One, foreword

This article calculates to own choice to make a stage record. (Limited writing, not bad spray)

The article is a little long, but I made a catalog, dislike long can be read through the catalog jump ~

21 years ago I was a king of Glory professional player, now I am a front-end development engineer, as for why I choose this, listen to me slowly ~

Two, the road of electoration hand

1. How did you get there

One day in 2018, my account was discovered in the game ladder list by the club. After communication, I started the trial training of the club.

In just one week, I passed the trial of their club. When I told my parents the news with excited heart and trembling hands, they thought it was a dishonest or pyramid selling organization. Because in my father’s eyes, playing games was not proper work.

Maybe it’s the desire to play, the dream of winning a championship, or maybe it’s the yearning for the big city. I was determined to go professional, to follow this path. After a week of communication with my family, they agreed with me. I also want to thank my parents, who supported me when I made up my mind. (Although I often call BB 😤)

I was only 17 years old at that time, and I came to Shanghai from Chongqing alone in August of 2018 through the air ticket booked by the club. Started my career path.

2. Family Club

When I arrived in Shanghai, I got on the club bus and found out. The address of the club is in Taicang, Suzhou, but it doesn’t matter, these are small things, I’m here to do big things, not small things.

When I came to the club, I met the boss first remember this boss, there will be callBack (boss also specially called me at home to explain what the club is 🤣). Soon, all my teammates arrived that day. We ate dumplings together and started the training, which also started my journey of professional players.

There are good times and bad times. City didn’t make it to the championship, and the club didn’t do well.

Final: The club disbanded six months later at the end of ’18 (after only about six months with the club).

3. The ultimate Master show

As the last club disbanded, I returned to Chongqing during the Spring Festival.

When I was at home, I saw that the program team of The Ultimate Master was recruiting contestants, so I signed up to participate in the program without hesitation.

So there is the picture at the beginning of this article, my thin hahaha hahaha, the handsome guy in black suit next to you can guess who it is!

As it was the first time to participate in the program, I was too nervous to play well, which also led to my elimination in the program.

BA Black Pineapple Club

Fortunately, I got to know Lin Yu in the program “The Ultimate Master”, and he later joined BA Club and recommended me to try out.

Time has come to June, 19, I also successfully joined BA black pineapple after passing the trial.

But BA Black Pineapple for some reason, the seat was acquired, and I went home again…

At this time, my heart also began to shake, is I really not suitable for playing professional?

But the management of the club gave me a chance to participate in the draft, through which I moved to my next club.

5. JV Club

After the draft, I was recommended to try out for JV. Of course, the trial was also very smooth, soon joined the JV. To be honest, I learned a lot of new things in JV, such as routines and playing skills, and my understanding of games was greatly improved.

Unfortunately, due to a change in the game version, I found myself more suited to the shooter position, while my club position was playing wild.

Of course, I got worse at wild and ended up on the bench.

But in the substitute this period of time, crazy training shooters, then felt also to a peak of their own state. Unfortunately has not played, because at that time the position of the shooter has a more stable person

Here are some game pictures:

One hundred stars in the ranking area

Top 30 in Summit Racing

Chongqing province a shooter

With the club substitute for a long time, the club in the qualifiers, and I was a substitute to the qualifiers.

The club failed in the qualifiers and the team was disbanded. My teammate went to TES (now seems to be in WB) and failed to go to EDG. It seems that baozi is still in the secondary.

And I broke up at the club and came to QG.

6. Chongqing QG(now Chongqing Wolves)

At the beginning of 2020, AFTER the dissolution of JV, I went to Chongqing QG for trial training and prepared to participate in the KGL competition in 2020. I thought THAT I could show my strength with my archer here, but fate seemed to play a joke on me again.

At that time, after the annual leave, the outbreak of the epidemic, our club members could only conduct online training at home, unable to better communicate became a big problem for our training, I also reached a bottleneck at this time, and my parents gave me great pressure at home every day. I was overwhelmed, I didn’t adjust myself in time, and my training was plummeting.

Eventually, my name was on the KGL roster and I was substituted.

After this incident, I often lay awake at night, wondering whether I was not talented, whether I was not cut out for the profession, or whether I was being played by fate.

Iii. Turning Point

Due to the epidemic, I could not try out for a new club, so I prepared for a driver’s license at home and thought about my future plans.

At this point, I was already doubting myself and didn’t want to continue playing professionally. 18 to 20 years, two whole years, no progress, the idea of giving up.

I have no education and no skills. What are you going to do? Every night I toss and turn, I can’t sleep.

When I took the driver’s license test, my classmate sent me a message saying: Why don’t you learn front-end, I am now back-end development. When you learn, we can start our own projects and build a small team, and the front end is not difficult, and the written things are particularly cool, you don’t have a degree should not be a problem, at most the starting salary is relatively low.

I was like, I’m good with this stuff, so I started learning about the front end while I was learning my driver’s license.

After more than a month of study and consideration, I got my driver’s license first. Here is a picture I took on that day.

And I, a week after finishing my driving test, made up my mind to learn front-end and improve my degree. Reported from the examination of the promotion

So, with little idea, I took my career savings, rented a house, and started studying full-time.

Fourth, the road of self-study

In May of 20, I left home and went out to rent a house and study alone. It’s boring and boring, but who hasn’t?

Status at the time:

  • Get up in the morning, eat
  • Check out the BiliBili University website for videosB station YYDS
  • Typing code and taking notes in the afternoonAt that time, I took notes or wrote with a pen. I wrote two or three notebooks, which were quite effective, but it cost me a lot of hands
  • Go to bed on time at nightIt's important to rest well!

Learning Route:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • AJAX
  • Vue
  • React
  • Small program

This kind of video all saw time, do not understand to see several times, remember not to write the code on the notebook first suggested beginners to try, very good, and then use the keyboard out to deepen memory.

Whenever I can’t learn, I want to give up. I will go to the park, or shopping mall, eat some food or watch a movie, relax their mood. Remember to learn not to learn not to go in to learn, so you will hate learning, appropriate relaxation will make efficiency double

Attached a few photos to take at that time 😆 :

After learning and writing a few practical demos, at the end of 20 years, I decided to start looking for a job.

When I was still worrying about my degree, I found someone in my circle of friends looking for a front man (yes you were right, this is callBack), the owner of my first club, Family Club!

I immediately sent him a message, indicating that I was also learning front-end, but I didn’t have a degree. Then I sent him the Demo project I wrote, and he agreed to let me work on the same day. I bought the air ticket to Shanghai the next day without stopping (I made it clear this time that the company was in Jing ‘an District of Shanghai).

My first front-end job, it’s here.

Five, the work

1. First job

In November, 20, I came to Shanghai and started my first job. I don’t know whether it was based on skills or connections.

When I first arrived at the company, I was blindsided. It was completely different from what I had imagined, just a back end, a UI, and a boss. I am the new front end, before the front end page, are the back end brother and UI brother to write, have to say that these two are also very strong! And the people are very nice, every time I do not understand, they can give me the patience to explain, I am very grateful to them.

Because I learned to write project actual combat Demo with videos before, and never really developed projects in the company, it was very difficult for me to get started. I went to work at 9 am and got home at 10 PM every day. Even when I got home from work in the evening, my boss would give me a demand that I had to make it tonight. (This is really hateful!)

After three months of unfocused work, I found a problem when I put the company’s project online.

I didn’t have time to study on my own, and I spent every day (including getting home from work) on business development, with no personal time after work. (Even during the Chinese New Year, I was asked to work overtime for free. My boss was not very ethical, and I won’t elaborate.)

So IN February 2021, I offered to leave, although I only had three months of intermittent work experience, but it counted as the front-end industry.

2. Second job

I left my job in February, 21, which was just the Chinese New Year, so I returned to Shanghai after the New Year and began to prepare my resume and brush the interview questions.

It took me about a week to brush the questions and sort out my resume, and I started to go out for the interview. I met with them for about two weeks, and received three offers. I was successfully hired at the beginning of March.

  1. The first one is a visualization company, but the tech stack is Angular.
  2. The second is engaged in loans from the research company, but this requirement three days after entry. (Too hasty, I also said no)
  3. The third is an outsourcing, outsourcing to securities firms. I don’t work overtime from 9 to 6, and I don’t have to take holidays. And the technology stack is very broad, including Vue,React, and applets

At the end of the day, I choose this securities company, on the one hand, I think I can have enough time to learn and research new technologies, and on the other hand, they have a wide range of technologies, so I can learn from various aspects.

When I entered the company, there were already two front ends. Both of them are very good and take good care of me. The company mainly makes small programs and H5 pages nested with small programs, and the development cycle is very loose. Finally time to study!

My work in the team is very smooth, in my spare time, I also bought “JS Ruby”, “JavaScript you don’t know” these books, also learned Vue3, React, TS, Vite, also tried to read some Vue3 source code, so far only read the responsive principle part.

Vue3+Vite+TS Amway was successfully introduced to the team. This scheme was used in our latest project, which also improved the development efficiency of our team. This one is so good

Sixth, the present

I stayed in this company for one year. At the beginning of March this year, my contract expired and the company invited me to renew it. But I went into the interview with the idea of seeing the opportunity.

Spent a few days to brush questions, began to organize the resume. I sent them out one after another, but due to lack of education, I considered outsourcing in many interview invitations at the very beginning.

Face byte, meituan and other big factory, over a period of time I put the interview questions sorted out a hand out

  1. Byte at the beginning of the face of multiple byte departments, although into the two face but ultimately did not pass. I suggest that you do not learn from me, you can try the interview of a small company, and then to face this big factory

  2. Shanghai Electric is a state-owned enterprise, the welfare is particularly good, and very relaxed. The interview went well and the leader was very helpful. This is too much. But I think I should rush at this age, state-owned enterprises are more suitable for slow life, so I refused

  3. Meituan also met with multiple departments. This one is over. This is also the place WHERE I will finally consider going. It is a big factory with a good environment and lots of technical exchanges


I had finally considered going to Meituan, but maybe it was because of fate. On the following Wednesday, I asked for leave to have an interview with a self-research company.

  • On the one hand, the interviewer is a sister, and I got to know the team atmosphere of the company and the development of the company while talking with her. The interview went exceptionally well. After getting to know the company, I really like the company, including the atmosphere of the company, the development of the company and the atmosphere of the technical team.

  • The second interview interviewer is a big brother, and the interview process is particularly smooth. What’s more, the first two interviewers were very nice. They mainly talked about technology. If I couldn’t answer, they would give me feedback or remind me immediately. That’s important, and that’s part of why I like this company more. A good interviewer is one who tries to explore your strengths rather than go after your weaknesses

  • The three interviewers are still a big brother, but this does not talk too much about what technology, talk about life. The key is to talk about the special speculation, I still think, to this company must be fate although the position of the three interviewers are not very clear, but still like them 🤪, hope they do not play nuggets, otherwise be found embarrassing 🤣

  • The final interview was also an HR interview, where I talked about my expected salary, said that I have a high intention for this company and like this company very much, and then finished the interview after a small talk

After the meeting on the same day, I learned that React was the main technology stack of the company. I thought that if I joined the company, I would also offer Vue3 Vite to them. Another thing was whether my good intention at that time would reduce my salary, but I decided that I would go here even if it reduced my salary a little.

However, the HR of this company gave me an offer the next day, and the salary was higher than my expectation. Maybe this is the real two-way choice! I wanted to ask her if she could start the same day

Actually, IT was a joke, because BEFORE I finished the work handover in the current company, I set an entry date with her, and she will start her job soon this week.

I would like to add that I have successfully entered the office now, but this epidemic can only work at home!!

When will the epidemic leave the earth 👊👊👊!!

In the future,

It is record of formal schooling above all, if the record of formal schooling of undergraduate course goes well this year, next year second half can take card.

Soon to enter a new company, also hope to work smoothly, will stay in this company for a long time!

Of course, here are some 2022 flags for yourself

  • Get a raise or move to a better company.
  • All the self-examination tests can pass smoothly
  • Play Ruby JavaScript and JS you Don’t Know
  • Learn Vue3 source code (tentative, because the new company is React maybe I will change direction)
  • Let’s learn the algorithm
  • Learn about HTTP
  • Improve your English
  • Continuously output technical articles under the premise of quality assurance

Eight, epilogue

I have made two important choices in my life, and I don’t regret them. There’s still a long way to go, and at 21 I’m still young.

Everybody also refuels together! Go!!

Finally, I would like to encourage you with my signature: there is still a dream, in case it comes true

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