Subtitle: Edit UI Components in real time, without code
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Published: 20 July 2020-4 minutes to read
Storybook is the most popular UI component factory in the world, used by Airbnb, Slack, Lyft, IBM, and thousands of the industry’s top teams. It’s used by Airbnb, Slack, Lyft, IBM, and thousands of top teams across the industry.
Storybook helps you build UI components in isolation and save their states as stories. A story is a simple function that renders a component given a set of parameters (items, inputs, slots, etc.).
But components are complex. It’s hard to predict how a component will react to different values, and it’s hard to write a story for all the combinations that make sense. So being able to interactively explore the state space is super useful.
That’s why I’m excited to announce Controls, a new Storybook 6.0 plug-in that allows you to dynamically edit a component’s input without touching the code. Control is an automatically generated UI for quick component experimentation.
Real-time editing component. Dynamically adjust component parameters.
Instant Settings. There is no installation cost. No maintenance is required when you modify the API.
Automatically generated. No extra glue code is required.
No lock. Does not rely on storybook-specific apis.
can’t I already do that?
Dynamically editing components is not a new concept. Component playgrounds have existed for many years. Storybook’s own Knobs plugin is downloaded over a million times a week!
We looked at how teams from Auth0, Shopify, and our vibrant community edited their components in real time. Complex technologies require setup and ongoing maintenance. The easy way is to want people to know how to write code.
Fortunately, the trend in the JavaScript ecosystem is in our favor. With the widespread adoption of type systems (TypeScript, Flow, propTypes), components get an explicit set of arguments that they accept. And these parameters are machine readable.
Controls uses types to generate graphical Controls. It requires no extra work and is seamlessly integrated into the Storybook developer experience.
Stories automatically gain control
Control is automatically generated by component parameters. Consider the following components declaring their interfaces in TypeScript.
interfaceButtonProps { label? :string; }
const Button = ({ label=' ' }: ButtonProps) = > (
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If you’re using React, Vue, Angular, or Web Components, Storybook will analyze your component parameters and automatically generate a UI to edit them.
This saves hundreds of lines of code in the component library that no longer needs to be written and updated as your components change.
The Storybook story (component example) is a function that returns a render component. The control value is passed as an argument to your Story function, and you can also declare the initial value succinct.
export const Basic = (args) = > <Button {. args} / >;
Basic.args = { label: 'hello button' };
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Perfect storybook documentation.
Controls works with Storybook’s UI components, automatic document generator Docs, including DocsPage and MDX.
The generated “ARGS table” contains controls for each component parameter. This allows you to adjust the component sample as you browse through the document.
Write a story and take it anywhere.
Stories written for Controls can be ported to other test libraries and tools.
They are based on the Component Story Format, an open es6-based Component sample standard. We are working with a variety of design, development and test tools to ensure Controls’ story is supported in other environments.
If you already use the Knobs plugin, Controls provides a more ergonomic syntax. It replaces “sideload” data with standard functional code. Here’s how you can make a component using Knobs.
import { text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
export const Basic = () = > (
<Button label={text('Label', 'hello')} / >
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See that stupid Storybook import? Recall the Controls syntax above, which has no proprietary dependencies at all.
export const Basic = (args) = > <Button {. args} / >;
Basic.args = { label: 'hello' };
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When you write stories in this functional style, it also helps you reduce story templates, reuse fixture data in different stories, and recycle stories more easily in other tools. These DX benefits are detailed in the Storybook Args release post.
1 minute Installation
Try out the controls in Storybook 6.0 today.
npx sb upgrade
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Or boot the Storybook into an existing application.
npx sb init
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To create your first Controls story, create a function that takes an Args object as its first input, and then comment the function with the data you want to receive.
import { Button } from '@storybook/react/demo';
export default { title: 'Button/Controls'.component: Button };
export const Basic = (args) = > <Button {. args} / >;
Basic.args = { children: 'hello' };
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To get the auto-generated controls for this story (available in React, Vue, Angular, and Web-Components), follow the quick installation instructions in the documentation.
To participate
Controlled by Michael Shilman (me!) And Tom Coleman, inspired by Adon-Knobs/Docs contributors including Norbert De Langen, Filipp Riabchun, Atanas Stoyanov, and Patrick Lafrance. Design and theme by Dominic Nguyen.
Storybook is maintained by more than 1,000 open source contributors and guided by a steering committee of top maintainers. If you’re interested in contributing, check out the Storybook on GitHub, create a question, or submit a pull request. Donate to Open Collective. Talk to us on Discord — there’s usually a maintainer online.
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Thank you Dominic Nguyen.
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