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1 introduction

Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform source Code editor developed by Microsoft. The editor also integrates all the features that a modern editor should have, including SyntaxHigh Lighting, customizable Keyboard bindings, Bracket matching and snippets collection. Somasegar also told me that the editor also has out-of-the-box support for Git.

2 Basic Usage

Main Command box Command Palette:

F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P open the command panel, in this command box you can execute any VSCode command, you can view the corresponding shortcut keys for each command, and even close the editor. Hitting Backspace will put you in Ctrl+P mode.

Ctrl + P mode:

Ctrl+P type > to return to the main command box Ctrl+Shift+P mode.

Under the Ctrl+P window, you can also directly enter the file name to quickly open the file.

? Lists the current executable