My original intention to write

  • Do IT or programmer work we all know (in fact, not only IT, I think other industries are also so), in the process of learning and working at ordinary times, IT is hard to avoid all kinds of problems need to check the situation of information, at this time on a technical problem we will encounter too much information on the Internet! (Just like when we desperately need a certain electronic product, but can’t find a single product that we like best in all the e-commerce reviews.) We’ve all read too many tech blogs, either written in vague and questionable ways; Either according to the article operation can not reproduce, with the same hooligan; There are even some that really don’t know what they’re doing, that they’re written in a completely incomprehensible way, that the code is messed up and there’s no graphics. I decide, if I were a blogger, what I would write about this post…

  • On the other hand, I have always had a confusion that I do not know if everyone has it, that is, it is too serious to forget this thing! The things I have learned, the knowledge I have practiced, and even the projects I used to be familiar with, are slowly blurred, faded and even forgotten in my memory as time goes by. To be honest, I hate the feeling. As I grow older, I don’t want to let what I have learned and felt slip away from me easily. I want to hold it. I want to leave it somewhere, I want to have it engraved somewhere… Without a doubt, your own tech blog is the best place to do it

However, as a severe procrastinator, I had been carrying this idea around for a long time, but it wasn’t until this year that I put it on my agenda, forced myself to learn more, write more, share more, and so began my journey…

When to start a tech blog

At 11:54 on December 30, 2017, I wrote the first blog post in Jane’s book: “Java Programming Ideas Learning Record (serial: Everything is an object)”. After all, I was a rookie, and I was reading the first chapter of the book “Java Programming Ideas” at that time.

My writing principles

  • Try not to use tables if you can show them graphically
  • If you can use tables, try not to use words
  • If I can only use words, I will try to make the boring words less and more vivid
  • The article as pragmatic as possible, can understand, readers can reproduce, convenient for others and convenient for themselves

What have I written so far

Half a year, 40 original articles, summarized as follows (if there is any mistake or improper, please also criticize and correct) :

【 Basics 】

  • Everything is an Object
  • Java Programming Ideas tutorial (Serialized: Initialization and Cleanup)
  • Java Programming Ideas tutorial (Serial: Inner Class)
  • Java programming ideas learning record (serialized: Exceptions)

【 SringBoot article 】

  • Spring Boot Admin 2.0 Unpacking experience
  • For SpringMVC from SpringBoot
  • ElasticSearch in SpringBoot
  • Spring Boot Logging framework practices
  • A preliminary study on Kotlin+SpringBoot joint programming
  • SpringBoot elegant coding: Lombok plus
  • SpringBoot is docker-oriented
  • Spring Boot application monitoring actual combat
  • The SpringBoot application is deployed in an external Tomcat container
  • SpringBoot hot deployment support
  • The three-body structure behind @SpringBootApplication annotation in SpringBoot

Docker Containers

  • Use ELK to build Docker containerized application log center
  • Docker container visual monitoring center was built
  • Docker container communication between hosts: direct routing
  • Use TICK to build Docker container visual monitoring center
  • Guidelines for writing efficient DockerFiles

【 Container Cluster 】

  • Preliminary study on Docker Swarm cluster
  • Using K8S technology Stack to build personal private Cloud
  • Build personal private cloud using K8S Technology Stack (serial: K8S Cluster Construction)
  • Build personal Private Cloud using K8S Stack (Serial: K8S Environment Understanding and Practice)
  • Build personal Private cloud using K8S Technology Stack (Serial: Basic Image Making and Experiment)
  • Build personal Private cloud using K8S Technology Stack (serial: K8S Resource Control)
  • Use K8S technology stack to build personal private cloud (Serial: Private Cloud Client Building)
  • Docker Swarm’s past lives

[Comprehensive Technology Stack]

  • Install ElasticSearch on CentOS7
  • Pipeline As Code With Jenkins2.0
  • Establishment of microservice call chain tracking center
  • Use Zipkin to track the Mysql database call chain
  • RPC framework practice: Apache Thrift
  • RPC framework practice: Google gRPC
  • Nginx server unpacking experience
  • Nginx server configuration from a detailed configuration list
  • Explain the Logstash plug-in structure in ELK from a definition file

【 interesting Techniques 】

  • Application of functional programming thinking in three-line code Love Letters
  • TCP/IP that you may not have studied in detail
  • Groovy first taste: Building high-performance JVM applications

Personal Blog construction

  • The blog framework has flipped a few
  • There are no less than a dozen different blog themes
  • Even the blog was deployed in several different locations

Finally, the Personal Blog!

Jane’s book writing

Since writing her first article at the beginning of this year, Jane has written 40 original articles on her book and gained more than 1000 followers

My Jane book is here!

Personal public account opened

Although the existing blog platform is more convenient for writing, it is still passive updating. In order to update and publish articles timely and actively, and to facilitate my fragmented learning and review of what I have learned on my mobile phone, I opened my personal official account: CodeSheep aims to share virtualization, containerization, API-ization and microservitization of Web technologies, and I am working on it!

What kept me going

  • Every like from a reader
  • Every attention
  • Every comment
  • Even every appreciation

Have given me great encouragement

  • Every comment from readers
  • The reader points out every mistake he makes

I have benefited a lot from them

What have I gained

  • Let me consolidate their own learning to use
  • The extensive communication with everyone made me realize my own shortcomings
  • Made a lot of like-minded friends
  • I continue to learn from your valuable experience at the same time, but also feedback their own feelings to the readers, I am very satisfied


Due to the limited ability, if there is a mistake or improper place, please also criticize and correct, study together!

The stone of other mountains, can attack jade, and your mutual encouragement!