“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

About me

2021, ordinary year, ordinary year to show him some face. The 10th year since university graduation, also be the 10th year of north drift, exposed age almost, yes, I am 80 hind, code farming, technician, move brick, search engine heavy user, technical worker, bald star person… Middle-aged programmer with a list of titles to rival Daenerys daenerys

On unemployment

15 years from lenovo after leaving office, start a business with friends, company has more than 40 people, the best of times but catch up with the outbreak of 20 years, at the beginning of the 21st, only have four people, a few partners, yellow until July, finally don’t stay up, took six years, though no debt, but also did not earn money, also grinding a passion and youth, Probably won’t want to start a business

About the job

During the 6 years of entrepreneurship, I have been in contact with almost all kinds of jobs, such as technical jobs (Java, PHP, Android, OC, swift, front-end, C#), marketing, operation and maintenance, etc. After I lost my job, I found it difficult to find a suitable job. In my first week of unemployment, I sent out 90 resumes, got two responses, and didn’t get an interview. Think about and mortgages, and don’t born baby, grind spent two months time to read a book, brush, resume Finally found a job also can, to be pure development, became the oldest staff, special thanks to the company without any discrimination my age, ha ha Has said code farming 30 anxiety, 35 years old, although already 30 +, I feel like I can still roll, 996, no nap at noon, young man, you’re still too young! But must also admit, over the age of 30, really feel the decline in physical quality of the severe, reading learning is not easy to concentrate, I now study method is to write notes, write more blog, repeat the number of times, the knowledge of the explanation, you will understand, God rewards those who help themselves.

About life

The baby will be born in a month. Try to earn some milk powder money.

New Year wishes

For a person commuting from Tianjin to Beijing, I hope there is no epidemic ah, nucleic acid is not distressed, but there are pregnant women at home, there is a baby behind, even if I can go back, but also worried about bringing back the virus ah, must be healthy!!