When I just joined the new company, the first project I took over had the problem of video surveillance, which I had not done before. I was somewhat expecting and helpless, because I wanted to leave a good impression on the leader, but I was afraid of failing.

According to my colleague’s introduction, this video plug-in uses Hikvision’s plug-in. Here’s how to use hikVision’s plug-in:

<script src="Jquery - 1.12.4. Min. Js"></script>
<script src="jsencrypt.min.js"></script>
<script src="JsWebControl - 1.0.0. Min. Js"></script>Copy the code

HTML section: <div id="playWnd" class="playWnd"></div>
    <div id="operate" class="operate">
        <div class="module">
            <div class="item"><span class="label">appkey:</span><input id="appkey" type="text"></div>
            <div class="item"><span class="label">secret:</span><input id="secret" type="text"></div>
            <div class="item"><span class="label">API gateway IP address :</span><input ID ="ip" type="text"></div>
			<div class="item">
				<span class="label"> Whether to enable HTTPS </span> <select ID ="isHttps" onchange="UpdateValue()" value="Disabled">
					<option value="0"Selected > Disables </option> <option value="1"> Enable </option> </select> </div> <div class="item"><span class="label">API gateway port :</span><input id="port" value="80" type="text"></div>
            <div class="item"><span class="label"</span><input id="snapDir" type="text" value="D:\SnapDir"></div>
            <div class="item">
                <span class="label"</span> <select id="layout" value="2x2">
                    <option value="1x1">1x1</option>
                    <option value="2x2" selected>2x2</option>
                    <option value="3x3">3x3</option>
                    <option value="4x4">4x4</option>
            <div class="item">
                <span class="label""> < span> <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;">
                    <label><input type="checkbox" value="secret" disabled checked>secret</label><br>
                    <label><input class="encryptedFields" type="checkbox" value="appkey">appkey</label><br>
                    <label><input class="encryptedFields" type="checkbox" value="ip">ip</label><br>
                    <label><input class="encryptedFields" type="checkbox" value="snapDir"> Capture path </label><br> <label><input class="encryptedFields" type="checkbox" value="layout"> Layout </label> </div> </div> <div class="item"><button id="init" class="btn"</button></div> </div> <div class="module">
            <div class="item"><span class="label"</span><input ID ="cameraIndexCode" type="text"></div>
            <div class="item">
                <span class="label"</span> <select id="streamMode" value="0">
                    <option value="0"> Main stream </option> <option value="1"> substream </option> </select> </div> <div class="item">
                <span class="label"</span> <select id="transMode" value="1">
                    <option value="1">TCP</option>
                    <option value="0">UDP</option>
            <div class="item">
                <span class="label"> Whether to enable GPU hardware: </span> <select ID ="gpuMode" value="0">
                    <option value="0"> Disable </option> <option value="1"> Enable </option> </select> </div> <div class="item"><button id="startPreview" class="btn"</button></div> <div class="item"><button id="stopAllPreview" class="btn"</button></div> <div class="item"><button id="uninit" class="btn"</button></div> </div> < fieldSet class="cbInfoDiv"> <legend> Return value information </legend> <div ID ="cbInfo" class="cbInfo"></div>
            <button id="clear"</button> </fieldset> </div> js section: var oWebControl = null; Var bIE = (!! window.ActiveXObject ||'ActiveXObject' inwindow); // Whether it is Internet Explorer var pubKey =' ';

    var iLastCoverLeft = 0;
    var iLastCoverTop = 0;
    var iLastCoverRight = 0;
    var iLastCoverBottom = 0;
	var initCount = 0;

    console.log('1'// Tags close $(window). Unload (function () {
        if(oWebControl ! = null){ oWebControl.JS_Disconnect().then(function() {},function() {}); }}); // window resize $(window).resize(function () {
        if(oWebControl ! = null) { oWebControl.JS_Resize(600, 400);setWndCover(); }}); Scroll $(window).scroll(function () {
        if(oWebControl ! = null) { oWebControl.JS_Resize(600, 400);setWndCover(); }}); // Set window occlusionfunction setWndCover() {
        console.log('Set Window Occlusion')
        var iWidth = $(window).width();
        var iHeight = $(window).height();
        var oDivRect = $("#playWnd").get(0).getBoundingClientRect();

