Grow in technical exchange

Ascend in thought collision

We can talk about everything Saturday

OpenLooKeng Meetup Beijing Station

We are looking forward to your arrival

This Meetup is hosted by openLooKeng community, supported by Apahce DolphinScheduler community, Apache Pulsar community, And Showtime. OpenLooKeng Meetup aims to provide a face-to-face platform for friends in the big data industry to communicate freely with experts in big data technology.

Time: 13:00, May 15th

Venue: Multimedia Hall, 1st floor, Zhongguancun Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Center, Beijing

Transportation: 32 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, Subway Line 4 or 10 Haidian Huangzhuang Station exit C, walk 100 meters

The activity agenda

The guest is introduced

Activities with hand ceremony

How to sign up

Registration Website:

Or scan the QR code below to register:


This openLooKeng Meetup will be conducted simultaneously in the openLooKeng B live broadcast room and on the Show webcast platform.

OpenLooKeng B station studio links: yards attention spans

Activity Exchange Group

If you want to have further communication with teachers, or want to know more about this Meetup, please feel free to scan the code and enter the group.

OpenLooKeng, Big Data Simplified

If you think open source is cool, welcome to join our community

Do something fun with like-minded friends

OpenLooKeng is an open source, high-performance data virtualization engine that provides a unified SQL interface and cross-data source/data center analysis capability to provide a minimalist data analysis experience for big data users.

OpenLooKeng community official website: openLooKeng. IO /zh-cn/

OpenLooKeng code store address: