Lingbo but hengtang road, but watch, fang dust to, Jin Se years who and degree?
What happens if you forgo webpack and scaffolding for Vue based project development? How to componentize? How to manage state?
I had planned to visit my friends last weekend, but another friend needed me to help him write a form. Support for column sorting by dragging and dropping table headers. This also needs to be run in a JavaWeb project.
Implementation approach
Think about it, this is not difficult, directly in HTML to introduce the VUE CDN file can, at the same time need to introduce some library CND file.
// The iView component library style
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/vue.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./components/vue-comp.js"></script>
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Vue-comp.js is a custom component.
For the drag part, just use the drag API.
Based on scaffolding we can create files directly using the.vue suffix to implement the required components directly. But without scaffolding, we need to use the PonentAPI to define the components we need.
Vue.component('drag-item', {
template: `
{{ itemInfo.title }}
`.data() {
return {
dragInfo: {
start: ' '.end: ' '}}},props: ['itemInfo'.'dataIndex'].methods: {
dragStart(e) {
this.dragInfo.start = = 'draggable-item'
dragEnd(e) {
if ( == 'draggable-item') {
this.$emit('sortname') = 'draggable-item can-input'}},dragEnter(e) {
const { index } =
if (index) {
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One caveat to custom components is that porps are defined with the hump tag itemInfo, but when components are used, they need to be hyphenated. Such as:
<drag-item :item-info="item" :data-index="index" @sortname="dragColumn"
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The components we define will end up in this. Code. options.components object.
Swap header positions
Swapping header positions essentially swaps two elements of the column array.
However, in the process of switching positions, the array is limited by the responsivity principle
Vue cannot detect the following array changes: when you set an item directly using an index, e.g. Vm. items[indexOfItem] = newValue When you change the length of the array, e.g. Vm. items. Length = newLength
We need to use vue.set method to implement the function of position switching.
// Drag to swap
dragColumn() {
const {start,end} = this.dragState
const arr = page.columnsInitial
var item = arr[start];
Vue.set(page.columnsInitial, start, arr[end])
Vue.set(page.columnsInitial, end, item)
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The details of implementing drag and drop
If you are familiar with the drag and drop APi, the ability to drag and drop table headers to sort columns is easy to implement. However, the following considerations need to be kept in mind during the implementation process.
The event triggers the element dragged by the elementdragenter,dragover,drop
The element triggered by the event is the element represented by the position to be placeddrop
Event triggering requirementsdragover
Set up thepreventDefault()
Can effectively reduce the complexity of the interactione.dataTransfer.effectAllowed
Optionally, you can style the drag and drop processcopy|move|link|none
Usually used scaffolding development habits, occasionally try the original way is not impossible. And this process helped change the details of Ponent and the drag and drop API.
I also felt that this development approach could be applied to older projects, such as the older JavaWeb project.
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