
A high quality UI Toolkit, A Component Library for vue 2.0. πŸ’˜

The document

Visit the website for more information.


To borrowisuiThe idea of maintaining markdown documentation is to realize the code and effects of vUE components

Problems faced

  • Maintain MD documentation with a set of code for code replication and instances
  • Select code highlight
  • Package by component
  • I want to write it with iView
  • There are too many iView components and it is too slow and tiring to transfer from page to markdown document

The solution

  • Use VUE-CLI to quickly build projects
  • Basic reference ISUI project directory structure and style
  • Use the iView style and writing method for components (pay attention to details later)
  • Use vue-markdown, vue-marked-loader, text-loader and other components to process MD files
  • If you don’t want to copy, use node, FS to read and write
  • Cheerio was used to parse HTML, and the general table was converted into Markdown


The installation

npm install isui-vue --save
Copy the code

Introducing isui – vue

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import App from 'components/app.vue';
import Routers from './router.js';
import isui from 'isui-vue';
Copy the code

On-demand reference

With the plug-in babel-plugin-import, you can load components on demand and reduce file size. First install and configure it in the file.babelrc:

npm install babel-plugin-import --save-dev

// .babelrc
  "plugins": [["import", {
    "libraryName": "isui-vue",
    "libraryDirectory": "src/components"
Copy the code

The volume can then be reduced by introducing components as needed:

import { Button, Table } from 'isui-vue';
Vue.component('Button', Button);
Vue.component('Table', Table);
Copy the code


Download git clone / / / / install dependencies NPM install/run # 8080 NPM start / / build NPM run buildCopy the code

The directory structure

β”œ ─ ─ dist # generated document static file directory β”œ ─ ─ docs # document source file | -- - β”œ ─ ─ locales | β”œ ─ ─ md md source file | β”œ ─ ─ node md generator | β”” ─ ─ pages vue page β”œ ─ ─ Package. json β”œβ”€ examples β”œβ”€ SRC # VueCopy the code

Thank you

This component library is modified based on iview, thank you!


Licensed under the MIT License.