ACM retired remember

September 19, 2017, the second day after the “September 18 Incident”, remember this date forever, it is exactly one year since I signed up for ACM, and today is the time when I signed up for OJ in Hangzhou Dianzi University (this is the day I signed up), attached is a small picture!

Well, I’m retired, really retired, from the ACM career, while there are a lot of regret, although there are many, although there are a lot of reluctant, but,,, or failed to stop the day, maybe you will think I’m a bit early retirement, may be you will also have a lot of confusion, why so good so strong bosses had retired so early… (Laugh at yourself, but the food is bad.)

In fact, there are many reasons for this, it is difficult to explain in a few words, or not to say it… (If you have to tell me, you can choose to chat with me privately or leave me a message)


From the first day I signed up for ACM, I was filled with all kinds of doubts, surprises or yearnings for ACM. Maybe it was because I didn’t have such conditions in middle school. I grew up in a place that was not rich, and THEN I didn’t have any contact with ACM and even didn’t know what competition was. Poor place, after all, the children only through constant learning and examination to the little desire, realize their parents since childhood education we, “not poorer poor education”, “reading is the only way out for you”, even if there may be a little way out these words in today’s society, however, impoverished students to turn to do the birth of your son, and only good good study, Study hard this way. Sometimes I also think, poor family, no background, no study, what can I do in the future? Both my parents were farmers with little education. In order to support my father to go to college, my grandmother worked hard every day in order to raise a little tuition fee. Of course, I am very aware of my parents’ difficulties in making money. They are busy going out early in the morning and coming back late every day. It is not easy for me to go to college and eat, wear, live and travel just for the meager salary. If I don’t work hard, can I live up to their hard work every day?

The painful lesson of the college entrance examination let me learn to be modest, have to be down and out so far, without the school THAT I like, without the major that I like, without the person that I like… That’s how I always looked at it

From the beginning of ACM recruitment, the senior wrote the following paragraph:

Entrusted by the coach, to provide guidance for you to do the problem.. I sincerely hope you stick to….. This is one of my expectations for ACM as an upperclass: I know you have different reasons for joining ACM, but I hope you can stick with it anyway. I joined ACM with the intention of making over 100,000 yuan a year, and I know many of you are here with the same reason. In order to join THE ACM team, you have to do a lot of homework every day. But when you enter the ACM team you will find that all the hard work is worth it! Directly reflected is the class when the teacher feels what C language programming, C++ programming and so on are too weak, directly do not need to read the final exam 90 points easily won! Especially when you see the whole classroom of people are gape at the teacher do not know what the teacher says, you feel the teacher so easy when the sense of pride and superiority is indescribable words! So I hope you good cheer, good stick to it!! This is the 100 questions I did before the school competition last year. I hope you can also do the questions diligently and strive for a good result!

Honestly, I was very excited, after all, of course, also hope to make more money, is to help alleviate their burden, after all, according to the big data statistics, now is the most profitable to learn computer professional (although I’m just half a computer professional), honestly, enthusiasm and very high at that time, so I signed up with a high-spirited ~ ~ ~

After the registration is probably close to the National Day, at that time I did not realize the seriousness of the situation, thought that as long as the registration can enter the kind of, and then… When I attended the first lecture, the senior on the stage showed the HDU ranking, and the first one had done 50 questions… At that time I panic, good fierce, I did a problem, even 1000A + B that problem is signed up that senior help me knock over… May begin at that time I try to brush the topic, actually, at that time, the time is quite tough, honestly, I didn’t how to learn C language, a + b various deformation format, when that time I didn’t do it, is a problem actually hit at that time, I will also have the same feeling, and the other students how programming so difficult, I am stupid, Why somebody else can do it, was very bitter, and after that for a while and the competition, and other school ah, then there is competition, at that time, all kind of choking, what all don’t feel really bad ah, a month, a month, try very hard to read + brush, barely brushed the hangzhou electric 100 questions, at that time, Every day AT noon, I would spare some time to write questions. Even if I had to answer a very simple question several times, I felt so confused and happy about it. Although the score of the school audition was still the bottom… In fact, I am very glad that I can enter ACM. I will never forget that sense of happiness and superiority.

