
I was mesmerized when I saw a demonstration of Flutter by Google engineers at the GMTC2018 Global Big Front-end Technology Conference in June. Flutter uses dart syntax to write cross-platform native applications. Dart syntax looks a lot like Typescript, so I’m sure that someone with javascript && Typescript background can pick up Flutter quickly.

I thought I must learn it (expand the technology stack of the big front end) when I had time, but I was so busy with DOG after coming back from Beijing that I only had time to study it for a few days now


As part of mobile World Congress 2018, Google released the first beta of Flutter. Flutter is Google’s new mobile UI framework to help developers develop high quality native apps on both iOS and Android. Now you can go to Flutter. IO and get started quickly and develop beautiful native applications

The problem

When installing the Ios of the Flutter development environment, I found that the pod setup was terribly slow when prompted by the Flutter doctor step by step. After downloading the pod setup for half an hour, the application crashed and crashed 😭. Google took a few moments to find a solution that worked, and documented it

The solution

  1.…Clone the file, the default folder name isSpecs-master
  2. Go to folder~/.cocoapods/repos
  3. Terminal CD to your project directory to executepod setup, wait for a while, wait for the download to start, you will find in~/.cocoapods/reposOne more down heremasterThe file, in this case, needs to be copiedmasterGit folder belowSpecs-masterNow, stop at the same timepod setup
  4. Specs-masterThe folder name is changed tomasterAnd replace~/.cocoapods/reposUnder themasterfolder

flutter doctor

If dart is written on the front end, the editor must use VS Code