on AndroidR than that, but not here. The update will continue if any upgrade problems occur

For the file read and write code, see…