        var iCoverLeft = (oDivRect.left < 0) ? Math.abs(oDivRect.left): 0;
        var iCoverTop = (oDivRect.top < 0) ? Math.abs(oDivRect.top): 0;
        var iCoverRight = (oDivRect.right - iWidth > 0) ? Math.round(oDivRect.right - iWidth) : 0;
        var iCoverBottom = (oDivRect.bottom - iHeight > 0) ? Math.round(oDivRect.bottom - iHeight) : 0;

        iCoverLeft = (iCoverLeft > 600) ? 600 : iCoverLeft;
        iCoverTop = (iCoverTop > 400) ? 400 : iCoverTop;
        iCoverRight = (iCoverRight > 600) ? 600 : iCoverRight;
        iCoverBottom = (iCoverBottom > 400) ? 400 : iCoverBottom;

        if(iLastCoverLeft ! = iCoverLeft) { console.log("iCoverLeft: " + iCoverLeft);
            iLastCoverLeft = iCoverLeft;
            oWebControl.JS_SetWndCover("left", iCoverLeft);
        if(iLastCoverTop ! = iCoverTop) { console.log("iCoverTop: " + iCoverTop);
            iLastCoverTop = iCoverTop;
            oWebControl.JS_SetWndCover("top", iCoverTop);
        if(iLastCoverRight ! = iCoverRight) { console.log("iCoverRight: " + iCoverRight);
            iLastCoverRight = iCoverRight;
            oWebControl.JS_SetWndCover("right", iCoverRight);
        if(iLastCoverBottom ! = iCoverBottom) { console.log("iCoverBottom: " + iCoverBottom);
            iLastCoverBottom = iCoverBottom;
            oWebControl.JS_SetWndCover("bottom", iCoverBottom); }}function UpdateValue()
		var sel = document.getElementById("isHttps");
		var selectedId = sel.selectedIndex;
		var v = sel.options[selectedId].value;
		if (0 == v)
			document.getElementById("port").value = 80;
			document.getElementById("port").value = 443; }} // Initialize the plug-infunction initPlugin () {
        console.log('Initialize plug-in'The $()"#init").attr('disabled'.false);
		oWebControl = new WebControl({
			szPluginContainer: "playWnd",
			iServicePortStart: 15900,
			iServicePortEnd: 15909,
			cbConnectSuccess: function () {
                console.log('Initialize plug-in setCallbacks')

				oWebControl.JS_StartService("window", {
					dllPath: "./VideoPluginConnect.dll"
					//dllPath: "./DllForTest-Win32.dll"
				}).then(function () {
					oWebControl.JS_CreateWnd("playWnd", 600, 400).then(function () {
                        // console.log('Initialize plug-in setCallbacks')
						console.log("JS_CreateWnd success");
				}, function() {}); }, cbConnectError:function () {
				oWebControl = null;
				$("#playWnd").html("Plug-in not started, trying to start, please wait...");
				initCount ++;
				if (initCount < 3) {
					setTimeout(function() { initPlugin(); }}, 3000)else{$("#playWnd").html("Plug-in startup failed, please check whether the plug-in is installed!");
			cbConnectClose: function () {
				console.log("cbConnectClose"); oWebControl = null; }}); } initPlugin(); // Get the public keyfunction getPubKey (callback) {
            funcName: "getRSAPubKey",
            argument: JSON.stringify({
                keyLength: 1024
        }).then(function (oData) {
            if(odata.responsemsg.data) {pubKey = odata.responsemsg.data callback()}})} // Set the window control callbackfunction setCallbacks() { oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ cbIntegrationCallBack: cbIntegrationCallBack }); } // Push messagefunctioncbIntegrationCallBack(oData) { showCBInfo(JSON.stringify(oData.responseMsg)); } // RSA encryptionfunction setEncrypt (value) {
        var encrypt = new JSEncrypt();
        returnencrypt.encrypt(value); } // initialize $("#init").click(function () {
        getPubKey(function () {
            var appkey = $("#appkey").val();
            var secret = setEncrypt($("#secret").val());
            var ip = $("#ip").val();
            var port = parseInt($("#port").val());
            var snapDir = $("#snapDir").val();
            var layout = $("#layout").val();
            var encryptedFields = ['secret'];
			var enableHttps = parseInt($("#isHttps").val());
            $(".encryptedFields").each(function (index, item) {
                var $item = $(item);
                if ($item.prop('checked')) {
                    var value = $item.val();
                    if(value ! = ='secret') { encryptedFields.push(value); } // secret fixed encryption, other encryption according to the userif (value == 'ip') {
                        ip = setEncrypt(ip)
                    if (value == 'appkey') {
                        appkey = setEncrypt(appkey)
                    if (value == 'snapDir') {
                        snapDir = setEncrypt(snapDir)
                    if (value == 'layout') {
                        layout = setEncrypt(layout)
            encryptedFields = encryptedFields.join(",");

