
You know, I was at the boiling point today, and I saw this big guy pushing his profile“It feels interesting.

I want something so good, too. So turn it round. We need to findThe official documentationAfter all, the official ones are the original ones (but some people don’t have that taste).

But stuff is a good thing, but I can’t. Gitee recommends three static web solutions: Jekyll, Hugo, Hexo, which, incidentally, I don’t know. Suddenly think of the university of teachers, teachers seem to teach static web pages, incidentally, I seem to have no class.

However, as an adult, the enemy so hard to guard the crystal, I have to find a way to push it, is not such a small problem can be stopped.

What are Jekyll, Hugo, Hexo?

Jekyll, Hugo, Hexo are static site production machines in the form of simple blogs. It has a template directory that contains documents in raw text format, which are converted via Markdown and Liquid into a complete, publishable static website that you can publish on any of your favorite servers. Jekyll, Hugo, and Hexo also run on Pages, which means you can use the cloud’s services to build your warehouse page, blog, or website, and it’s completely free.

Jekyll using document: Hugo using document: gohugo. IO/documentati… Hexo Usage documentation:

I looked at these tutorials from Gieee,

I think as an adult, you should learn to cut your losses. Fishing would be a lot more fun than learning this, wouldn’t it? But static web pages do I seem to be?

By the way, tweet the blog catalog

The body of the

Anyway, it’s all fishing, as long as you don’t learn JAVA, SQL,Android, C, NDK and so on, it should be fishing, so a thought, instantly there is power. This touch the probability of fish a bit bigger, or suggest to see the official document. Follow the steps first.

  • Set up a Gitee account, (skip this step if you have an account)
  • Through their own account to create a public project (personal homepage is private, others can not access); Make sure there is a master branch
  • Find Gitee Pages in the project’s services and click to start Gitee Pages step by step. This is when you get the domain name of your personal home page.
  • Create an index.html file under the corresponding folder (so that 404 is not accessed by domain name)
  • Finally, we realized our own homepage through static webpage or blog homepage generation tools such as Jekyll, Hugo and Hexo.
  • Update your web page, and then find Gitee Pages in the project’s services to update your home page.

A static page

From the documentation of Gitee Pages, the following points are required to create a home page based on it:

  • A static page
  • Must include index.html

It is said that as long as there is no network request web pages can be called static web pages? That’s a lot of maneuverability. For example, you can download static web templates from the Internet and customize them yourself. For example, here’s a personal page I downloaded from Template King:

Local can be opened. I did not modify the case, directly update to gitee above, through gitee to give me the generated domain name open.

Emmmm? It seems to work, but if you open a web page that has not been updated, you need to clean up the browser cache.

Let’s look at the structure of this page:

Support for multiple HTML structures, CSS, JS and so on can be placed outside. Emmmm? Vue: Is that ok? Is vue’s single page application ok? This one needs to be verified by myself, after all, I can’t do this. I looked at the interface code, there are too many divs. I don’t think I can. I’ll try using the blog home page generator.

The end of the

This is 2020-09-24. It’s like Jekyll, Hugo, Hexo all at once. I think it was the diarrhea that caused the thought problem. Midway did not update because leave to go home did not take the computer to go back, acute gastroenteritis is really fierce, I a strong man pulled two days stomach. I don’t want to talk to my teammates at Brawl. Recently LOL S10 qualifiers feel LGD is a real fan.

Thank you for coming. If you think it’s ok, please click on it. If you think it’s rubbish, you are welcome to criticize and correct it. I know my writing and expression ability is very weak, if you can provide some valuable advice would be very grateful. thank you

Today can also be a day full of energy. Updates need to be reviewed. Updates are usually made to Gitee first.

Blog directory

Personal homepage based on Gitee Pages this has not been designed yet.