“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


  • Before you know it, you are already doing front-end related work4Year ago. What started out as a rookie has grown into a major rookie. I have never made a summary before, so let’s make a summary together this time.
  • At the beginning, I came into contact with this profession by chance. I took part in an entrepreneurial competition, and the other three members of the team had their own division of labor.By my time, all that was left was a static display page for an e-commerce site. So I searched online and found some learning websites:Mooc, rookie tutorials, W3C.., began to learn the front end of the road.I vaguely remember the sense of accomplishment I felt when I wrote my first HTML, and that's what kept me going on this path.

Compiler changes

  • TextText editor: At the beginning of learning, in order to rememberHTMLThe labels andCSSProperty, which opens a new one each timeTextText, one character at a time.
  • SublimeCompiler: The first compiler used, which can be generated using shortcut keysHTMLCan also be imported into the project to develop.
  • H BuilderCompiler: At the timeSublimeIt is not very easy to use, there are too few hints, and I do not know how to use it. I searched some compilers online, but I do not know how to choose it at last.
  • VS CodeCompiler: yesH BuilderNot long after, I entered a school laboratory to help the teacher to do some web projects, also regarded as the improvement of their own skills. My senior also recommended a new compiler to me.
  • WebStormCompiler: I’ve heard this compiler many times and tried it a few times during the whole process of switching to a compiler, but it feels powerful and heavy. I thinkVS CodeYes, I do. I’m used to it, so I haven’t changed it. I moved to a new company this year, and all my colleagues in the company used itWebStormSo I decided to try it again about a month after I used it and found it was really good. It felt much better than when I used it before and was not as heavy as before.

Experience, technological change

  • From the beginning of THE HTML, CSS to achieve the static page competition needs, and then is the continuous practice of using HTML tags and CSS attributes;

  • To learn to use JavaScript to manipulate page elements, to achieve some dynamic effects;

  • Interact with the backend, learn the knowledge related to requests, use native XMLHttpRequest, Ajax to do requests, and refer to other people’s tutorials, encapsulate the request for their own projects;

  • Learn the framework Bootstrap and jQuery framework, and write some demos using these techniques;

  • Attended the school recruitment interview and entered the company as an intern. Learned SeaJS, and got to know mobile terminal related knowledge, first heard about Vue framework;

  • After the internship, I returned to school to prepare for graduation design and write a blog community project. I need to realize the front and back ends by myself. I chose the Node Express framework and chose MongoDB as data storage for the first time. I stumbled, consulted documents, and finally luckily completed my graduation project.

  • After finishing the graduation project, I began to prepare for the interview of social recruitment. Finally, I entered a small company with one person in the front and one in the back. Here, I learned and made applets, public accounts, mobile terminals, React from 0 to 1. In addition to the previous will, also calculated to learn a lot of things, of course, are their own step by step to explore;

  • Due to the salary cut of the company, I chose to leave and entered a company to do SAAS system. I used React Family barrel and Electron, and more than 10 front-end terminals. It was also here that I had a global review of technology, in-depth study of JavaScript and use of React family barrel. But the boom didn’t last long. The financing crunch cut jobs.

  • After leaving, I became more confident in my own technology, interviewed many companies, and then chose a company specializing in blockchain. Here, I used React family bucket to build an operation platform of the company from 0, and then completed the development of C-side business with other colleagues. It was my first time to learn how to use Vue. The profit of the project was also very good. Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of the epidemic and the collapse of bitcoin, the company finally laid off staff.

  • Soon after, I joined a video conferencing company. The boss came to Chengdu and said he would develop the CHENGDU R&D center. At that time, I was also full of confidence, but finally left.

  • Finally, I came to my current company. There were two companies, one for low code and one for three-terminal applications. In combination with my own technology, I finally chose this three-terminal company. I have learned a lot here, and there are many r&d personnel. The process is standardized, and the technologies used are very new, such as GraphQL, React Native, Vue + TS, Taro, Hybrid, etc.

  • I’ve had a rocky career in general, which has something to do with my own thinking, so sometimes it’s really important to have someone to lead the way, and I just took too many detours.

Looking forward to

  • Further study and useGraphQL,Node.JS;
  • Proficient in usingVue + TsBuckets;
  • Learn and become proficient in projectsReact Native;
  • Do more technical learning, accumulation, problem thinking;
  • Think more about code logic, improve code quality and specification.


  • This year is a lucky year, in this inner roll time, output this year20An article, nearly reach two a month, also really do not know what to write some more articles. Don’t want to write some very water articles, also don’t want to directly carry others.
  • If you’re interested, you can go to my home page.
  • I used to write articles in the blog garden, but I didn’t have time to carry them.
  • Come on in the future!!

Past wonderful

  • Doesn’t the front end know Nginx yet? Come and learn
  • VS Code’s guide to improving development efficiency, quality, and coding experience
  • Gold nine front-end interview summary!
  • Build from 0 Vite + Vue3 + element-plus + VUE-Router + ESLint + husky + Lint-staged
  • “Front-end advanced” JavaScript handwriting methods/use tips self-check
  • Public account open small program best solution (Vue)
  • Axios you probably don’t know how to use

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