This is the 31st day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

  • NaN is not a significant number, but is of type number
  • It’s not equal to any value
  • IsNaN ([val]) converts value implicitly to a Number to see if it is not a valid Number. If the value is not a valid Number, return true. If the value is a Number, return false
  • To output a value based on alert, the value is implicitly converted to a string.

1. Convert other data types to number

  1. Number
  • (Number([val]),parseInt(),parseFloat()))

  • Implicit conversions are performed based on the Number

    • isNaN([val])
    • Mathematical operation special case + is string concatenation
    • When == is compared, some values need to be converted to numbers for comparison
  • To convert a string to a number, all characters in the string must be valid digits

    • Number(“”) => 0 Number(“10”) =>10 Number(“10px”)=> NaN
  • Number(true) =>1 Number(false) =>0

  • Null => 0 Number(undefined) => NaN

  • Symbol cannot be converted to numbers

  • To convert an object or function to a number, first convert the object to a string based on toString, and then convert the string to a number

  1. parseInt
  • The value is converted to a string, and then the first character to the left of the string is searched. All valid digits found are converted to numbers, and the search is stopped until a non-valid digit character is encountered. = > 10 parseInt (” 10.5 px “); = > 10 parseFloat (” 10.5 px “) = > 10.5
  1. parseFloat
  • ParseFloat simply recognizes one more decimal point than parseInt

Convert other data types to strings

  • toString

  • String

  • Implicit conversion

    • Implicit conversions generally call toString
    • In the + operation, if the + side produces a string, it is not a mathematical operation, but a string concatenation
    • To convert an object to a number, toString() is converted to a string and then to a number.
    • These output methods, based on Alert Confirm Prompt document.write, convert content to string and other types to Boolean
  • ! The conversion to a Boolean type is reversed

  • !!!!! Convert to a Boolean type

  • Boolean ([val])

  • In loops or conditional judgments, the result of conditional processing is a Boolean type

  • Only “”,0,undefined,null,NaN will become false, the rest will be true

console.log(Number({0:10})); Consoel.log (Number([10])); Console. log(Number([10,20])) toString results in 10,20 with an invalid characterCopy the code

Plus sign in the Js is not necessarily a mathematical operation, as long as the side of a string (or object because digital + object, the theory is put objects into a mathematical operation, but we know that the object into a child, want to call the toString method first, first converted to a string, in converted to strings, met a plus sign and turned into a string concatenation)

parseInt("") > NaN Number("") > 0 isNaN("") > false Number(null) > 0 isNaN(null) >false isNaN(Number(!! Number (parseInt (0.8)))) > false typeof! parseInt(null) + ! IsNaN (null)==== calculates typeof and plusCopy the code
Detection data type
  • typeof

    • The result of the test is a string containing the corresponding data type
    • Typeof NULL returns “object”
    • Detection array, re, date, object return “object”, so cannot be determined based on this method
  • instanceof

  • constructor


There are two kinds of comparison operations in JS: == comparison

  • Several special points of the same type
  1. The {} == {} => false object compares the address of heap memory
  2. [] == [] false; NaN == NaN false
  • A few special points of different types
  1. Null == undefined true but === false because the type is different, leaving null/undefined is not equal to any other data type
  2. The string == object is converted to a string
  3. If the data types on both sides of == are different, they need to be converted to numbers for comparison

console.log(2 == true); Console. log([] == false) converts both data values to numbers and compares console.log(! [] == false [] => false

[] = =! [] What was the result? Why is that? ==, both sides need to be converted to numbers and then compared. [] converts to a number 0. ! [] is first converted to a Boolean. Since [] is a reference type converted to a Boolean value of true, therefore! [] is f alse, which then converts to a number and becomes 0. 0 == 0, the result is true console.log({a: 1} == true); // false console.log({a: 1} == “[object Object]”); // true

({}+{}).length {}+10 =>10 ({}+{}).length {}+10 =>10 ({}+{}).length {}+10 =>10