An asynchronous form validation component
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Property | Type | Default | Description |
forms | Array | [] | Forms validate data options |
form.key | String | ‘ ‘ | Key (must be unique) |
form.value | String | ‘ ‘ | value |
form.rules | Array or Object | ‘ ‘ | rules |
form.state | String | ‘ ‘ | 0: no verification, 1: passed, 2: failed, 3: verification |
form.msg | String | ‘ ‘ | Prompt information |
form.tip | String | ‘ ‘ | Message that replaces the default rule |
form.deep | Boolean | ‘ ‘ | The depth of the watch |
tag | String | ‘span’ | leo-validator tag |
className | String or Object | There is no | leo-validator class |
style | Object | There is no | leo-validator style |
Add can be added directly to the Forms array (using vue’s array method) by calling $refs! Remove can only call removeField interface!
Name | Description |
initForm | Initialization (must be called before first validation to start validation) |
resetFields | reset |
validate | Verify (this is a Promise, see the example) |
removeField | Delete (Delete items can be passed into an array) |
getFormData | Obtain FormData |