            if(! appkey) { showCBInfo("Appkey cannot be empty!".'error');
            if(! $("#secret").val()) {
                showCBInfo("Secret can't be empty!".'error');
            if(! ip) { showCBInfo("IP cannot be empty!".'error');
            if(! $("#port").val()) {
                showCBInfo("Port cannot be empty!".'error');
            } else if(! | / ^ ([0-9] [1-9] \ d {1, 3} | [1-5] \ d {4} | 6 [0 to 5] {2} [0, 3] [0-5]) $/. The test ($("#port").val())) {
                showCBInfo("Wrong port!".'error');
                return} console.log({appKey: appkey, secret: secret, IP: IP, playMode: 0, // preview port: port, snapDir: snapDir, layout: layout,enableHTTPS: enableHttps,
                encryptedFields: encryptedFields

                funcName: "init", argument: json.stringify ({appKey: appkey, secret: secret, IP: IP, playMode: 0, // preview port: port, snapDir: snapDir, layout: layout,enableHTTPS: enableHttps,
                    encryptedFields: encryptedFields
            }).then(function (oData) {
                showCBInfo(JSON.stringify(oData ? oData.responseMsg : ' ')); }); })}); // Video preview $("#startPreview").click(function () {
        var cameraIndexCode  = $("#cameraIndexCode ").val();
        var streamMode = +$("#streamMode").val();
        var transMode = +$("#transMode").val();
        var gpuMode = +$("#gpuMode").val();

        if(! cameraIndexCode ) { showCBInfo("The control point number cannot be empty!".'error');

            funcName: "startPreview",
            argument: JSON.stringify({
                cameraIndexCode : cameraIndexCode ,
                streamMode: streamMode,
                transMode: transMode,
                gpuMode: gpuMode
        }).then(function (oData) {
            showCBInfo(JSON.stringify(oData ? oData.responseMsg : ' ')); }); }); // Stop previewing $("#stopAllPreview").click(function () {
            funcName: "stopAllPreview"
        }).then(function (oData) {
            showCBInfo(JSON.stringify(oData ? oData.responseMsg : ' ')); }); }) // uninitializefunction uninit (cbFunc) {
            funcName: "uninit"
        }).then(function (oData) {
            showCBInfo(JSON.stringify(oData ? oData.responseMsg : ' '));

            cbFunc && cbFunc();
    $("#uninit").click(uninit) // Display callback informationfunction showCBInfo(szInfo, type) {
        if (type= = ='error') {
            szInfo = "
+ dateFormat(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "" + szInfo + "</div>"; } else { szInfo = "<div>" + dateFormat(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "" + szInfo + "</div>"; } $("#cbInfo").html(szInfo + $("#cbInfo").html()); } $("#clear").click(function() {$("#cbInfo").html(' '); }) // Format timefunction dateFormat(oDate, fmt) { var o = { "M+": odate.getMonth () + 1, // month"d+": oDate getDate (), / / day"h+": odate.gethours (), // hours"m+": oDate getMinutes (), / / min"s+": oDate getSeconds (), / / SEC"q+"Math.floor((odate.getMonth () + 3) / 3), // quarter"S": odate.getmilliseconds ()};if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) { fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.The $1, (oDate.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.The $1.length)); } for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) { fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.The $1, (RegExp.The $1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr((""+ o[k]).length))); }}return fmt; }Copy the code

Above is the original demo. HTML, interested friends can have a look. Of course, you need to get some parameter values from your colleagues in advance

All right, we’re done.

You can download the JS files in the plug-in from the link below
