One, foreword

“Success is a result, not a destination” —- Hello everyone, I’m Lee Kaixin 😉~

What I share today is a summary list of my current front-end learning journey.

It can be said that this article is a self-review after reading so many nuggets excellent articles, as well as JS Elevation three, and share it with you for review. If there is wrong knowledge summary in the article, please point out the big guys, little sister will modestly correct 🙏]

To begin 🏃 ♀ ️

Second, the CSS

1. Document declaration! DOCTYPE

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2. Semantic HTML tags

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3. Introduction of the CSS

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4. Classify HTML tags

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5. CSS selector

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6. CSS box model

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7. Floating

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8. The ellipsis problem

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9. Locate the problem

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10. Elastic box model

👉 on this issue I think ruan Yifeng teacher’s article is the most appropriate

11. Elements are vertically centered from top to bottom

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12. Unit of length in the CSS

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What are the new HTML5 attributes/HTML5 attributes you have used?

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Use CSS to make a div disappear from view. Use your imagination?

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15. The problem of landing

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16. The difference between background picture and insert picture

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17. Two-column layout, fixed on the left and adaptive on the right

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18. Clear the floatoverflow:hiddenWhy can be cleared

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19. postcss

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20. Differences between LESS and CSS

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21. The following code

   .classA { color:blue; }
.classB { color:red; }</style>
<p class="classB classA">hello</p>
What is the final color of the text inside element PCopy the code

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22. Draw a triangle, sector, and divide a circle into four parts. The diagonal parts are the same color and the adjacent parts are different colors

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Three, handwritten code

1. Array deduplication

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2. Built-in implementation of new

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3. Built-in call implementation

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4. Apply inside

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5. The built-in bind

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6. If you

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7. The throttle

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8. A deep clone

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9. Deep comparison

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10. Processing the URL

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11. Prototype inheritance

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12. The call to inherit

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13. Combinatorial inheritance

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14. Array flattening

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15. Bubble sort

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16. Quicksort

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17. Insert sort

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18. Countdown achieved

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19. Random verification code

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20. TAB

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Fourth, the use of re

1. Verify your phone number

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2. Check whether the number is a valid number

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3. Verify the password

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4. Verify your real name

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5. Verify the email address

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6. Verify id number

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7. Time format conversion

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8. The character that occurs the most times in a string and the number of times

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9. Micrometer

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Five, JS

1. Common browser and its kernel

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2. Data types in JS

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3. What are the underlying data structures of JavaScript objects

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4. Five stages of front-end learning

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5. Use of developer tools

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6. Composition of JavaScript

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JavaScript variables

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Var, let, const

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9. JavaScript output

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10. Number Indicates the data type

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11.String data type

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12. Common methods in strings

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13. Boolean Data type

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14. Look at the code output, it will involve Event Queue, Event Loop, object oriented underlying mechanism, closure, etc

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15. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy

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16. Implement array de-duplication, new Set array de-duplication and their implementation of which performance will be better

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17. Name the array methods and the difference between map and forEach

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18. What is the principle of JSONP across domains? What is the principle of Node middleware to solve cross-domain problems?

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19. What does Object.create implement? What is the difference between passing null and a normal object?

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Understanding prototype and __proto__

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21. What is the difference between call, apply and bind

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22. Replace the way of extending operator parameters in ES6

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23. How is inheritance implemented? What does super stand for in class

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24. The difference between ‘import’ and ‘require

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25. Investigation of Promise, application of THEN chain

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26. Implement a publish subscription, including subscribe (on), publish (emit), subscribe (once)

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27. What is the difference between anti-shake throttling and throttling?

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28. To achieve the request concurrency limit, specifically: encapsulate a function, pass the number of concurrent requests as a parameter, to achieve the limit of concurrent requests

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29. Talk about closures and garbage collection

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30. How to handle exception events with async and await

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31. What is the difference between arrow functions and normal functions? What if you want to change the binding of this to arrow functions?

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32. Native JS determines that the mouse is in a diagonal rectangle position

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Six, network

1. The difference between HTTP and HTTPS

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2. HTTP request mode

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3. What do you know about HTTP network status codes and their meanings?

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4. Explain what happened between entering the url in the browser’s address bar and seeing the entire page.

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5. Describe a “performance optimization” solution you dealt with on a previous project?

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6. Three handshakes and four waves

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Seven, framework,

1. Understanding of MVVM

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2. Common instructions in VUE/or common instructions in development

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3. Understanding of the VUE lifecycle

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4. Bidirectional data binding principle of Vue

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5. Advantages of Proxy over defineProperty

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6. What kind of navigation guard does vue-router have

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7. Vue routing implementation: Hash mode and history mode

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8. Value transmission communication between components

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9. The difference between Vue and Angular and React

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10. What is Vuex? How to use it? Which functional scenarios use it?

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Vue React AngularJS jquery

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12. React with a key. Compare nodes at the same level.

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13. Your understanding of virtual DOM and diff algorithms, implement the render function

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14. The mode of value transfer between parent and child components, and the mode of value transfer between components

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15. How to parse JSX

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16. What are the types of life cycle and what do you do at what stage? Why scrap some life cycles?

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17. React optimization method

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18. Several ways to bind this

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19. Understanding of Fiber

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20. SetState is synchronous or asynchronous

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21. Redux and React-Redux

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22. Understanding of higher-order components

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Eight, webpack

1. Which WebPack configurations have been used

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2. What optimizations have you used in your projects

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3. Differences between Plugin and Loader

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4. Which loader and Plugin have you used

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Nine, security

1. XSS attack principle, classification, specific cases, and front-end defense

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2. CSRF attack principle, specific cases, and front-end defense

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3. Principles and defense measures of HTTP hijacking and page hijacking

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Ten, reference

[Face] Less than a year of front-end experience, what will the interviewer ask

A self-inspection list of a [qualified] front end engineer

Xi. Conclusion

The summary of the first to this, if you feel good to write, you can pick up the hand of the code to point a thumbs-up, after will continue to share their learning content 👌

Below is my personal wechat, there are any front-end problems can be discussed together.


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