After entering the school team, my initial ranking was the last one, the worst one. I was actually very uncomfortable at that time, after all, I was far behind them now. One winter holiday, I was studying hard every day, Posting and recording my every moment, until an upperclassman told me: So I opened a blog, wrote down my first essay, and recorded the time when the blog park opened a blog: 2017/2/2, at that time I was also a chance to meet a balance junior lyc, my first friend, Sky_miner helped me a lot, let me have a further understanding of the sense of awe in the balance, balance is a good place for talent, the strength of the junior is very strong, this year NOI play may be wrong, But in the end, I also signed ZJU book smoothly, I was very happy for him, think better than me than I also work hard, I did not try to study hard, a winter holiday down the first game, hit the result, that was my first victory! Remember the first time, GDUT the competition final six items, Rank80, then and 14 senior title number only with a time penalty – may be after one match, strength slowly unfold, behind some of the game, good grades are, the harder the more fortunate, so I am also very happy to coach gave me a valuable opportunity, Let me participate in the 2017 Chinese college students program design competition – central south regional competition and the eighth Xiangtan City college students computer program design competition, a very valuable live competition! Here’s what I wrote during the race

First day — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Get up at six in the morning get up, ready to go (CF dozen to 2 o ‘clock last night, trapped, but for going to the game, I’m lazy get up so early), damn encountered heavy rain, so wait and wait, and wait for ten to go out at seven o ‘clock, when the rain just stop, my roommates and I quickly to the canteen after eating breakfast, in the canteen met my teammates yzx, Then followed him to the destination and waited, who knew that the promised 7:50 should be delayed to 8:10 only to walk QAQ(there was some accident on the way, ok, understand)! Seeing the silly self carrying two bags, they took one, my heart also refused (all the way can make me tired), and then all the way by bus, subway, and then walk… (I knew LZY took the longest route, but I had to listen to him anyway), and then I was stuck half an hour before I finally got to the station and waited for the train. Ok, six and a half hours on the train, I don’t know how I spent it, anyway 1 hour used 1.5G flow QAQ, heartache, a month’s flow was lost in an hour, my heart is refused!

I’m so happy to finally arrive in Xiangtan


After a hard train journey, we had a long bus journey. When WE looked at the area carefully, we found that it was not yet well constructed. Houses and roads were being built everywhere, and WE didn’t know what to do, so we finally came to Xiangtan University carrying bags and dragging our tired body.


Came to this bird not shit place, but found a little, hunan girl zha than nanchang girl good-looking? Is really one side of the soil and water support one side of the people ah, really want to find a girl (that is not exist, think about it, just a little joke)!! This school is quite big, surrounded by green shade, is a good place to cool off in summer! But today the weather is really a little hot, bask in me ah, a little square! Without saying too much, we have to prepare for tomorrow’s warm-up!

The next day — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

The next day is A very cowardly day, A morning to lie at eight o ‘clock, just eat breakfast ran to the room A, A with A look at the animation, A look at A morning, just copy the board, A morning so in the past.

Afternoon class warm-up, god looks so simple, A swift code for the sniper, didn’t have the sample, looking back, the question wrong, change change, then, change the topic in question, to the B problem, code for an hour,,, the results finally didn’t dare to hand over, then listen to the thinking of guangdong industry bosses, RMQ algorithms, the complexity of O (n ^ 3), surprise! Look oneself still very weak! C topic is evidently formula, and the number of points, didn’t go to code, angry, see D problem, first I cleaned a look, the original is a combination of push formula push for half an hour, seems to be out, it’s a pity that the game was over, didn’t go to hand in one try, guangdong industry AK giant guy is out fooling around with dp, I have a little doubt on my train of thought is correct, and can no longer code, Forget it, the last topic seems to be probability, probability theory did not learn, MMP, daily blacksmithing, warm-up match blacksmithing end QAQ!

On the third day — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Is one of the official match on the third day, at nine o ‘clock in the morning the opening ceremony, team spirit, appeared to be on behalf of the speech is the last of six gold five silver 7 copper guangdong industry coach, there is a girl’s team representatives spoke, instantly feel pressure, 20 minutes before the start of the game, we ordered came to the examination room, looking at the countdown moment of the past, huge pressure inside abruptly ascend, good, The game at the beginning, we quickly took out the answer sheet was carried out on the title translation (can’t, English is not very good, the day before also senior borrowed an Oxford dictionary, however, there is no use), we don’t want to blame Dui directly to A topic, A determinant of the board questions, regret not to print the board at the time, this problem has been spent, the B topic seems to use Kruskal algorithm, Asked the teammates, as if all can’t, so we happy to give up, and was like this for A long time have no A problem, A silly in the dry, looked up, and guangdong industry bosses have A out two questions, at that time I really enough, forget it, and write A list, first Dui D, D TiQian to the topic, then very quickly, A E T twice, already don’t want to talk, Yzx and I have been discussing H topic ideas, appears to have had, Prim algorithm, don’t seem to be, so hang again, time has been for the past three hours, can not write, sincerely, see I like most people in the classroom Dui came out, saw the along while didn’t understand the question, then look again, seemed to understand, Dui arise, WA, Anyway, I didn’t know what to do in the end. In order to win the award for hard work, I still hated him. Ok, I hated him eight times, and finally ,,,, was still WA.

