Today is to share with you about the “Java development manual (Taishan edition) > soul 13 ask” information, ravin at the end of the access to the web disk link

1. What is the problem with null Pointers to ternary operators mentioned in the new Java Development Manual?

2. Why does Alibaba suggest initializing the capacity of HashMap?

3. The Java development manual recommends setting the initialization capacity when creating a HashMap, but how much is appropriate?

4. Why did Alibaba forbid using Executors to create thread pools?

5. Why does Alibaba require careful use of subList method in ArrayList?

6. Why does Alibaba not recommend using “+” for string concatenation in the for loop?

7. Why alibaba forbids the remove/add operation of elements in foreach loop?

8. Why does Alibaba forbid engineers to directly use the API in logging system (Log4j, Logback)?

9. Why does Alibaba prohibit the definition of SimpleDateFormat as static?

10. Why does Alibaba forbid developers to use isSuccess as variable name?

11. Why does Alibaba prohibit developers from modifying the value of the serialVersionUID field?

12. Why does Alibaba advise developers to be careful with inheritance?

13. Why does Alibaba forbid using count(column name) or count(constant) instead of count(*)?

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