The project is here:…

A vuE-CLI Chrome extension development template that supports synchronous refresh with CRX format packaging.

Use: vue init kinglisky/vtemp-chrome-extension my-project CD my-project NPM install NPM run dev

Do the first bucket map plug-in need to manually reload plug-in, very tedious. The following is the introduction of a background script solution. The idea is to listen for changes to files in the extension directory, and when changes are detected, reload the extension and refresh the active TAB to retrigger updates to the plug-in, but if the refresh is too many times, the browser disables it. . You need to manually disable the plugin and then open it… In short, it is a very unreliable method. Is there a hot Reload method that synchronously refreshes the refresh plugin during development?

Then I did find a Webpack plugin:… It works very well.

A VUe-CLI tempalte is then packaged using Webpack-Simple. Welcome to have a try.