Ah, ready to go back, this article is my three o ‘clock in the morning in Xiangtan station finished shooting, no network, so can only come back to publish. Who can understand the sun at three o ‘clock in the morning xiangtan is what it looks like, we may only a team of 9 people! Although strike iron and return, however this more let me know this kind of gap sex, next year this time, should embrace gold and return! Set a flag for myself. This time next year, if I don’t get silver, I will quit. Don’t be ashamed! Thank you for your advice!

This is a photo taken in the Computer School of Xiangtan University at that time:



At that time promised to take gold back next year, how to retire ahead of schedule now? What about the original agreement, the original promise, the original oath?

The first live game, is also the only time, experienced a lot, the first team to play the game, the first time to sleep with teammates, the first time to spend the night in the Internet cafe, the first time to fall asleep at the train station,, before always want to do but never do things, all calculate has come true, also be not regret!

Then in the exam month, I was quite nervous at that time. I experienced the “exciting experience” of rapid learning. I accelerated advanced mathematics in one day, accelerated circuit in three days, didn’t sleep for 72 hours continuously, took the CET-4 naked test and fell asleep in class.

I have also been playing Codeforces for a year, from dark green to grey, then from grey to dark green, then from dark green to light green, with ups and downs throughout the year, only to return to the initial score ~~~

Some people are blue, some are purple, some are yellow, even some are red, some are green, you see, you see, the same time spent training, how much gain with how much pay is still positive correlation ~~~ ~

Summer vacation I also had a good effort, a summer vacation down, the harvest is not small, a pillow, a United States T-shirt, a commemorative coin… I have also called Baidu Star

Even in the qualification round, I also tried my best and did four questions. In the preliminary round, I also tried my best to get into the second round

First time on the blue, so happy \(^o^)/~

Defeat in the rematch… Encounter knowledge blind spot… In one game, he went from dark blue to light blue.

I tried my best (I thought this was an effort, but I still couldn’t get the Bubu Bear and T-shirt from Baidu Star…

Indeed, teammates are more intimate than classmates. After all, in that game, you can only rely on your teammates.

In fact, the presence of a teammate can make people unconsciously lazy – if only they could

Later I learned that what level you are determines what level of teammates you deserve.

Never try to leave all the problems to your teammates, don’t try to make your teammates suddenly become awesome, and don’t try to find a great teammate to hug his thighs.

Learn to trust your teammate, especially on the court, when you don’t have enough reason to contradict him, then trust him.

Sharing ideas, immature ideas will not attract the ridicule of teammates, learn to share ideas to expand the imagination of the team.

Do not complain, especially in the game, teammates no matter how big mistakes do not complain, any negative emotions will affect the play.

Listen carefully to your teammates’ advice. When you think of a train of thought, you will always be stubborn. If your teammates give you advice, you must listen to it and don’t come back to your teammates for advice.

Usually to more team training, the focus is not to make up after the game.

You have to practice more, otherwise you really don’t know what level you are at…

Try to improve your ability, be sure to brush more questions… Multiple brush… Multiple brush…

Hdu (502)+ CF (172)+51Nod(136)+ hDU (502)+ CF (172)+51Nod(136)+ some random games But how there is a little bit of melancholy ~~ summer brush more water, brush to brush problems, brush water will only improve the useless sense of achievement && waste of time!

Why did I choose ACM as the road of no return at the beginning, and why didn’t I stick to it? Do you regret your decision now?

Maybe I was intimidated by the review pressure of the course, maybe I didn’t recognize my strength, or I was too weak, or I felt I couldn’t do it?

Guevara once said:

There’s no way you’re going to take a class in academic life. Exam questions and can’t do, is back this kind of thing, in order to maintain not fail this way dozen ACM feeling like home, dozen acm feeling much better than in class inside all are talents, speak and good to hear, I super like inside!

If I say too much, I may be in tears. I recall the significance of ACM for me. I have learned a lot from it

Think of the original wish, then look at their own now, 365 days a year ACM career, so it is over ~~~ I can also be regarded as a dream come true ~~~

I try to run is to catch up with that once was given high expectations of their own ~~~ come on!