Since the micro channel mini program was born in 2017, businesses have been boiling at the beginning. Finally small businesses in addition to taobao, can have another management of their own Internet business. After a period of silence, except for a few small games but found that there are not many embarrassing cases of success. The concept of success might mean a little big. Until this year a small program agents have found that there are a lot of small businesses also began to explore micro channel small program. Build your own customer base.

Before the word “take-out” was popularized by Meituan Take-out and Ele. me. In busy work zones, many restaurant owners have their own wechat delivery groups. The boss usually releases tomorrow’s menu the evening before yesterday, and the customer orders tomorrow’s lunch by 12 PM. This is a great way for restaurateurs to control their sourcing. So these takeouts are usually the same price as in-store, with no delivery fee added.

With the update and iteration of hardware mobile terminals, after the maturity of mobile Internet in 2014, APP port broke out in a lot of vents. App taxi-hailing, bike-sharing and food delivery are the fattest pigs.

Let’s take out for example. At the beginning, users did not have the habit of ordering food through the app. In addition to Meituan Group purchase, most of the merchants know that Meituan takeout and Ele. me came from where the merchants say. So, Meituan takeout and Ele. me send money to your businesses. Consumers order takeout on my platform, and I’ll give you a 20 free 19 discount. You can even buy your favorite meal for a penny. Merchants? On my platform, I’ll give you 8 yuan, or even 10 yuan, for every purchase you make. The cash-burning campaign lasted less than a month, and small businesses and consumers went crazy. Meituan Takeout and Ele. me are amazing. They make me 100,000 yuan a month. They let me eat for free, and they gave me food. So takeout consumption concept in a short period of time in the instant popular.

It has been more than three years since 2015, from first-tier cities in 2015 and second-tier and third-tier cities in 2016 to third-tier and fourth-tier cities and even small towns. Many meituan franchisees have paid a huge amount of deposit to Meituan, and have more or less participated in the subsidy war with their own funds. The market is now saturated. Take-out has also become another option in many people’s minds.

Before the market tends to saturate, Meituan with bright data sheet, successfully listed in Hong Kong. After the listing, the small program agent believes that profit is the first goal, so in the takeout market without too much incremental, will not continue to do subsidies. But to take a high percentage of the merchant’s flow. If you don’t choose takeout delivery, deliver it yourself. Meituan takeout takes between 4% and 7% of the store’s revenue. If you choose Meituan delivery, Meituan will take 16% to 23% of your water. The fees extracted were entered into Meituan takeout, urban franchisees and riders. So let the merchants suffer unspeakable, to say the truth: do takeout is not so profitable. After the merchants choose their own distribution, the delivery staff suffer more unbearably, and the distribution area becomes larger. It’s not that easy to deliver.

It turns a corner. Intelligent business, found the micro channel small procedures to use. Relying on the ecology of wechat, it can be opened without downloading and installing scanning codes. It’s very easy to spread. The most important thing is that only a simple learning of PS technology and promotion operation, the cost of making a template for a small takeout platform to use and maintain is not more than 3,000 yuan. His restaurant, in collaboration with several nearby restaurants, hands out its mini program business cards in the package before taking meituan takeout down. I am the shop owner, I have wechat small program, cheaper than Meituan! The main push their own small program takeout, unexpectedly in meituan takeout and Ele. me between the two giants live very well.

There are also young people in their hometown, invest thousands of yuan to learn to operate their own delivery, no meituan takeout or Ele. me as high as the commission, businesses are willing to cooperate, although a little tired, two or three of their friends and bag a few close to the business of restaurants to do takeout orders. Hundreds of orders a day are also very good, the meituan takeaway can not live in the local. And in a college town. The mini program is the most popular, with a large number of bookings, sometimes more than a dozen at a time. It’s not a big business, but it can feed us poor people better than working.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. When Internet technology becomes cheaper and cheaper, the giants are still giants. But small businesses do not kneel to the giant for shelter. It’s moving to open platforms. Small businesses do not want to do big, but to have their own service every day hundreds or even dozens of customers wish. The era of Meituan take-out, Ele. me as his meal, and small businesses as fish may change.

Businesses and consumers would like to thank Meituan Ele. me for its capital war in the early stage, which makes the takeout model deeply rooted in people’s hearts. One can plant trees, and another can enjoy the shade. But Meituan and Ele. me can no longer afford to burn subsidies! Don’t say that a meituan event makes small platforms suffer. No matter how to conduct activities, and how many real activities of Meituan takeout activities, are you sure it is not routine? Now the boss of wechat group meal ordering is also very moist! The wechat mini program platform costs less than 3,000 yuan a year. Run your own business. Don’t be intimidated by small businesses. I’m sure I can make my mark by serving my clients well. Ordinary people have three things to start a business: food delivery, milk tea and counseling.

If my wechat small program has its own traffic. As long as I gain customers’ recognition with my service through my efforts, I can still earn more pocket money by selling drinks and snacks. With wechat mini program, the radiation range of a small shop can be expanded from 500 meters to 3 kilometers. Traffic is the most valuable resource in the Internet age.

Now the small program is also more and more people from all walks of life attention, whether it is takeout catering or community stores, as well as other large and small businesses, embrace the small program so that they can be more calm and confident, not bound to other platform and can not independently decide their own marketing environment. And in addition to micro letter small program, there are alipay small program, douyin small program, headlines small program, QQ small program…… In short, small program is more and more recognized by everyone, more and more attention to the new marketing innovation model will bring more profits, but also to small program agents brought more entrepreneurial opportunities!